Siz's Food diary (with pictures)

Sunday Extra Easy Day

Breakfast- Fruit Salad

Lunch- Chicken tikka, melon & grapes, Strawberry yog.

Snacks- Alpen bars x 2 (HeB) Fruit Salad. Crisps (6 syns) Galaxy caramel (2 syns)

Dinner- Leek and pot bake (1/2 HeA)

After dinner- 21g RF cheese (1/2 HeA) Freddo (5 syns)

Total daily syns- 13
Total allowance- 58.5/105
Monday Green Day

Breakfast- Melon & Grapes

Lunch- Leek and Pot Bake (1/2 HeA)

Snacks- RF cheese wholemeal roll (1/2 HeA) (HeB) with onion cutney (1 syn)

Dinner- SW Pizza with Chicken (HeA) (HeB) SW chips with mayo (1/2 syn)

After dinner- Freddo (5 syns) Mikado (3 syns)

Total syns- 9.5
Total weekly allowance- 68/105
Tuesday Extra Easy Day

Breakfast- 2x Alpen bars (HeB)

Lunch- Nandos- Chicken breast (2 syns) with chips (12 syns)

Snacks- Strawberries & Grapes. Fruitella (6 syns)

Dinner- Pasta Carbonara (HeA)

After dinner- Aero Biscuit (5 syns)

Total Syns- 25
Total weekly allowance 93/105
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Hi Siz, your diary is still looking good! I noticed you mentioned the Aero biscuits which I've been eyeing up with interest ... are they nice, worth the syns, better than a kitkat etc etc?!!
Thanks beegee. i am being slack with the photos at the moment. they will reappear soon.
Aero biscuits are yum! they are quite small though.. i could easily eat 3 of them! lol but i dont!
I dont really like kit kats so i would say they are nicer than kit kats and they do feel like u have had a proper bit of chocolate if u know what i mean. i would rather eat these than the miniture things coz they are just not enough sometimes!


I forgot to mention to my food diary today!

I got my new uniform through from work today and i had ordered a 12 and it was all too big and had to send it back to get a 10! yay! :)

Wednesday Green Day

Breakfast- 2 xAlpen Bars (HeB)

Lunch- Jacket pot with cottage cheese, Fruit Salad

Dinner- Omelette with Ham (HeB) and RF cheese (HeA) with SW chips
with BBq dipping sauce (1 syn)

After dinner- Crunchie (4 syns)

Total syns- 5
Total allowance 98/105
Thursday Extra Easy day

Breakfast- 2x Alpen bar (HeB) Banana

Lunch- Sainsburys 2 min meals egg fried rice (1 syn) with ham and spring onion. Fruit Salad

Snacks- 2x Babybel (HeA)

Dinner- Hunter chicken sw style BBQ sauce (1/2 syn) sprinkle of RF mozzella (1 syn) with SW coleslaw (1 syn)

After dinner- Magic stars (3.5 syns)

Total daily syns- 7
Total weekly allowance 105/105
Friday WI day!!!!

I DID IT!!! i got to the nines! lost 2 1/4lb this week taking me to 9.12 1/2! so please i have hit my first target and im feeling great about it!

Green day

Breakfast- 2x alpen bar (HeB) & banana

Lunch- Jacket pot with cottage cheese. Fruit Salad

Dinner- Leek and pot bake (1/2 HeA) Babybel (1/2 HeA)

Night out! Vodka (15 syns) Corkys shot (5 syns) Chicken kicker (HeB + 4 syns) Wedges (2syns) BBQ Sauce (2 syns) I resisted the pizza! :)

Total daily syns- 28
Total weekly allowance 28/105
Saturday Extra Easy day

Was feeling VERY worst for wear so struggled big time to eat anything good! :(

Breakfast- nimble bread (HeB) flora buttery (5 syns) lemonade- to settle my stomach!! haha (2 syns)

Lunch- Jacket potato with Cheese (HeA) and bacon

Dinner- Chicken shish kebab with salad, pitta bread (9syns) marinade (3 syns) BBQ sauce (2 syns) chips (12 syns)

Total daily syns- 33
Total weekly allowance- 61/105
Sunday Green Day

Breakfast- Alpen Bar (1/2 HeB)

Lunch- corn thins (1/2 HeB) with marmite. SW hummus with veg and pineapple

Snacks- walkers crisps (6.5 syns) Quavers (4.5 syns)

