Sounds like a nice food day today, I never though of putting chilli in omlette, I bet its tasty!
I did, I lost half a lb. Not brilliant but in the right direction. My slimatea didn't work as well as it usually does so I'm hoping to do better next week 1.5lb off target :-O
Half is not bad at all that close to target. Now your nearly there are you happy with that as target? Eeeeek be so exciting to just get it.
How you planning on maintaining do you think?
Yeah I suppose my losses will start to slow before long! I think I'll be very pleased to reach it but carry on to lose- if I can chip away a couple more lbs then if I have any little gains leading up to the wedding I won't panic! I'm not sure if my head is taking a while to catch up but I feel like I could still do with losing a bit more? To maintain I think I'll have an extra hex- I think that's what they do in group? X
It will be you before long at the rate you are goingHa I don't know if I dare post before & after! I think there's still room for losses- I feel 'average' now and would like to be 'slim'- but it could be my perceptions! I think your right on the hex's but not sure re syns- I'll probably end up following plan most of the time & having the odd treat and end up maintaining that way!
I'm going to guess at perceptions but I don't think you truly know until you get there.
I hope this year sometime for me late summer be amazing
Maybe so! Sometimes I can see how far I've come, especially when trying on new clothes, or old ones that stopped fitting! What target are you aiming for? I can't see stats on my phone x
Well done on resisting cinemas treats! The smell if it all drives me mad. Can you thin down the overnight oats with a splash of milk or water? I think quark might be too thick too. How come you've packed in Muller's? They're horrendously expensive z
You did! Good jobThey are damn expensive- I don't buy them unless they're on a really good offer. They're quite sweetenered too (not a word but you know what I mean!) Can you get hold of a pot of unflavoured ff natural yog or fromage frais? Then you can add your own sweetness & fruit x
Yeah I can get that I just had quark in lol
They have no nutritional value but I do see why ml serve a purpose.
I do miss odd ones but found I'd have 2 a day just because I could.
I don't get the syns of things like this. Hexa flavour light sift cheese isn't a hexa o dint think yet asda light chilli soft cheese has less fat and calories and carbs than plain Philly light
I wonder about stuff like this- part of me thinks there's a reason sw have specified certain things & brands, but another (stronger) part says its endorsement. So if something is comparable I will take the cheaper, unbranded item! I suppose brands are generally accessible to all though. So something you can rely on. Personally I think aldi yoghurts (esp the cranberry & raspberry) is identical to ml x