Size 10 screaming to get out!!

I hope I keep it off. It means a huge amount to me, I can't even entertain the idea of getting pregnant at this weight, it would be dangerous, but I want kids more than anything. I spent a long time being angry that I was bigger than everyone else and didn't feel like I ate a lot more but now I've let that go. To be honest, it doesn't matter if I did eat the same as thin people, I wasn't thin so I still had to do something.

I think that this psychological thing for me will mean I maintain. Plus I have literally never been thin so I reckon once I am I won't ever want to let it go! I never ever want to be as big as this again, it makes my otherwise lovely life miserable.

Haha I always seem to have emotional revelations on your thread Jubbly...! Sorry :p

Your plans for eating over the next few weeks sound good, if I was to advise I'd say events where you're not fussed about alcohol try and stay low carb, I think it'll still feel treaty cos you'll be so unused to eating! For events where you have to drink then you'll have to eat carbs to knock you out of I wouldn't worry about those, within reason! Just enjoy them for what they are then get back on the wagon after xxx

I don't mind emotional revelations, I like it!!!

I'm not going to lie and say maintenance is easy. My problem was becoming complacent, letting a few lbs slip on over 3 years but being OK-ish with my body but then completely losing control when I met boyf. So even when you think you've cracked it, you still need to be soooo vigilant. It was nice to be thin, it was nice to be 8 stone 10lbs but there was no way I could maintain that long-term so I want to get to a realistic weight for me. It has SUCH a massive impact on how I feel about myself - even friends comment on how much happier I was.

I used to feel angry as well sometimes, thinking I didn't eat as much as other people who were skinny. I think when I re-assessed my eating realistically I realised my faults were:

*portions too big.
*a serious carb addiction esp bread and butter.
*chocolate bars or crisps about 11am after skipping brekkie (slap wrist for that - when I was skinny I always had brekkies).
*DENYING I was putting on weight and refusing to weigh myself. This is really the thing I have to get my head round majorly.

Of course, I'm not saying it's the same in your case, people are bigger for all different reasons. But I have to be so careful as all sorts of nasties run in our family with my grandparents dying of heart attacks in their 50s, my mum and dad both having diabetes and my aunt having high blood pressure :( xx
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Yeah I was debating that. I have my big blow-out next weekend in Bristol so I thought I might TS until then to lose as much as poss before I do the damage on the 14th. Having said that I'm defo eating this Saturday at my BBQ and I was considering treating myself to a salmon or chicken salad this evening :). Don't be jealous - you'll get there. And besides, I'm very, very skint and red bills are comin' in so although I'm in the 9s, life sure isn't perfect (if that makes you feel any better??!!). And my car STILL isn't fixed argh!

Have a good day and give that gorgeous cat a kiss from me :D xx

LMAO nope sorry I am also BROKE BROKE BROKE!!! Lucky I am on Exante as I can't afford food LMAO

Yes maybe a salad would be a good idea :)

I will do, she is being uber cute today, wants lots of cuddles :)
Awwww, sweet. Sadly I'm still spending a fortune at Tescos/Morrisons despite the diet. Two BBQ/parties here have been £35 quid each for stuff I'm not even going to eat!!! That and all the Coke zero I'm buying (and I've got an eye on some clothes on eBay)!!

Right food porn alert:
Tonight I thought about eating something to celebrate the 9's and as my BMI is now under 23. I have decided I will eat tonight and Saturday and TS the other days (with my slices of ham) so I can still lose for next Thursday. So I have had a shake, a bar and a meal today. Treated myself to a salmon fillet (griddled) with salad leaves, a blob or two of honey and mustard deli sauce (checked the carbs first) and a sliced avocado which sadly was a bit brown. That's pretty low carb I reckon so not too bad. Strangely enough my teeth feel a bit funny now? It was delish, although given the choice between that and a spag bol I'd be hard pressed (some things never change!). God salmon is so expensive though :(.

Saturday I've already decided I'm having 2 burgers, a couple of chicken thighs and a couple of sausages. Yum, can't wait :D. Will run some calories off playing rounders (if I have the energy to play). xx
That sounds really yummy Jubbly! I hope you have a really great BBQ. :) You deserve a little something for reaching the 9's so congrats! :D
Spag bol is just one thing that makes life worth living. Boo makes it when I'm dieting but I don't like his as much as mine so it's OK (just)!! But when I eat it, I have about 3 portions worth of spaghetti with some sauce and then a few handfuls of cheese on top :eek:. Badness.

