9 lbs loss for me this week

also changed my target wohoo.. watch out Santa!!
Alley1985 30lb (0lb lost ~ 30lb to go)
Amy2249 28lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 28lbs to go)
Anna Vixen 45lbs* (2.5lbs lost - 42.5lbs to go)
Blue Bunny 31lbs* (2lbs lost ~ 29lbs to go)
Bobsledwheels 32lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 32lbs to go)
caldil 42lbs* (11lbs lost ~ 31lbs to go)
Cindersmcphee 42lbs* (0.5lbs lost ~ 41.5lbs to go)
Cherry-Blossom 50lb (9lb lost ~ 41lb to go)
Chiefbridesmaid 31.5lbs* (9lbs lost ~ 22.5lbs to go)
Chloecat 70lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 70lbs to go)
Charmel 28lbs* (4lbs lost ~ 24lbs to go)
Chocoholiccat 42lbs (0lbs lost ~42lbs to go)
Clareel 34lb* (2.5lb ~ 31.5lb to go)
Craftylucyloo 30lbs* (7.5lbs lost ~ 22.5lbs to go)
Devon_Dumpling 30lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 30lbs to go)
Ellebear 20lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 23lbs to go)
FattyMcButterPants 28lbs* (4lbs lost ~ 24lbs to go)
Funky monkey 42lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 42lbs to go)
Furrysmudge 28lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 28lbs to go)
GrannieAnnie 26lbs(0lbs lost ~26lbs to go)
Hannah27 30lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 30lbs to go)
Haylz4684 30lbs (1.5lbs lost ~ 28.5lbs to go)
Hel10683 28lbs* (2lb lost ~ 26lbs to go)
HoneyOc 42lbs (4lbs lost ~ 38lbs to go)
Hoping 50lbs* (5.5lbs lost ~ 44.5lbs to go)
InIt2SlimIt 42lbs* (2lbs lost ~ 40lbs to go)
I_dream_slim 42lbs* (8.5lbs lost ~ 33.5lbs to go)
Jackydan&brooklyn 50lbs* (6lbs lost ~ 44lbs to go)
JodieDux 30lbs* (4.5lbs lost ~ 25.5lbs to go)
JosieDelonge 28lbs (starting 4/7/11)
Less Of Me 61.5lbs* (1lb lost ~ 60.5lbs to go)
~*~louisa~*~ 45lbs* (1lbs lost ~ 44lbs to go)
Lilprincessvic 33lbs* (2lbs lost ~ 30.5lbs to go)
little_bubblez 53lb (3.5lb lost~ 49lb to go) ~starting 9th July~
Louisa78 30lbs* (5lbs lost ~ 24lbs to go)
Maggie_Sak 55lbs* (3.5lbs lost ~ 51.5lbs to go)
Michelle72 35lbs (0.0lb lost ~ 35lbs to go)
Minus3.5 25lbs* (2.5lb lost ~ 22.5lbs to go)
MissChocChip 30lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 30lbs to go)
Monkeychops1819 28lbs* (5lbs lost ~ 23lbs to go)
Mrsthunderbolt 44lbs (olbs lost~44lbs to go)
My_girl 40lbs* (5lbs lost ~ 35lbs to go)
Nataby 40lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 40lbs to go)
Nicnocks 35lbs*(0lbs lost -35lbs to go)
Nixy 34lbs* (9lbs lost ~ 25lbs to go)
Pearshape 35lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 35lbs to go)
Pumpkin*Patch 56lbs (0lbs lost~56lbs to go)
Rhysandeviesmummy 35lbs*(4lbs lost ~ 32lbs to go)
saintsue 30lbs (0lb lost~ 30lb to go)
Samprand 107lbs* ( 2lbs lost ~ 105 lbs to go)
SHARON F 28lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 28lbs to go)
Sheepy19 50lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 50 lbs to go)
Skinnyminx 56lbs* (8lbs lost ~ 48lbs to go)
Slimboots 25lbs* (0lbs lost~25lbs to go)
soccermom 50lbs* (6lbs lost - 44lbs to go)
Soon To Be Skinny 50lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 50lbs to go)
Stephhh 42lbs (0lbs lost - 42lbs to go)
Sweet Pink 28lbs* (1lbs lost ~ 27lbs to go)
Surreygal 42lbs(3lbs lost~39lbs to go)
*Theresa* 24lbs* (2lbs lost ~ 22lbs to go)
Thelasttime 33lbs* (5.5lbs lost ~ 27.5lbs to go)
Tillymax 28lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 28lbs to go)
tracey83 35lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 35lbs to go)
Traymanda 35lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 35lbs to go)
Tunnimonster 35lbs* (1.5lbs lost ~ 33.5lbs to go)
Wannabethin1979 30lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 30lbs to go)
WelshCake 32lbs* (0lbs lost ~ 32lbs to go)
Welshtigger 50lbs. (8lbs lost ~ 42lbs to go)
Wenchie 39.5lbs* (2lbs lost ~ 37.5lbs to go)