Hails - did pup training go ok??
I am getting so BORED of this bloody diet. I just constantly feel like I wanna eat now...I won't but have the occasional bit of chicken or tunaJust wanna lose the last few stone and be over with it
a very sad and frustrated and demotivated rebecca02uk xx
Big time hugs for you hunni!!
Dont be giving up, you have been my inspiration and have done so well. If your lose roughly 3lbs-4lbs a week, thats 3 more months. Im losing 2lbs a week and so i have 6 months to go, rather be where you are sweetie!
You have done amazingly hunni, chin up
Have you considered moving up plan?
I tried the mix a mousse last night, yummy! I love it, its so much like angel delight but nicer
Puppy class was rubbish, my puppy just does ot know how to behave herself. 2 weeks in and only 6 more to go and no improvements from her yet . . . Disheartening to say the least.
On a good note, weighed myself this mroning and im 11st 11lbs
Never mind im extrememly happy with it if its true hehe.
OH will be home in a little while so probably wont be on here for much today ladies xx