Hi Debs, you can just come on here and post, i see you have had a good first week, 8lb all of the girls on here are very friendly and supportive. Tell us all a little about yourself

Naj, not on FB at night as i set it in work so im not sure how to access that at home, being a computer idiot. but its great to talk to on there, must start to add a few people on my profile looks shocking, oh and how is the food going have you had a sneaky peak at the scales.

Hope your all being good girls tonight,
A bit about me:

I did CD 2 years ago and lost 2 stone in 9 weeks, but now its time to come back, especially as when I weighed in on the 27th April I weighed 10.5lbs heavier than ever before.

Completed my first week on CD, with 2 shakes (tetra's) at work, a soup for Tea, and a porridge just before bed. (this stopped me getting up in the middle of the night to eat) Week one loss 5lb, and whilst I know this is good, I felt not good enough, as my first week last time was 9lb, I had too bigger expectations, although then I was on 3x CD per day and not 4, but my counsellor says this should not make any difference. Has to be said though it was a bit of a shaky week, and did snack on a few items.

2nd Weigh in and lost another 3lb, although it was officially day 12 not 14, and was also a bit of a shaky week, had a bit of the kids chocolate, boo hoo!

I kept to my weight last time for over a year, but then with lots of family problems, I started to comfort eat more than ever, hence Im now back and determined to loose again, hopefully a decent amount before my hols in Aug.

Im desperate to get back into my size 10/12 outfits, and determined to do it, so I dont have to buy new holiday clothes

Im an Operations manager, so really busy at work, so find during the day very easy. Its the nights and particularly weekends that are the worst for me.

That said this sunday, when we were staying at the in laws, I just went shopping whilst dinner was over, hubby then re-heated his when we got in, and then ate it in the kitchen, bless him. He's not bothered if I loose weight or not but does fully support me, and cooks his own tea. The kids get fed at their grandmas, so I dont have to cook food for anyone.

Seemed to have got myself into a bit of a routine now though, not cheated once, and I feel great, my suits are starting to get a bit loose now, so hopefully before long I can bring out my smaller suits and give them a good dusting down.

Good your not cheating, you ony feel terrible after, its just not worth it at all,

I still have quite a long way to go yet but i have been 100% from the start, god knows how ive managed it, family get togathers are the worst, have my neices party on Thursday, all nibbles that i like, it is torture but somehow I seem to resist. I just have to look at my really fat photies, and they keep me on the straight and narrow, I have been overweight for for about 15 years, managed to slim down a little when i got married, but soon piled it all back on and more, then i had my little boy more weight.

Its a great feeling when those clothes start to get a little baggy, for me at this point i have no clothes left at all, having to buy bits and bobs along the way, only seem to fit for while then too big think i will save myself till goal and go shopping properly.
Just checking, but how do I let you know about my loss, do I just post on here, or do I need to message someone direct??
Hi Debs, welcome to the best team ;););)
If you let me know your WI date, you can just post your weekly loss on this thread and I'll then send them all in together on Sunday afternoons...
I'm Naj, 31 yrs old, 2 kids and I am (was!!!!) a food addict!!!!
looking to go back to my normal self, my the 17th July possibly as I'm going on hols then!!!!:D:D:D
I work as a system analyst, often I work from home and I find being at home hard on the food front!!!! Completed 12 weeks SS 100%, didn't touch a single bit of food, now in Week 13 and on 810...

Lin, I jump on the scales every single morning and... so far, half way through the week, I'm 0.3lbs over:mad::mad::mad: Not one bit impressed, I hope that some weight starts to shift by Sunday, or SS 100% here I come!!!!! I ideally need to lose 1.5/2lbs a week to reach target...:eek::eek::eek:

Claire, muscle weighs way more than fat, so if you're going to the gym, you'll be losing fat and gaining muscle, so your weight loss isn't bad!!!
Claire, Naj is right - muscle does weigh heavier than fat, so you must be building loads of it!! how are your clothes fitting you?

