Well I do hope you have a better weekend than me!!!Mine is shaping up terriblytotally blew it with the guy I had a date with the other day...a last min night out ending up with me completely out of control(I don't remember much) well I was in such a state I had no idea what was going on and I kissed someone... He seen and well yeah... I'm so so pissed off and annoyed with my self! I'm devastated to be honest, meet a nice guy then I go do summet stupid because of alcohol! Well I'm off it now, not worth it
I hope it can be fixed but the outlook is grim. Feeling super sorry for my self today given the drama I've caused so I've been a pig... Had banana pancake with blueberries and yogurt (that's fine) tesco does a hog roast pack thing so I had that with 2 crumpets it was gorgeous then had 2 lemon cheesecake biscuits a hot chocolate with squirty cream and 2 small bags of milky way magic stars (not the multi packs!!) that's me for the day! Early night tonight I didn't even enjoy the chocolate tbh :/ just a bit emotional...
I've said sorry etc, he just doesn't want to talk to me totally understandable so I won't bother him anymoredefo staying off the alcohol i just lose it when I'm drunk don't remember a thing it's horrible
It doesI've been a baddie and ate 3 digestive biscuits
emotional hunger not actually hunger... But given the exercise I've done today I don't think it will have any impact on my weight. Provided the weathers not to horrible I'm going to do couch to 5k while the little ones at nursery, if I don't squeeze it in (dropping her off having an appointment then having to pick her up have gym on Tuesday! I need to get my 0% yogurt possibly some ww cookies my sweet tooth is going insane ATM
I think it's because I've skipped breakfast the past few days will get that changed first thing!
ahAh the weather has been very bad. I suffer with S.A.D and all I wanted to do on Saturday was eat as I was feeling like crap. It rained all day non-stop. I need sunshine. How do you do couch to 5k? I also have a sweet tooth which is a pain but yes, make sure you have breakfast otherwise you will binge all day x Sent from my GT-I9300 using MiniMins.com mobile app
Breakfast is done! Didn't have time to make anything so I had a bowl of Special K I had about a serving and a half (wasn't enough for another serving) 5points though! Ekk