Morning ladies, i'm finally awake from a zombie like sleep! I've been totally out for the count for once which was nice and talk about wierd dreams! :nightf:
Well, so much for going to the gym before my Oesteopath appointment this afternoon, not really got time now :ashamed0005: Ah well, i obviously needed the sleep so i'm not too worried. Could still go with mum after her work and my appointment but think i should leave off it after it's been pulled about for a day or so.
Meant to be going round to see my grandparents today to get a bathroom cabinet thing that they've been saving me for months and i've not managed to collect. Bro's meant to be coming with me to help squish it in my car but he's now made plans with the gf so won't be able to fetch it again. Think they're getting fed up of looking after it now so may have to tell them to get age concern to collect it. Also still feel a little fed up with the daft comments that came out last night on the phone

Realise i need to put these feelings behind me tho as not seen them for a while so should really go round for a bit.
Sharon well done for your 100% day, good on ya!

Bet you feel real pleased with yourself.
WI tmoz, dread to think what the damage is this week...

Lin, hope your day at work isn't too stressful and you can take it a bit easy bless ya.