Forgot to say well done on your 3lb Naj i hope i can still get 3lb off at your stage. It will be interesting next week to see what you loose, I bet you stall have a good loss.
Well done to us!!!!
GillyBee, 5lbs lost, 2.21%
Novax, 10lbs lost, 3.97%
AugustBride, 5lbs lost, 2.61%
Lin18, 4lbs lost, 2.09%
Food Lover, 3lbs lost, 1.89%
Skinny Beatchs, 27lbs lost, 2.65%
It sure is!!!! I'm going to have my first bite of real food in 2 hours, I don't know if I'm happy about it or not, cause if I'm kicked out of ketosys, hunger will be at me again!!!!!
today I'm going to have chicken and cucumber/yogourt/mint salad... I'd rather have the choc bar instead...
I know its going to be difficult, but enjoy it, I was lucky enough not to come out of ketosis, enjoy your meal try not to worry too much and just see how you go, drink plenty with you meal it will fill you up even more, food glorious food, and i do find if im hungry brushung my teeth helps alot, and $hit loads of coffee,

Are you going to carry on with the bars, just a thought if you could do without them, and have tetras or shakes, might help keep you in ketosis as they are higher in carbs than other products.
Congratulations. You are this week's winning team

Irene xx
:talk017::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer:
wow, another week, aren't we great or what??? (and modest!!!!!)
I'm not sure if I enjoyed... I was actually feeling guilty eating food:copon:
I had chicken with herbs (oven baked) and a yogurt/cucumber/mint salad (which I knew I liked), I guess it didn't taste as satisfying as I'd hoped:confused::confused::confused:
I enjoyed the mousse more:p:p:p
I think I'll have the same tomorrow, as I have to use up the cucumber, and I still have the 3 packs (porridge/mousse/bar), I'm also weary that I won't be losing weight this week, I have 16lbs to go, not much, I know, but I really want to finish by July, and that's including the maintenance, as I'm going to Rome and I don't want to have any extra weight on me!!!
Today I bought myself a tight skirt, size 10!!! (always smaller on the bottom) and a size 12 top, they're tight but fit, I was chuffed!!!! My legs and bum are more or less the size I want, I still have fat on my stomach and arms, but I'll get there!!!!
Love to all and Lin, I loved your before/after pictures, you look great, and actually smaller than a size 16...
Aww thanks Naj, think its a flattering picture.

You could always stop food again, if you really want to get to goal quick, theres nothing wrong with getting there your own way, its your choice, maintenance can come at goal, dont see why not do you?

I felt guilty eating too, still enjoyed it though,
You could always stop food again, if you really want to get to goal quick, theres nothing wrong with getting there your own way, its your choice, maintenance can come at goal, dont see why not do you?
This week I'm doing 810, but if I don't lose weight, I will go back to SS:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Good morning all, and big congratulations to all the skinny beatchs!!

Lin, as soon as I get to 50 posts I will be straight on to see your before and afters, everyone is raving about them!

Naj, best of luck on 810, I would be nervous eating myself, in case the food monster came out and eat every bloody thing in sight!
PJ, i am so rubbish a computer stuff, but just tried to put photies on here for you to see, i must say im very shocked and the response ive had to them, feels great to be honest, :D

Hope your ok and being good, im in work today having a real boring day, sat on fat ar$e, should really be doing some work, lots to do but minimins keeps popping in my head so i have to have a read


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Oh. MY. GODDDDDDD........ Lin, you look stunning!! Like a different girl! You must be chuffed with yourself?

Thanks for putting those up, I have been furiously posting all morning to try to get to 50!!

Same as myself, sitting in work with nothing to do. I work in the motor trade which is just a nightmare in Ireland at the moment.
Lin, I just had to have another look at your photos, where are you planning to lose another 41 pounds from??? What size would you like to go down to?
Oh poor you, i would love a new job even, you know learn new skills,

But im onto a good thing in work not bad paid, but i get a car and petrol card, so it would be hard to give up saves a fortune.
PJ, am am currently a size 14/16, the picture doesnt show how big my legs and butt are very bottom heavy indeed, but i am to be a 12 bottom 10 top, (would be nice) so going to keep SSing till i get there.

Thanks for you lovely comments makes me feel good at last, and hopefully in another couple of months i will do another photie a real skinny one lol
You deserve to fell good because you bloody look it!!

Why does the weight not come off evenly??? I am bottom heavy, with a big bum/stomach and when I lose weight the first place it comes of - of course, my boobs, which are tiny anyway! There is no justice!

The car and petrol card are worth their weight in gold, I wouldnt know what to do if I had to pay for my own. The thoughts of having a car loan hanging over my head (instead I have a huge visa bill but hey ho!!)
lol PJ visa's are the devil.

My boobs are shrinking to, thank god i dont like big ones, good job.

All the girls in my family have big legs and bums, just the way were made oh well, have to make the most of what weve got i suppose (dam it) lol