WOWOWOWOW, took me ages to read all you skinny beatchs wrote

I do like stuff in River Island, Next, Debenhams, Coast, Oasis, monsoon, usuall high street, shops.
Lin, I LOVE Next and River Island, can't wait to go shopping there, once the sales are on in July, I'll be there early in the morning!!!! never done it before, but as I'm going 1 month to Rome and have nothing that fits me for the summer, I need bargains!!!!!
Managed to do 2.4miles on the treadmill today and then the weights so i'm definately improving me thinks!
Claire, you're great, :happy096:, I wouldn't be able to do it, I KNOW I should, but... excuses!!!!
Hey Ladies, I am hanging my head in shame as I have stayed the same this week,Help me stick to the plan this week ladies as I need a good lose next Friday...
Gilly, :grouphugg:, we'll all be here to help you in any way we can, you know that if we stick to it, we lose!!!! so just think of the "finished product" (ie. you, skinny beatch!!!!)...
Bad news, I lost 2lb, Good News, met my first goal.
Deb, 2lbs is way better than nothing!!!!! stick to it and you'll see you'll loose... but, alcohol is really bad for the weight loss,

I am 38, live in birmingham with my hubby and 3 boys, John 19 tom 14 and Jed 3 1/2 (glutton for punishment

) i really need to shift another 1 1/2 - 2 stone and with 10 weeks left i am pushing it
So I need you girls to kick me up the backside and i will return the favour
Sharon, full family there!!!! 2 st are possible on CD SS100%, stick to it and you WILL do it!!!! and anytime you need a kick, I'm here for you

Aww, sounds like most of us Skinny Beatches are struggling a little at the moment... COME ON GIRLS - WE CAN DO THIS!!!
Claire, you're right, we all seem to have hit a
low this week... well, except for Lin who got her 5 stones medal

, I love Next to bits, I guess this is where my job comes in fantastic, as I work for a company owned by Next,
ENVY!!!! I'd love that!!!!

is there a position for me where you work???
John is going in the Army on 15th June,



atback: Your little boy is now a man... mustn't be easy... I won't allow my kids to leave me till they're at least 40!!!!

well, 18 will do as well, I'll have a life again!!!!
Hey Naj, You still up like me, have you stopped to the food or are you going to see the week out?
Lin, I'm going to CDC tomorrow, if she doesn't have a good reason why the weight didn't drop with me doing exactly 810, no more no less, it's SS 100% for me till mid June, when I'll need to start maintenance for the hols!!!!!

that will be me lieing on the beach!!!!
Ok, now that I answered all the posts, I'll better finish drying my hair!!! I've been at it 1 hour, but as I have a full mop of very long curly hair, it will take me another 1/2 hour... it's at times like this that I think I should chop it all off, but I'd feel naked without it!!!!
Love to all you great skinny beatchs...