Slim in 6


Full Member
I have recently purchased the slim in 6 workout program. It come with 3 DVDs
1 start it up
2 ramp it up
3 burn it up.

Today I began the first DVD 34 mins of a cardio and resistance training. Over the next 6 weeks I'm going to log my journey taking part in this program. You train 6 out of 7 days.

I am not going to attempt the diet that came along with this, I find it a bit OTT. I'm not into protein shakes and meal replacements. I'm gonna do this in conjunction to calorie counting. Tomorrow ill post up my stats and measurements. Ill do weekly updates also I will be taking pictures depending on my braveness I may upload them.

If your interested do comment and get involved!! A bit of support goes a long way!

Cheers for reading

So I got up early this morning, the mr needed a shirt ironed and is extremely bad at it so it gave me an excuse to get going!

Breakfast consisted of branflakes and slim milk with a cuppa. The DVD requires a bit of space so off I went cleaned the bedroom mostly to delay the process!!

40 mins later I got going, have to say I don't normally sweat that much when working out so after five mins when I started to feel it I was spurred on. :)

I done the 35 min program mainly squats and crunches with some press ups. I decided to make it more difficult by doing full press ups and not on my knees, I managed 10!! Delighted.

I felt the burn haha enjoyed the workout and was able to finish with only a few pauses. I'm hoping to build on this through the week and completely finish!! Feel positive and worked out, a good day 1

Starting to feel sore!! So soon after a work out. Just my sides too, this is a good sign right? ?
I'm on this programme too, found it hard the first workout I did, then it got easier each time. Thinking of moving to the second DVD before the 6 weeks are up.
I'm on this programme too, found it hard the first workout I did, then it got easier each time. Thinking of moving to the second DVD before the 6 weeks are up.

Yeah that's what I was thinking, many people who have done it moved up from the first after 2 weeks. How long have you been doing it!? Any visible results? Also what diet are you doing it with??
Today I done the start it up followed but 10 mins of the slim in 6 pack. Worked up a sweat pretty early on again. Coordination is still slightly lacking but I trundled on.

Have to say the squats killed as did all those crunches. My sides are sore from yesterday although my legs don't feel sore the are feeling heavy.

I feel slimmer already I'm not sure why!! My muscles feel longer haha. I am CC so I hope to see results both on and of the scale. My water intake has increased dramatically since I started (only Sunday) 2- 3 L a day. Lets see what tomorrow brings

I have been doing it about three weeks now, I think that last time I checked I've gone from 101cm waist to 95 so definitely changing, I have also dropped nearly two dress sizes. I have lots more energy too now. I have been to the gym today- just started so I am going to have to push myself to complete tonight's DVD!
I also think that you will start to feel more toned in around 2 weeks as like you say those lunges are a killer!
I have been doing it about three weeks now, I think that last time I checked I've gone from 101cm waist to 95 so definitely changing, I have also dropped nearly two dress sizes. I have lots more energy too now. I have been to the gym today- just started so I am going to have to push myself to complete tonight's DVD!

That's fantastic! Do you go to the gym much while doing the program?! 2 dress sized is amazing well done!!
No only been to the Gym twice as i only stated a week ago. I think i much prefer the Slim in Six though, as its in the comfort of home! how much weight do you want to lose? i want to lose at least another two stone or if i can 2 1/2. I've lost 24.5 pounds in around 7 weeks-so want to lose weight for holidays! :)
No only been to the Gym twice as i only stated a week ago. I think i much prefer the Slim in Six though, as its in the comfort of home! how much weight do you want to lose? i want to lose at least another two stone or if i can 2 1/2. I've lost 24.5 pounds in around 7 weeks-so want to lose weight for holidays! :)

Wow that's absolutely fantastic!! I say your only delighted with yourself which you should be!! I understand I like to sweat and make ugly gym faces in the comfort of my own home. With the windows and blinds closed :) I had got to goal in January doing bootcamp and CC then may dad got sick so I spent every night with him at home and bringing my mum to visit him in hospital. He has since passed away so I am back in the saddle and using the exercise as a way to rid myself of my excess energy! Also the 16 pounds I've put on

