Slim4ever the SW Way

Thursday - EE

Am working my way through the recipe book so tonight is the chilli

B - out early so 2 x alpen light bars HXB and 2 coffees HXA
Bottle of water

It's 3:15 and I've only just stopped to get lunch :-( so hungry I could cry.....not a great deal on offer but it's a boots shapers meal deal - apple and grape snack pack to start (sf) and then a chicken and pasta fajita salad (NV's below) and a big 75cl bottle of water

- cals: 307
- fat: 6.3
- sat fat: 1.3
- sugar: 8.0

Any ideas anyone? It was chicken, pasta, toms, peppers, kidney beans, spinach and a blob of sour cream - I'm going with 4 syns

Some raspberries (sf,ss)

Dinner will be the chili from the new book but with more celery and carrots than the recipe (for ex sf) and rice and peas and salad

Day: EE
HXB: 2 x alpen light double choc
HXA: milk in coffees
Syns: 4

Worked it out online...
5 Syns per package/portion on Extra Easy
5 Syns per package/portion on Green
9½ Syns per package/portion on Original
Shrimpy said:
Worked it out online...
5 Syns per package/portion on Extra Easy
5 Syns per package/portion on Green
9½ Syns per package/portion on Original

Thanks for looking for me :) not far off with my guessing
Saturday - RED

Today I am off to a friends for "afternoon tea" which means cakes.....going to try something but only something very small :)

Mug of tea and grapes (sf) whilst we cook 1 wholemeal toast HXB and scrambled eggs and home grown toms (sf)

Skinny cap HXA

At afternoon tea - had 2 mugs of tea, some carrot sticks (sf) and one small cake (homemade) so not sure how many say 6 syns

D - homemade burgers with bacon, little cheese HXA2 in a wholemeal roll HXB2 and salad (sf) dressing/bbq sauce - 2 syns and couldn't resist a few oven chips - 3 syns

Day: Red
HXB: 1 x wholemeal toast, 1 x wholemeal roll
HXA: Skimmed Milk and Cheddar
Syns: 11? ish

Total for the week: 28.5 syns
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Have a nice day!

Jillian - Level 2 Day 7 (altho feel like a cheat as haven't done it for a week :-( but am carrying on)

B - Crunchy Bran HXB with skimmed milk 1/2 HXA and strawberries (sf, ss)

L - Apple (sf) and grapes (sf) then Pasta with mangetout (sf)

D - roast lamb with carrots (sf) and sweat potatoes, green beans in tinned toms, onions and garlic (sf) cauliflower and broc with grated cheese - 3 syns

Small portion of apple crumble - which was well worth the syns!
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I'm planning on getting back to the gym today... I think. just had lunch, will work on going at around 5 I think. :) Provided nothing else comes up!
Shrimpy said:
I'm planning on getting back to the gym today... I think. just had lunch, will work on going at around 5 I think. :) Provided nothing else comes up!

I think we just go through Days/weeks where you just don't have the gym bug then it's back :) Jillian was tough today
Monday - green

B - crunchy bran HXB with strawberries (sf,ss) and skimmed milk 1/2HXA

STARVING today so ate my alpen light 1/2HXB2 at 9:30 :-( with 2 coffees and bottle of water

L - I have a big bowl of ss soup but I think I'm gonna need more.....I did I got M&S vegetable sushi - 1 syn I think?

Bottle of water

D - pasta bake - wholemeal pasta, tinned toms, red onions, peppers, garlic (sf) and salad (sf) topped with a little grated cheddar HXA2

Day: Green
HXB: Crunchy Bran and 1 x alpen light
HXA: Skimmed Milk and grated cheddar
Syns: 1?
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Mmmm yummy food! :)
Tuesday - EE

B - 2 x alpen light bar HXB and skinny cap HXA
Bottle of water

L - chicken and veg risotto
Bottle of water

D - went to the new Westfields shopping centre, had beef and veg noodles - 6 syns for oil
Small glass of red wine - 6 syns

Day: EE
HXB: 2 x alpen light
HXA: skimmed milk
Syns: 12 - woppsie

Hopping for a loss tomorrow but haven't been as good as I should have been today so could be a STS?!?
Fingers crossed
Good luck for WI. x
Wednesday weigh day...

