Total Solution Six stone to lose.

Seems to have settled down now lol. Strawberry shake later I'm usually OK with those. Did good shop today... Stayed strong ๐Ÿ’ช
8317 steps tracked with fitbit, 100% on plan and 3 "litres of water plus some zero this eve.
Food shop completed and resisted lol. :banana_dancer:
Looks like we're due some heavy snow here tomorrow and Friday so might get to burn some calories acting like a kid outside lol.
Ahhh the snow is thick here again ๐Ÿ˜ซ my girls were not snowed off though!! Make it stop๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Ours is coming today at the minute we have barely a covering. It's going to start this evening coming up from sw. All say tomorrow upto 25 cm. Its book day at nursery tomorrow. All of half term she's been excited. Not looking forward to the fallout if nursery closes tomorrow Arrrgggh.
I woke up and had the most horrendous nose bleed. I had this last time I did exante I wonder why. I can't find anything online as to why the two would go together. Might be coincidence.
Oh no how strange. I used to have regular nose bleeds all my life. They only stopped in my 20s. Doctors could never ever give answers :/ its one of them things they dont take too serious in my experience. Hope it doesnt happen again to you, it is odd if it coincides with the diet x
Oh no how strange. I used to have regular nose bleeds all my life. They only stopped in my 20s. Doctors could never ever give answers :/ its one of them things they dont take too serious in my experience. Hope it doesnt happen again to you, it is odd if it coincides with the diet x
I would have understood last week when I felt so jittery and strange, I would have put it down to blood pressure. Interesting that in the past I would have said OK I need to eat its making me ill and this time I didn't even consider it. It's stopped now at least.
Had to have a gaviscon tab last night. I had unbearable heartburn and I'm on a lot of meds so risked it. Used ketostick this morning and I'm in very strong ketosis so it didn't effect it which is good to know.
Ooo how odd. Do you have high blood pressure? x
I don't usually suffer with it but I did get cross at my 18 yo yesterday maybe that had something to do with it lol. Seriously tested me and hubby said to relax as he knew that's one thing that makes me comfort eat.
Here to follow. Great journey so far. Good luck.
Thank you. Definitely in it for the long haul. Sharing the journey helps.
Haha. They are cetainly sent to test us :) Well done for persevering!
Haha he knows how to push my buttons. Sometimes he's harder work than the 4 yo lol
Day 11
Had my first shake around 10. I've had a litre of water and copious amounts of coffee โ˜•
Trying to get the water down me instead but I was tired today.
Ive planned today's packs had toffee caramel shake for breakfast. Will have strawberry for lunch and choc mint for dinner.
Ive been procrastinating with my coursework so need to knuckle down today. I'll get stuck in this afternoon and won't have time to think about food.
Looking forward to weighing Monday.
My body is changing shape already. My tummy is flatter. Last time I wore this jumper I had major muffin top pushing it out. Not do much now. My waist is a better shape. Going in the right direction. I've only told 5 people including my parents that I'm on this diet. I want to just suddenly turn up on family occasions slimmer lol.
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Chicken mint?! What on earth is that! hahahaha.

What is the coursework for?

I agree. The only person who knows is my husband and my mum (as she wants to try but keeps falling :( ) Ive mentioned to a friend Im on a health kick as were planning a sober night out this month (she doesnt drink anymore for personal reasons). I want people to say... have you lost weight? Then I can be like "YES! YES I HAVE! BOOM! THANK YOU SIR!" HAHA X
Chicken mint?! What on earth is that! hahahaha.

What is the coursework for?

I agree. The only person who knows is my husband and my mum (as she wants to try but keeps falling :( ) Ive mentioned to a friend Im on a health kick as were planning a sober night out this month (she doesnt drink anymore for personal reasons). I want people to say... have you lost weight? Then I can be like "YES! YES I HAVE! BOOM! THANK YOU SIR!" HAHA X
Lmao I hate auto correct. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ chocolate mint ๐Ÿ˜‰
I'm doing a course in caring for children and young people. This module is child development.
Yes... I want to surprise everyone and rock up in a gorgeous dress. ๐Ÿ‘—
Hubby told his mom and dad has he had to explain why he wanted to have Sunday lunch at their house last week lol.
ahhh fab <3

both my degrees are in psychology. Last contract I had was on adolescent scripts in children <3

You will be rocking that dress before you know it!! Gosh I think I need to make a plan to tackle the weekend too. It dragged last week!
Oh brilliant. I love psychology, did A level a long time ago.
Lol I've had to stop and take a break my mind was starting to get fried. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Two hours and seem to have got nowhere. Four weeks to hand this assessment in. I think I'll get busy every evening with it, no slacking. Didn't help I was sat next to the slow cooker. ๐Ÿ™ˆ
While browsing fb yesterday I saw an advert for lindybop and found several potential dresses ๐Ÿ‘—