skinnylala's diary

ah am up 3lbs today how can this be , how can i stop weighing all the time, what am i doing wrong grrrrrrrrrr
its either vodka or bars or just weighing too much
It's weighing too often. You should always weigh yoursel at the same time and under the same conditions lala
yes jim i know its so hard not to weigh i must try harder
to stick to once a week
I know love, I had the same problem, we probably all do/did :)
Lock them up - it's the only way to resist temptation!
I have put mine in the spare room and can't get to them naked lol (not without flashing at the neighbours anyway) so temptation is out :D
Morning lala,

LOL Bren :D
god i need to do something with mine its drivin me crazy not lost anything since last friday
am on my 3rd weekdo i do things diff now or just carry on on induction

been having few vodkas wonder if its that
not had any bars this week
It won't be the vodka unless you;ve been hitting the bottle hard lala, I still suspect carb creep or something illegal love
No idea, but it would pay you to double check every thing you have eaten over the past few days Lala
well on week 4 and weekend didnt go so well
gave in to burger and few chips sat
but first real cheat so far so guess i can b forgiven

not doing well with water feel bloated again
am i bak to square one again :((
No not really, one blowout in the scheme of things won't make it not worthwhile, it's when it leads to others that's the problem Lala
yes drink pklenty of water and flush those carbs out hon x
thanks guys ur great well bak on it
got some more bars not sure if good thing as seem to b eating 2 a day or 3 is this bad???

so hard when there there not to eat them no mattter how stodgy they are lol

anyways need get guzzlin htats my main prob at work not getting water into me
help i cant stop eating the bars when i buy them
have had 3 today is that really really bad :((
It's not good, really, but it's not as bad as eating real chocolate. Just bear in mind that the bars have polyols which is the sciency name for sugar alcohols in them and they can do what normal alcohol does, which is stall you. I don't know many people who could eat 2 or 3 a day and expect not to stall but maybe someone will tell me different.

I almost never have them but have stalled every week that I've even had one. I give any 'treat' type things to my mum to ration because if they were within my control I'd probably binge on them too.

Try and eat real food, that's what the diet is about.
They give a lot of people the runs lala, hope they didn't trouble you, Morning!
no jim they didnt

i just seem to b so lazy in morns so grab few bars to take to work
am not buying them any more thats it

my weight defo stopped so guess its gotta me them
could well be Lala