Slim4ever the SW Way

Wednesday - weigh day

Ok so normally I go to the gym after work (about 5:30pm) and weigh myself there...tonight like many other weeks I'm in London and heading straight out so can't :-( rather than worry or have to go on a different day I have decided to switch to my home scales at approx 7:15 once I'm up, dressed and had a drink.

Seen a lot of people's weighing ritual and that will be mine - full glass of orange/water and dressed in work clothes.

I know that this week may be better than it truly is switching from evening to morning but from next week it will be the same.

So today's weigh in results....9.13 a 2lb loss :)

More importantly today's food;

B - fresh pineapple chunks
Big glass of squash
Fibre plus bar and coffee HXA

I MUST mix up my breakfast been too many early starts and therefore fibre plus bars for brekkie. Altho tomorrow I have to leave at 5:30am :-(

Well done!!!! :D
Thursday - Green

What a!!!!

Had to leave at 5:30am this morning to go to an all day training course miles away :-(

Forced a couple of bits on pineapple down at 5:15am

Drove about hour and a half and stopped for a coffee HXA and couldn't resist a macdonalds hash brown...could have been worse - 4.5 syns

Bottle of water, coffee and fibre plus bar HXB

Lunch was shop bought sandwiches :-( going by the eating out section of the book 'normal' fat sandwhich is about 27 syns!!!! but was wholemeal so one slice is HXB2 so actually 21 syns

Feeling very ripped off by the syns of the sandwich...and it took me 3 hours to get home as M25 was a nightmare :cry:

Going to try and bring it back to my Green day with dinner
D - Rice, kidney beans in chili sauce, little grated cheese with big salad

Day: Green
HXB: Fibre Plus bar 1 x wholemeal slice
HXA: Milk and little grated cheese
Syns: 25.5 :cry::cry::cry:
Sorry to hear about your rubbish day. Least is a long weekend!! And looks like you didn't have much choice regarding what you could eat so don't beat yourself up! Am sure you'll make up for it else where!
Following yesterday's unavoidable syns I shall be having 0 or close to it today.

Green Day

B - couple of pieces of pineapple
Branflakes HXB with skimmed Milk HXA
Mug of tea

Did jillian level 2 - did do it on Monday but as missed 3 days starting at day 1 again - was tough!

L - in a bit will be having wholemeal pasta with last of the super speed soup and salad

Cup of coffee with fibre plus bar HXB2

D - SW wedges with left over cauliflower and spinach curry with added peas and rice. Odd but had some ketchup with my wedges - 2 syns

Day: Green
HXB: branflakes and fibre plus
HXA: Skimmed milk
Exercise: 30DS L2 D1
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Ok so....Sat - Mon bank holiday weekend has been OFF PLAN! Family visiting from abroad so lots of parties, friends birthday night out, BBQ etc etc.

So no food diary as too painful, just plan for tomorrow.

___________ - that's me drawing a line under it :)

Tuesday Green

B - weetabix crunchy bran HXB with skimmed milk HXA

Lots of water

1/4 of a Pineapple and Half a punnet of Strawberries and raspberries

L - jacket pot with cheese HXB2 and spring onion

D - vegetable Singapore noodles - dried noodles, mixed veg, chilli, garlic, ginger, soy sauce, curry powder and some SW wedges
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Wednesday plan...

So regardless of what the scales say in the morning my day shall be good...

EDIT: weigh-in 1 lb on = 10st

Wednesday EE SERIOUS WEEK!!!

B - crunchy bran HXB
Coffee x 2 and bottle of water

L- ? (in London) had a grilled chicken kebab and salad - chicken, peppers, onions, lettuce, cucumber, toms - going to allow 3 syns for any oil but was dry as grilled

Having a bit of a fruit craving so ate 2 massive satsumas on the train home (makes up for no sf at breakfast, hopefully)

D - chicken fajitas - I will not be having any wraps tho just lots of salad and a little rice and low fat dip - 3 syns for dip 2 syns for fajita mix

Day: EE
HXB: Crunchy Bran
HXA: Skimmed Milk
Syns: 8ish
Exercise: lots of walking

Good start to the week, plan is to mix between EE/Green maybe a Red. Stick to low syns max 10 on Sat as boss is having a party
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B - Crunchy Bran HXB with skimmed milk HXA and strawberries

2 x coffee and couple of glasses of water (forgot bottle)

Raspberries, strawberries and a satsuma

L - Pasta n sauce wholemeal garlic and herb - 1 syn with added peas
Diet coke with cherry :)

1 x celebration choc - 2.5 syns?