I am the only one in the office at the mo and am sitting here with my BL bar and a mini bottle of Coke Zero. I seriously need to get on with some work today but Minimins you are so distracting!! I have re-potted some of my herbs and I now have 20 little pots on my windowsill at work!!

I scale hopped this morning (naughty) to check if still in the 9's after eating dinner last night. It flickered between 9 stone 12 lbs and 9 stone 13 lbs :D. Hope everyone has a brilliant Friday and can get enough water down 'em (unlike me who really, really needs to get drinking)...xx
Ooooh, a girl here (who incidentally lost 4 stone on WW and has kept it off) has just told me I'm the same weight as her and she's about the same height as me but she's tiny :D. Pretty sure most of the weight is on her boobs though...xx
Today has been a day of floating through the diet. It's 9pm and I've just had my third "meal" without even thinking about it much today. God, watching Supersize/Superskinny AGAIN (how often is this programme on??). Tonight I have made bean salad for tomorrow, cous cous and potato salad. I'm just making up some tuna mayo for Boo's avocado (when he's finished gardening - the man is obsessed!!) and had a cheeky bite - I totally love tuna so that was a treat :D. I have marinaded my chicken and had a couple of Coke zeros, as well as Hammerite-ing a post outside, cleaning the bathroom and kitchen and doing ALL the washing (loads was in the dishwasher and not washed properly??) and hung out the washing and tidied up, oh, and done the hoovering. Phew. It appears to be a good distraction though.

OMG - the "superskinny" one is SIX AND A HALF STONE and five foot five with a BMI of 15. She looks horrible. Dr Christian just said normal BMI is between 20 and 25 but I thought it was 18 to 24?? He said the ideal weight for a five foot four woman should be eight and half stone. But I'm only an inch and a half taller than that and I'm going nowhere near that weight - maybe my target weight should be smaller? I'll see how I feel when I get thinner...

Ooh, the food tunnel things, gotta watch this bit...xx
Always speak too soon don't I? I wasn't particularly hungry but when I was dishing up Boo's food, he said "what are you having then?". I guess as I ate yesterday he thinks I'm doing that every night now. I said that the avocado was his and he said I could have half so I had the half with a spoon of tuna mayo - delish :D. I just hope the bit of mayo's OK? Don't think there's much carbs in mayo? xx
Just been catching up on your last couple of days Jubbly, you sound happy :) glad you enjoyed your dinner, and well done for making a good food choice! Omg I love avocado...jealous! If you're worried about conflicting BMI information why don't you pop to see your own doctor? You don't have to tell them about exante, just say you've been dieting and are nearing a goal weight and what would they reccommed. They might be a good bet cos they will be able to see you in the flesh (ooh err ;) ) and give more specific advice. Just a thought.

Well done on your productive houseworking! There must be something in the air cos I did all my jobs today, all my washing is cleared for the weekend and have hoovered and done kitchen. Only bathrooms left but they are SO cold haha I need to man up and go do them :( xxx
No full fat Mayo is ok for carbs just bad for calories, low fat Mayo is bad though don't eat that!

I compared the jars of both that I had and was shocked to see the difference in carbs - 17g vs 3g or something like that :eek: xx
Jubbly my dear some newbies are trying to find you :) there is a post in the TS section something along the lines of having no idea what they are doing :)

Oh no - where? See what happens when you don't log into Minis for a few hours!! I have missed you guys today but I've had a splendid time. Back on tomoz to update with some FOOD PORN again....!!!! Currently knackered and listening to Bonzo Dog Band at 1.08am, it's all very random...xx
Jubbly said:
Oh no - where? See what happens when you don't log into Minis for a few hours!! I have missed you guys today but I've had a splendid time. Back on tomoz to update with some FOOD PORN again....!!!! Currently knackered and listening to Bonzo Dog Band at 1.08am, it's all very random...xx

Lmao catch up tomorrow ;)
Did you find them?
Just been catching up on your last couple of days Jubbly, you sound happy :) glad you enjoyed your dinner, and well done for making a good food choice! Omg I love avocado...jealous! If you're worried about conflicting BMI information why don't you pop to see your own doctor? You don't have to tell them about exante, just say you've been dieting and are nearing a goal weight and what would they reccommed. They might be a good bet cos they will be able to see you in the flesh (ooh err ;) ) and give more specific advice. Just a thought.