Welcome Debs! Your clothes getting loose is the biggest incentive!
Naj - shocking i too would be jumping back on SS, bad bad scales
If I don't lose the weight this week, :wave_cry::wave_cry:810!!!!
Naj as another option why dont you drop to SS+ from 810 this will keep you in ketosis, just an idea.

Got on the scales this morning, i have 0.5lb to go till 5st gone, my weigh in is tonight, hoping for 3lb or 3.5lb would be nice actually 10lb would be better lol (not likely)

Sat in work dying for a fag, hurry up luch time,
I am doing away fine, really really struggling again, this seems to be all I say... Had a few wobbles this week.. But am trying....
Well done for the perseverence Gilly :) You keep going at it and that's the main thing for sure.

Just back from the gym, managed to do another 0.1 of a mile more on the treadmill than i did last night and 0.2 mile more than i did sunday so getting there slowly :) Then did some weights and called it a day, was there just over an hr. Pretty tired now so may try to have a snooze maybe, not much else to do other than boring things like cleaning and tidying lol.. Didn't have the beans on toast before the gym as went straight from work and don't have any cooking facilities. I instead had some m+s seedy crackers (plain) so i'm hoping that though they're carbs, they're not too bad carbs! Had them with chicken salad. Also had a tetra this morning so just another tetra to go :-( Pretty peckish now but hoping a snooze will make me feel less hungry...

Hope everyone else has had a good day so far.. x
Claire, your fitness must have improved so much, im pooped after 10 mins of situps.

Well another 4lb of fat gone this week, bloody marvelous.

On a massive downer my cdc had no chocolate tetras in, so had to have the chocolate shakes instead, she said she will ring me as soon as they are in, boo hoo bad cdc they know what i have every week, you would think they would stock up. I forgave her though as she is lovely.
Aww that's a bit rubbish Lin :-( Poor you... And yes, you'd have thought she'd be a bit more prepared than that really.. bless ya, fingers crossed they soon arrive!!

I do feel fitter suprisingly enough, considering i've not been to the gym for probably a yr before starting back now.. Ran 2.1 miles sunday, 2.2 yesterday and 2.3 today :) Today was a bit of a struggle as legs still achy from yesterday but got my stubborn head on and got myself through it.. there was one of our sgt's running next to me for my first few mins and then a fit bloke and that defo helps!! lol.. just got some good tunes on the ol ipod and told myself i need to do what i did yesterday and before i knew it time was up and i'd done 0.1mile more, doesnt sound much but felt it lol... there was a right skinny pretty gal in front of me on the cross trainer too whilst i was running away all sweaty and red, she kept looking over her shoulder at me, looking me up and down.. i was soooo tempted to give her a comment or something and really wanted to slap her gormless mush too but just stared back lol.. x
Claire, evils to that girl looking you up and down.

Well in a bit of a dilema really, not sure what to do, i posted i while ago about my CDC wanting to put me forward for a makeover, to promote her boutique and CD, well omg its 2 weeks away, panic still a fatty, i know i have put my pics on minimins, but i dont know anyone on here, so i feel cumfy with that but in local rag erm i could end up a laughing stock, the £300 quid worth of hair do and clothes pulls me in but just not sure, would you guys do it.
If i didnt do what i do then yeah i'd go for it! What's the worst that can happen? Best thing could be all that free dosh for your new you! Just think what you could spend 300quid on! Loads of treats to say well done to yourself :) Go for it girl that's what i say!! Life's too short for what ifs and maybes.. nothing to say anyone will say anything other than well done to ya hun and you deserve it as you look great! xx
Sorry Claire didnt explain very well, the £300 quid is spent on your makeover as in the clothes undies and hair, but still new free clothes should not be sniffed at lol,

Must get to bed soon, the more sleep i get the better weight loss i seem to have, on the week i had not such a great loss didnt sleep well at all, wonder if its connected.