How many carbs are you having a day that aren't used on veggies? Count everything, write it all down as it's made me realise that actually 5g carbs a day for things other than vegetables isn't that much. If you're using all your carbs on other things such as bars that might be that. The diet is that 15g a day of carbs need to be from induction friendly veggies, the other 5g is easily spent on mayo, cheese, meats that may have carb value (check your hams etc). Now I'm following that, in 4 days I've lost 5lbs. I find it much easier to think of it in that way. I needed to write down everything not assume I knew the diet as I'd been doing for 12 days previous to that.
Work days are tough, maybe making up a big packed salad the night before would help you cut out the bars?
Work days are tough, maybe making up a big packed salad the night before would help you cut out the bars?