Sorry to hear about your dad. You seem very determined to keep on track, you made me laugh when you talked about exercising with the curtains closed pulling faces- I do that lol! Which I sometimes have to make sure Im not pulling faces at the gym lol! Are you doing the exercise in the mornings? I can't as it would mean getting up at about 5 in the morning as I have three children to get ready for school as well as myself for work, so I tend to do the step it up and then a bonus workout at night. X
Sorry to hear about your dad. You seem very determined to keep on track, you made me laugh when you talked about exercising with the curtains closed pulling faces- I do that lol! Which I sometimes have to make sure Im not pulling faces at the gym lol! Are you doing the exercise in the mornings? I can't as it would mean getting up at about 5 in the morning as I have three children to get ready for school as well as myself for work, so I tend to do the step it up and then a bonus workout at night. X

Thanks very much, just been a very weird time for both me and my family. I'm finished work for the summer so I get up early with the boyfriend as he's going to work. I tidy around I exercise between 9 and 10, I find though I'm starving through the rest of the day. Wow you have an awful lot to do in the morning, I struggle when working and I have no children.

I enjoy the bonus one, today I done start it up followed by the ab bonus DVD! Was wrecked after but was great. I'm feeling less out of breadth as I go on.

How's your diet going?

I enjoyed the bonus one too. I'm aching already from tonight's I completed the burn it up one! Felt ok but can feel it now lol! My diets is going ok so far but had chocolate cravings today especially after finding out cadburys have brought out a strawberry and creme choccy bar! How's your diet going? I've finally found a snack that's healthy which I enjoy Carrots dipped in humous x
In doing okay! Yesterday I was soooo hungry I mean everything I ate left me wanting more.
I had a filling dinner but the cravings began I resisted until I could no more. Had 2 squares of 85% coco chocolate, this really helped.

I'm tired and sore this morning also starving, I'm on route to a job interview had no time to eat.
Then I realised I have no shoes, no shoes for an interview I must of thrown them out in a spring cleaning fit. So now I'm hoping to have time to grab a pair if not I'm going in in a pair of flats :/ not cool.
Interview went well!! Find out more info tomorrow.

Was starving afterwards, went to a cafe where I used to go wit my dad for soup and a roll. I was balling while eating, got soaked coming home went in and made a corn beef sandwich!! Just outta sadness, done day 5 on slim in 6. My heart wasn't in it so only done the 30 mins!! Going for dinner with bf hopefully I can make some good choices. Feeling blue
Oh no, Keep positive and just think of how well you will feel if you reach your goal and how proud your dad would have been and just think he's looking down on you now. Keep going I know it's hard, very hard. Temptation is all around too isn't it which is cruel! I've only done 30 mins too as I'm really aching from yesterday. I hope you here soon about the job x
Oh no, Keep positive and just think of how well you will feel if you reach your goal and how proud your dad would have been and just think he's looking down on you now. Keep going I know it's hard, very hard. Temptation is all around too isn't it which is cruel! I've only done 30 mins too as I'm really aching from yesterday. I hope you here soon about the job x

Your right I know, sometimes it's hard to get motivated!! I had salad and ribs last night went over my cals but not in too spectacular a fashion.. Dad was health conscience so he'd be at me to get moving. Temptation is a cruel thing isn't it! Well done in your 30 mins every min is a few cals!!

I'm excited to hear about the job, I've had a busy morning so training will be done this afternoon. I picked up some weights this morning and they were all to light so I'm off to change them!!

Have a great day x
Hello there!

I have been naughty today and yesterday as I have Friday and Saturday off from slim in six, back too it tomorrow.

Have you heard anything about Job yet?

How are you doing with exercise and diet at the min?

Hello there!

I have been naughty today and yesterday as I have Friday and Saturday off from slim in six, back too it tomorrow.

Have you heard anything about Job yet?

How are you doing with exercise and diet at the min?


It's okay I took off yesterday off and also ill be taking today off!! Big bad ugly hangover, we had a Glastonbury party at home fantastic fun! Ill be the same back tomorrow! 5/7 days working out is great!!y muscles needed a break.

No word on the job which to be honest makes me extremely nervous. Diet is going well bar the alcohol I've kept under cals everyday bar one.

How bout you? how was your weekend?
