Very honest post:
That disgusting hideous Lily that I haven't seen in ages came out this weekend. I had a great night out on Saturday, stuck to diet coke and vodka all night but then the drunken fool within me reigned its ugly head and it took me for the days after too. Problems with the family aren't helping, where I don't live with them anymore I feel kind of useless. Plus I haven't taken my meds this weekend and the binge just got awful.
I gorged til I made myself sick and I'm completely ashamed of myself but I couldn't stop. Its almost like I was purposely trying to overdo to put myself off rather than dusting myself off

I really don't want to go to weigh in on Wednesday but I'm on the social team so feel obliged. Some of you say you binge and all you have is a couple of chocolate bars so I'm going to openly admit to everything I ate just to prove why I'm so upset.
Saturday: I had a synfree fry up and then several vodka and diet cokes. No lunch or dinner. Then when we got back to mine (there were a lot of us) we ordered Dominos. I had half a medium pizza.
Sunday: I woke up in the morning and munched through a couple of slices from someone's leftovers, 3 x Velvet Crunch, about 3 choc bars. Then when my stomach had finally calmed down I ordered chicken tikka masala, garlic naan and pilau rice.
Monday: I had the day off and had branflakes with milk from brekkie thinking I'd shrug off the weekend. Then I finished off my syn bin, ate an entire tub of chock a block ice cream and Tesco pasta pot. Then I ordered a medium pizza hut pizza and potato skins. Ergh.
I feel sick, my stomach hates me and I look horrendous. I feel so bloated. Its stupid, because when I went out on Saturday I felt so slim and so many people complimented me