Dinner- Quorn bolognaise topped with RF cheese (HeA)

Total syns- 11
Total weekly allowance-72/105
Monday Extra Easy day

No breakfast didnt get up till 11.30!! Haha

Lunch- jacket pot with 21g cathedral city lighter (1/2 HeA) bacon and salad

Dinner- chicken in nandos sauce (1 syn) in a brown roll (HeB) with sw chips and salad and mayo (1/2 syn) with 21g cathedral city lighter (1/2 HeA)

After dinner- strawberries, crunchie mini (4 syns)

Total daily syns- 5 1/2 syns
Total weekly allowance- 77.5/105


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Am taking lots of inspiration from your extra easy days, thanks for sharing your food diary!

Noticed that you use your syns on a weekly basis, do you find this works? Am struggling to get below 10 stone at the mo, ao looking for new ideas to boost my losses.

Also, do you normally aim for the full 105 a week, and if so do you find better losses than when you have less syns? I think I need to start having my full allowance rather than 6/7 a day!

Thanks :)
Am taking lots of inspiration from your extra easy days, thanks for sharing your food diary!

Noticed that you use your syns on a weekly basis, do you find this works? Am struggling to get below 10 stone at the mo, ao looking for new ideas to boost my losses.

Also, do you normally aim for the full 105 a week, and if so do you find better losses than when you have less syns? I think I need to start having my full allowance rather than 6/7 a day!

Thanks :)

I went through a real stalemate time and couldnt get below 10 and then i started doing my syns this way and do aim for the whole 105 and i have started losing weight so it works for me :)

Hopefully it works for you too

From my last post i have had a real BAD time!!! oh dear. it was my sisters 18th birthday then her party so i have had bad days, last weekend i ate 6 portions of chips over 3 days! i dont know how i did it! looking back im thinking! yuck how did i even eat that but i have been extremley good throughout the week and managed to lost 1 1/4lb this week! ekkk couldnt believe it!

Back im back baby and im back on to lose my last stone!
So my new week starts today
Friday Extra Easy Day Weigh in day!

Lost 1 1/4 after a shocking couple of weeks so very pleased!

Breakfast- Bananna 2x Alpen Bars (HeB)

Lunch- Jacket Potato with M&S marinated prawns with sweet chilli sauce (1 syn) with M&S count on us crisps (4.5 syns)

Snacks- foam bananas (2 syns) Friendship rings (3 syns) Malteasers (2 syns) buttons (1 syn) Babybel (1/2 HeA)

Dinner- Pasta Carbonara with parmesan (1/2 HeA)

After dinner- Pineapple with quark mixed with options (1/2 syn) Aero buscuit (5 syns)

Total syns- 19
Total weekly allowance 19/105
Saturday Extra Easy Day

Breakfast- Pineapple & Shape yog

Lunch- Ham roll (HeB), 2x Babybel light (2/3 HeA) French Fries (4 syns), Fruit Salad

Snacks- 5x cadburys choco (5 syns)

Dinner- Hunters chicken sw style with cheese (1/3 HeA), sw chips and coleslaw (1.5syns) bbq sauce (1.5 syns)

After Dinner- Strawberries and raspberries

Total syns- 12 syns
Total weekly allowance- 48.5/105
Sunday Extra Easy Day

Breakfast- Shape yog

Lunch- Ham in wholemeal pitta (HeB) with mayo (1/2 syn) Fruit salad

Snacks- Quavers (5.5 syns) Monster munch (10 syns)

Dinner- Hunter chicken sw style, Jacket pot with cheese (HeA) & coleslaw (1.5syns) BBQ sauce (1/2 syn)

Total daily syns 18
Total weekly allowance- 49/105
Monday Green Day

The pics are back :)

Breakfast- 2x Alpen bars (HeB)

Lunch- Sainsburys 2 min meals egg fried rice (1 syn) Fruit Salad & Yog

Snacks- Snack a jack curls (4.5 syns) fizzy cola bottles (3 syns) 2x Babybel light (2/3 HeA)

Dinner- SW carbonara with parmesan (1/3 HeA) and Bacon (HeB)

After dinner- Aero biscuit (5 syns)

Total daily syns- 13.5
Total weekly allowance- 62.5/105


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