Can I be Stacey? I'm pretty unhinged and I reckon I could develop a penchant for gingers, they'd be an improvement on my usual menfolk-dates.
Welcome to the team TobiiHey all, well I am Tobii-Rhea, I am 27 years old and mother of 5. I am getting married in a couple years too (yay). I have about 11st to lose and am following WW. I have lost nearly 5st although gained a bit back since. I have just stopped going to classes to save some money so I need to find a set date to get weighed either at the doctors or Boots or similar. I am hoping to weigh in at Boots tomorrow if this one has scales so I will post my loss then as I haven't been to class for 2 weeks now. I don't know what else to put lol. xx
Ummmm nope!Yeap I have Irish roots the rest of my hair is blonde thoughI'll join you on the mini challenge G Man do I get a badge if I'm a good girl and do it lol
Melba Toast - It's not bread... It's toastEat away Big Mo Slater
Lol meanie MEIKE whip please mon Capitan Gerry's begging for a good whiping ( kally goes in search of leather cat suit ) gotta look the part lol
:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:te he he, love catching up on this thread, particulalry after a crap day like today! Had a mid week sneaky peak on the scales this morning and things are on track for a loss this week, question is, how will i fare over the weekend, gotta keep up the good work, wanna add some more loss points to the team total!
*hands over the whip and watches her closely*
oooh, nice leather cat suit, suits you :flirt2:
Yay go for it hun xxHi everybody, I think I will do the bread challenge and try to have 6 slices a bread a week and see how the weight loss goes, and Gerry I'm Irish, and I would like to lose another 2 to 3 pounds for Paddys day and then I will be down 5 stone and 7 lbs
Ran out of ham and had to put cheese in my pitta today, uh oh!!! The best i could manage was 1 tbsp of grated cheese (had to spread it out v. thinly!!) Anyone got any idea on the pts in a tbsp of grated cheese?
I had an early WI today as will be super busy tomorrow on usual WI day. I have a 2lb loss to add to our score. Yay Team Slater!