Home and did Jillian - like death

D - Ex lean mince beef, carrots, celery, tinned toms, chilis, spring onion, garlic with pasta

Day: EE
HXB: Crunchy Bran
HXA: Skimmed Milk
Syns: 3.5
Exercise: 30DS L2 D4
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Green Day

B - Few strawberries Fibre Plus Bar HXB

Coffee's HXA

Mini flapjack bite - birthday in the office hopefully it was a better choice than the doughnuts :-(

Half a red grapefruit

L - pasta with carrot, celery, lettuce and 1tbsp light mayo - 2 syns


Met a friend, had diet coke then 1 glass of rose - 6 syns then for dinner had noodles with onions, beansprouts and beef - say 6 syns for any oil

Day: EE
HXB: Fibre Plus bar
HXA: Skimmed Milk
Syns: >15 :-(
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Today will hopefully be a green day but may switch to EE

Did Jillian before breakfast to get it out of the way - thought it might start getting easier by now :cry:

B - 2 x nimble HXB with Baked Beans (ss) and big mug of tea

Skinny cappuccino HXA with Costa's pasta, peppers, toms, rocket, courgette and feta salad - 3 syns for any oil (didn't add the dressing)

Fat free super noodles before we go so i'm not too hungry

Tonight am off to my boss's house for his 50th party so god knows what the food/drink situation will be....

Had 3/4 bottle of proseco - 15ish and stayed away from the buffet had just some grapes and homemade coleslaw - 2 syns

So far...
Day: Green
HXB: 2 x Nimble
HXA: Skimmed Milk and little feta
Syns: >15 :-(
Exercise: 30DS L2 D5
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B - crunchy bran HXB with strawberries and skimmed milk HXA

Mug of tea, lots of orange squash

Chicken and pasta salad from tesco - had lots of toms, peppers in it but prob not free :-(

Dinner - full chicken roast with all the trimmings complete break diet but it's Sunday and I am so achy from Jillian I need it.

Got the new mag, readying it now and will be having P24 tomorrow night and p29 tues night and nothing bad :)

Day: EE
HXB: Crunchy bran
HXA: skimmed milk
Syns: far too Many :break diet
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Mondays plan....Green

Will drink my 2 litres of water
Will have less than 5 syns a day
Will do Jillian L2

B - crunchy bran HXB1 with strawberries and skimmed milk HXA

Muller light cran and raspberry

L - half a red grapefruit
Pasta n sauce macaroni cheese - 2 syns

D - p24 of book with mag - spinach and ricotta HXB2 cannelloni with salad :) looking forward to this RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Was really looking forward to this and none of the shops have ricotta :-( :cry
Been to three and am starving, tried and now angry :-( what a rubbish Monday

Ok so got over the ricotta issue and will be having it tomorrow night instead (if I find it at lunch time) instead having the following;

Rice with kidney beans in chili sauce, little cheese HXB2 and salad oooooo and made some lasagne crisps - i know their not really allowed as there a 'food abuse' but I love them :)

Day: Green
HXB: Crunchy bran and cheddar
HXA: Skimmed Milk
Syns: 2 and lasagna crisps
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Mondays plan....Green

Will drink my 2 litres of water
Will have less than 5 syns a day
Will do Jillian L2

B - crunchy bran HXB1 with strawberries and skimmed milk HXA

Muller light cran and raspberry

L - half a red grapefruit
Pasta n sauce macaroni cheese - 2 syns

D - p24 of book with mag - spinach and ricotta HXB2 cannelloni with salad :) looking forward to this

oooh let me know what the cannelloni is like was reading that myself on the train this morning from the little freebie recipe book and thought that was one of the ones I'd like to try!
Not feeling great, could be my first migraine :cry:

B - crunchy bran HXB with strawberries (ss) and skimmed milk HXA

Lots of tea and squash today
Last few lasagne crisps :)

L - Pasta salad - cucumber, carrot, lettuce, wholemeal pasta, 2 tbsp helmans lighter than light Mayo - 1 syn

Brunch bar - 7.5 syns

D - spinach and ricotta cannelloni from the book, was nice but tasted like it was missing something??? Free tho and with a nice salad

Day: Green
HXB: crunchy bran and 85g ricotta
HXA: skimmed milk
Syns: 8.5
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Just realised, last week I went from 9.13 back to 10st and didn't update my stats/sig this week is a STS so i'll put +1 on for this week and call it even.

