Hey ladies, seems like everyone is doing amazingly well which is fantastic and hopefully we can all keep it up. My last weigh in was on 5/05/15 where i was 10.9 and then i had that weekend in london celebrating mine and my sisiters birthday, and i drank WAYYYYY too much and just about lasted an hour in the bar we went too, before i went home and knocked out so for next time i need to remember to pace myself lol. But it was amazing being able able to dress up and like what i saw in the mirror and have confidence. Then on Monday 11th May i started back on CD sole source as i have just over a month till my brothers wedding and would love to be in the low nines. I wont lie this week has been hell, i've felt exhausted, weak and just not how i first felt when i did sole source and cant understand why? i thought maybe once i pass day 3 i will be better but even now on day 7 i still feel exhausted, weak and just not right but cant put my finger on why and if its because i am on SS or just i not feeling great as i do have a cold as well. Anyway i stayed on the diet all week even though it was hard, but then my sister comes home at the weekend and made some Cajun sausages which smelt sooooo good so Saturday night i ate oneand then Sunday i ate another
. I was so annoyed because i had been so good and i never caved in before when i was doing SS but now my willpower is weakening for sure lol but i have weigh in tomorrow at 7pm so time will tell as to how much damage those few bites have done, however before when i caved in i would think "oh forget it" and eat pretty much everything but i am glad i just stuck to the two sausages and nothing more.
When is everyone else having their weigh in?
Hope you all have a great week!!!!
Good luck with your weigh in