Simple start ekk!

Omg you're tiny. Wow

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How tall are you and whats your goal weight? Well I gave in and had a 2 finger dark chocolate kitkat and some jelly babies but not the whole pack so thsts good lol. I feel sooo drained today :(

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I'm 5foot 2 (only little) goal is 8.7 I could be 7.10 and still be healthy!
Im the same as u nearly im 5.0 my healthy weight according to nhs is 7.7! Im starting at 13.8 but when I got down to 10.5 last time I was starting to get baggy skin, ive also had a baby so that doesn't help, does the baggy skin not bother u? Problem is exercise wont get rid of it! Id love to b ur size! My weight stalled at 10.5 tho, how long did it take u to loose what u have?

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I'm 5'2 too but I would like to get down to 10st or 9st 11. Anything smaller than that would look wrong on me. I also have a little saggy skin from pregnancy.

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Yeah I have a mini me aswell :D mine just happens to be evil lol terrible twos indeed :) so my skin is going no where fast! it's been about 8 month since I started...only just started to stall now.
I find the skin absolutely soul destroying! Sounds terrible but I still feel fat because of it.... I cry most nights because it gets me down, seriously thinking of having surgery
And I've gone from a Dcup to an A lol but hey oh I look healthy now
Don't feel bad hun you carried a little person and to me thats amazing. Is your little one 2?

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Yeah the body can do some amazing things :D yeah well 2and a bit :) so cute and a little monster ! Keeps you on your toes :)


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It looks like she's giving me cuddles but she is in fact strangling me lol
have u got bagy boobs too then? I did when I lost mine I felt like i had granny boobs, im a E and would like smaller boobs! The reason I gave up on my ww last time was partly because of my skin going baggy, I couldn't afford surgery

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Yeah they are like spaniels ears lol I don't really care about my boobs I breast fed my baby so they have served their purpose lol :)
Yeah the body can do some amazing things :D yeah well 2and a bit :) so cute and a little monster ! Keeps you on your toes :)

Aww she's gorgeous. My son is 2 in a few weeks. He's soooo full of energy, a chatter box and really loud lol

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Lol I hate saggy boobs. I'm a h cup and I hate them. I want smaller boobs but yep they do go really saggy. As long as they don't go to my knees I don't care lol

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Haha tucked in to your socks then I could see a problem! I have a date tonight... In a posh restaurant just had a look at the menu... So I think I'll be having salmon in piri piri sauce with roasted veggies (praying they aren't oily) can't see much that's diet friendly... And its wi tomorrow... Grr
Haha tucked in to your socks then I could see a problem! I have a date tonight... In a posh restaurant just had a look at the menu... So I think I'll be having salmon in piri piri sauce with roasted veggies (praying they aren't oily) can't see much that's diet friendly... And its wi tomorrow... Grr

Ooh nice. Enjoy it hun and have fun x

Sent from my GT-I9300 using mobile app
Good luck with your date :-D

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How did the date go? How did wi go?

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Date was good :) he wouldn't let me pay for anything that kinda annoyed me! Wi was a sts been at 8.12 for 5 weeks now so decided with my leader that's it! I do want to lose a little more but I'm sort of happy with where I am! Going to stick to f&h with the weeklys! Now a gold member so at least I'm only paying £15 for 3 months (the e tools) love having the apps etc :)