Silver Member
:8855:Oh Claire i would have died
, in my big pants 3 sizes too big that now have wrinkles in the ar$e, and my sensibly bras, I am pleased that you ankle is better get back to that gym and show those skinny minis what your made of, how wiered is weigh loss, the pelvis bit you were lucky to have gone. Loved this story Claire.
Deffo get some nice new sexyish underwear (dont want to overdo it) for next time, was he good looking?
Well still bloody freezing my bits off, hope its the fat coming off, bed sock big jammies and dressing gown, for me in bed tonight, very attractive.
Hope you are ok girls.
Deffo get some nice new sexyish underwear (dont want to overdo it) for next time, was he good looking?
Well still bloody freezing my bits off, hope its the fat coming off, bed sock big jammies and dressing gown, for me in bed tonight, very attractive.
Hope you are ok girls.