It's a STS - that's what I get for having desert on Sunday. But have till Tuesday this week to loose some before three day work conference :cry

Today - green

B - crunchy bran HxB with strawberries (sf,ss) and skimmed milk 1/3 HxA

Coffee, alpen light bar 1/2HXB2
Bottle of water

L - carbonara pasta and sauce - 1 syn with peas (ss)
Apple (sf)
2 more water

Body pump for an hour - ouch!

D - rice, kidney beans in chilli sauce, little grated cheese HxA2 and salad

Day: Green
HXB: crunchy bran and 1 Alpen light
HXA: skimmed milk and little cheddar
Syns: 1 - pasta n sauce

So good start to the new week, def need to up my sf intake as tailed off a little towards the end of last week. Determined to loose by Conference...aiming for 1.5 lbs
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STS isn't that bad! Promise!
Thursday - EE

B - crunchy bran HXB with skimmed milk HXA

Apple (sf) coffee and bottle of water

L - M&S orzo pasta and roasted tomatoes but didn't add the dressing - 2 syns???
Bag of red grapes (sf)

Coffee and another water

D - homemade spag Bol - ex lean mince, toms, pasata, onions, herbs, garlic with wholemeal spag, salad and little cheese - 4 syns?

Day: EE
HXB: crunchy bran
HXA: skimmed milk
Syns: 6ish
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Green Day

B - Crunchy bran HXB with skimmed milk HXA

Apple (sf) 2 x coffee 2 x water

L - Jacket pot with cheese HXA2 onion and spring onion (sf) light mayo - 2.5 syns
Bottle of water

D - risotto - rice, butternut squash, onion splash of white wine - 2 syns and veg stock topped with crisp bacon HXB2 and rocket

Day: Green
HXB: Crunchy bran and 85g bacon
HXA: SKimmed Milk and cheddar
Syns: 4.5
Saturday - EE

B - red grapes (sf) 2 x weetabix HXB with 200ml skimmed milk HXA and splenda
Mug of tea, SF orange squash

Apple and more red grapes (sf)

L - Pasta and sauce - 0.5 syns with green beans and rocket salad (sf)

D - lamb curry from the mag book with rice - lamb, onion, spices, garlic, ginger, adding some peppers too for more sf,ss and spinach
2 x popadom - 5 syns?

Day: EE
HXB: weetabix
HXA: skimmed milk
Syns: 5.5
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Sunday - Green

B - 2 x nimble HXB with baked beans (ss)
Mug of tea with dash of skimmed

The rest of the day shall go like this....

Jillian L2 D8

L - red grapes followed by Superspeed soup (sf,ss)

Coffee and fibre plus bar HXB2

Cleaning and shopping

D - noodles with beansprouts and soy sauce, SW chips, rice and spinach, curry sauce - 6 syns

Day: Green
HXB: nimble wholemeal and fibre plus bar
HXA: skimmed milk in tea/coffee
Syns: 6
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So....only 2 more days of being good then it's off to the three day residential all meals included work conference!!!!

I am really hoping to see a good weight loss this week to make up for the fact I'll be putting it all back on :)
Monday - Green

B - Crunchy Bran HXB with skimmed milk HXA
Bottle of water

Red Grapes and another bottle of water

Coffee and fibre plus bar HXB2

L - Pasta n Sauce with peas

coffee and 2 x water

D - Spinach and ricotta tortellini - 6 syns with homemade tom sauce and fresh spinach with little grated cheese HXA2

Day: Green
HXB: Crunchy Bran and fibre plus
HXA: skimmed milk and cheddar
Syns: 6