Ridiculous that after all these weeks i'm still in the 10's I need to stop letting social occasions give me an excuse! It is 6 weeks till my birthday soooo......7lbs in 6 weeks sounds possible?!? :rolleyes:

Plan of action
  • Loose minimum 1lb a week for next 6 weeks to hit birthday
  • Complete Jillian Level 2 and Level 3
  • Drink 2 litres of water a day
  • Max 10 syns a day when needed
  • Up my superfree superspeed intake
Wednesday NEW week 1


B - 2 x nimble wholemeal HXB with 3 scrambled eggs with little skimmed milk

Jillian L2 day 6

Mug of tea and lots of squash

cappuccino with skimmed milk HXA and half an aplen light (shared it with mother) 1/4 HXB2

L - Asda chicken breast in tomato and basil sauce with big salad

Alpen light bar 1/2 HXB2

D - P29 in the book - was lovely :) chicken, bacon, carrots, onions, toms, stock with curly kale and split runner beans

Day: Red
HXB: 2 x nimble and 1.5 alpen light bars
HXA: Skimmed Milk
Syns: 0
Exercise: 30DS L2 D6

Start the week as you mean to go on :)
Thursday - Green Day

B - pineapple, fibre plus bar HXB

2 x coffee with dash of milk 1 x 500ml water

L - deli pasta salad from sainsbury - lettuce, peppers, three different pastas with toms, butternut squash, beans, little bit of feta - allowing 6 syns for any oil
500ml water

Diet coke

500ml bottle of water and lots of orange squash

D - pasta with garlic, Tomatoes splash of white wine - 1 syn and basil sauce

Cup of tea and a double choc alpen light bar

Day: Green
HXB: fibre plus bar and 1 alpen light
HXA: dash of milk in coffee and little feta cheese
Syns: 7
Exercise: walking in London
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Just realised, last week I went from 9.13 back to 10st and didn't update my stats/sig this week is a STS so i'll put +1 on for this week and call it even.

Ridiculous that after all these weeks i'm still in the 10's I need to stop letting social occasions give me an excuse! It is 6 weeks till my birthday soooo......7lbs in 6 weeks sounds possible?!? :rolleyes:

Plan of action
  • Loose minimum 1lb a week for next 6 weeks to hit birthday
  • Complete Jillian Level 2 and Level 3
  • Drink 2 litres of water a day
  • Max 10 syns a day when needed
  • Up my superfree superspeed intake

Now that's what I call a plan! Good luck hun! You can do it ... just as long as you haven't got a 'social occasion' in the way!
Now that's what I call a plan! Good luck hun! You can do it ... just as long as you haven't got a 'social occasion' in the way!

Thanks Ali, I have several - 30th birthday party, engagement party, 80th birthday, a three day work conference.....BUT i will be strong :) How you doing?
Friday - green day

B - crunchy bran HXB with skimmed milk 1/2 HXA

Pineapple with big glass of water

Coffee with alpen light 1/2 HXB2

L - wholegrain Tom and herb pasta and sauce with peas

Another coffee and another water

Skinny cap in Nero to finish off HXA

D - SW wedges with stir fry veg and noodles, boiled rice and curry sauce - 6 syns

Day: green
HXB: crunchy bran and alpen light
HXA: skimmed milk
Syns: 6 syns
Saturday - my first challenge of the week, big family party tonight so think best it's an EE day....

B - half a red grapefruit (sf, ss)
2 x weetabix HXB with 200ml skimmed milk HXA and little splenda

Mug of tea, big glass of orange squash

L - jacket pot with baked beans, cheese - 6 syns And salad - cucumber, toms, lettuce, rocket (sf)
Diet coke

The party - had one glass of pimms with diet lemonade - 4.5 syns
Dinner - turkey, beef, peas, carrots, cauliflower and a roast pot (oil) - 3 syns?

Piece of homemade apple crumble 7 syns???

Day: EE
HXB: weetabix
HXA: skimmed milk
Syns: about 20 :-(

Am a little annoyed that I went over syns today but at the same time it could have been a lot worse, the dinner was very small and so I needed some desert (good excuse) and I only had the one glass of pimms when there were jugs everywhere
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