I'm going to the Imperial War Museum (yes I'm a geek) with a friend as it's his birthday and he and my boyfriend are World War Two fanatics (I don't know if fanatic is the right word??). We are going to a pub first so might have a cider or two...Then we'll be popping into Camden probably for a few drinks. I love Camden
. Then we'll be staying at my mum's. She is babystting Taco all day and I have a feeling she will feel frazzled with him by the time we get back!! Sunday, hang out with mum and come back home.
I was too scared to WI this morning. Big and blobby. I simply HAVE to do it though as I know that this is my problem and the exact reason I end up putting weight back on - the old denial thing. The scales (certainly not pizza and ice-cream) are my enemy!!! They're only numbers though right??? Eek. xx