Well done on your productive houseworking! There must be something in the air cos I did all my jobs today, all my washing is cleared for the weekend and have hoovered and done kitchen. Only bathrooms left but they are SO cold haha I need to man up and go do them :( xxx

Housework is one of those things that feels so irritatingly satisfying. Since the BBQ however we have a massive mountain of washing up to do!!

I thought avocado was a bad choice as it's allegedly fattening (?) but it was on the low carb list so I tucked in :D. Maybe speaking to the doctor is a good idea but trying to book an appointment at my surgery is an incredibly stressful experience and then they just seem to want you out after about 30 seconds when you're there! xx
Lmao catch up tomorrow ;)
Did you find them?

No I looked but couldn't find 'em? You'll have to send me the link...

Well yesterday went very well I reckon. Balloons, bunches of wild flowers, bunting, did myself proud. And what a lovely day hurrah!! Rounders didn't last too long as some man broke my bl*ody bat - that's what you get for getting a rounders set from eBay!! We managed to borrow another bat from next door but to be frank, I don't think anyone was feeling the running around much.

Salads all went down very well. Kids and dog that people brought a bit demanding but all having fun (the cats sulked though and disappeared all day). Tonnes of meat, loads of cake (didn't touch a crumb promise) and wine and beer flowing (also had none, very good Clare).

I DID have however: 2 sausages (they broke on the BBQ and didn't want to serve them to guests. That was my excuse anyway), a beef burger with a slice of plastic cheese, a minted lamb burger (mmmmm), 3 chicken legs - one was marinaded but, whoops, in tomato marinade - and salad leaves with a touch of dressing. Also had 2 shakes and about 3 litres - of Coke Zero. No idea what it was but something gave me really painful stomach cramps at bedtime. Still a bit dodge now. Was nice though and I don't think too bad in the scheme of things - no sweetcorn so fingers crossed in ketosis. Don't feel like I've come out of it. Mind you, sat outside until 1am with Boo talking rubbish and wasn't too cold but had blankets on me and was a humid night. A storm is on its way I reckon...

Scale hopped again yesterday and flickered between 9 stone 12lbs and 9 stone 11lbs yay!!! I did this last time I had BBQ however and stayed the same until WI so should have left them alone. Will I never learn??!

Today I am having 2 shakes, my last BL bar and might have a bit of cold chicken. I fancy a nice long walk round Hylands as well.

Man came to look at my car - it needs a whole new engine eek! Likely, with labour, to be £650. Oh dear. May as will order more choccie shakes then - what's another hundred quid eh?

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend and is doing OK on the diets. xx
Sounds like you are doing fab honey. Am loving your food porn references too! Reading your barbie list actually has me salivating like a dog- how sad am I!!!!! Hope it tasted as amazing as it sounded. I used to be a huge diet coke guzzler- like 2-3 litres per day some days but have found I can't stomach the coke zero whilst on this plan due to all the gas. It just bloats me and I feel really uncomfortable. Hope you are feeling better now xx
Sounds like you are doing fab honey. Am loving your food porn references too! Reading your barbie list actually has me salivating like a dog- how sad am I!!!!! Hope it tasted as amazing as it sounded. I used to be a huge diet coke guzzler- like 2-3 litres per day some days but have found I can't stomach the coke zero whilst on this plan due to all the gas. It just bloats me and I feel really uncomfortable. Hope you are feeling better now xx

Hello!! My tummy is fine now. I've been to the loo - maybe all that food got things moving and maybe that'll make me lose more? I'm definitely still in ketosis as Boo just said my hands are freezing.

However just come back from a walk - the park was absolutely beautiful and it's a gorgeous day but I just feel so weak and tired, it's quite a bit of effort even for a leisurely walk :(. I'm slobbed on the sofa and had a bit of chicken just now but still feeling very tired and my back is really bad today. Haven't drunk anywhere near enough *sigh*.

I was wondering whether to move my thread elsewhere as I don't want to annoy people with my constant references to food if they are TSing 100%...!!

I do feel a bit gassy when I drink a lot of Coke zero to be honest. It's making me burp :D. I'm not a big fan of the fizzy drinks usually and think diet/zero versions are a bit wrong (like margarine) but I'm afraid it just makes me get more liquid in my body, despite all the horrible sweetener stuff in it, so it has to stay for now. xx
Don't you dare move your thread missy........!!!!! This is an exante thread so will be people doing TS and I'd miss you xx