Slimjim's journey to sustainable weight loss

You're back and know that you don't want to let it all slide. I think that sounds like your motivation is pretty much there! It's the cold weather I think! Maybe make yourself some hot soups to take to work in a thermos? Tapas sounds nice. Don't let it go though, you've worked far too hard already for that:) Really glad you're back, I've missed your good advice and support!
Well wasn't quite there....haven't been too awful out of control since Friday (no booze) but not managed to get back on it properly. Gave blood today for the first time so used that as an excuse to keep well nutrionised (not a word!) with biccies - oops! Still doing a 1 day detox as don't think I'll last the 2 days, but will try & get as far as possible with it on Wednesday! :)
Well I've done well so far today. I've not stuck religiously to the plan but have kept the 'ethos' up with only 1 real naughty bit - shop bought wholefood salad with giant couscous & various pulses, so still good but not on the list, should be just a salad...boring!! Plus I think I'd starve! Hope this works, will be trying to repeat the same tomorrow, it will probably be exactly the same as I have no imagination but I may add some cod to my evening soup :)


B: juice: pear, cucumber, lemon & ginger
Sn: trail mix & 2 plums
L: salad with & M&S super wholefood salad (last bit not on the detox - more pulses & giant couscous - still it's healthy!) drizzles with a little oil & balsamic. Smoothie/juice: strawberries, apple & pear juiced with plain yoghurt & milk
Sn: hummus & crudités
D: big bowl of veg & bean soup with plain yoghurt. Smoothie: blueberries, raspberries, a little pomegranate juice, yoghurt
Sn: juice: cucumber, kiwi, lemon, apple & sprigs of mint. Nuts

Calories = 1596 (all that fruit)
P:C:F = 11:58:31 (no meat & lots of nuts)

So lots of calories for very little food & bad bad bad ratio, not a sustainable plan, thank god :)
Phew....134lb....excited, didn't think I'd be anywhere near this weight. May be I wasn't as naughty as I thought I was this last week or so. Another day on the detox & we'll see what tomorrow brings!! :)

B: pear, cucumber, lemon & ginger juice
Sn: trail mix & 2 plums
L: salad with & M&S super wholefood salad drizzled with a little oil & balsamic. Smoothie/juice: strawberries, apple & pear juiced with plain yoghurt & milk
Sn: refresher bar (prize given in my training), satsuma
D: big bowl of veg, bean & cod soup with plain yoghurt. Smoothie: blueberries, raspberries, a little pomegranate juice, yoghurt. I used frozen berries so it was more of a frozen yoghurt, yummy!
Sn: cravings still there - Shapers choc mint bar & WW choccie biccies

Calories = 1466
P:C:F = 17:59:24 (better!)

B: apple, alpen light, rolled oats, honey, chopped hazelnuts & blueberries (must buy oats so simple today, far tastier!)
Sn: 2 ryvita with houmous
L: cod, veg & bean soup, WW fruities
Sn: cheese puffs, ginger biscuit
D: turkey & veg stirfry with noodles in a chilli & coconut sauce (sauce was a cheat - shop bought!), czech beer
Sn: snack size mars bar (only 164cal)

Calories = 1585
P:C:F = 19:58:23

Well that's higher than I'd like on the carbs, may have to start looking at that again....too many sweet treats!

Haven't been exercising properly since before the big weekend away (2 weeks) MUST get myself motivated to run's so difficult when it's cold wet & dark, still it must be sorted, but not today :)

B: apple, alpen light, rolled oats, honey, chopped hazelnuts & blueberries (must buy oats so simple today, far tastier!)
Sn: 2 ryvita with houmous
L: cod, veg & bean soup, WW fruities
Sn: cheese puffs, ginger biscuit
D: turkey & veg stirfry with noodles in a chilli & coconut sauce (sauce was a cheat - shop bought!), czech beer
Sn: snack size mars bar (only 164cal)

Calories = 1585
P:C:F = 19:58:23

Well that's higher than I'd like on the carbs, may have to start looking at that again....too many sweet treats!

Haven't been exercising properly since before the big weekend away (2 weeks) MUST get myself motivated to run's so difficult when it's cold wet & dark, still it must be sorted, but not today :)

Yes, but your calories are looking good... My rice and cheese really eat into (no pun intended!) my calorie allowance. Maybe I need to change my regular breakfast:cry:

Know what you mean about exercise being difficult when it's cold wet and dark... Getting out of bed is difficult enough! There's a big band of torrential rain moving across Japan at the moment and it's really wet and horrible!

Actually, because I only have heating in one room of my house (until I dig out the fan heater and heated coffee table:)), my hula hooping is what is keeping me warm! Taken to it's logical conclusion, I should try to permanently do without the heating I suppose... Not going to happen!

Must get my calories more steadily below 1600 if I want to lose more weight!

Anyway, finished work unusually early today, so going to watch some of Big Bang Theory season 2 on DVD!
I love the big bang theory, the latest series is on over here at the moment. So funny! I just love Howard's dress sense!

With regards to your breakfast I think it depends what you've got planned for the day. I think there's some truth in the old breakfast like a king's just if you're planning on dining like a king too it could be problematic!

A heated coffee table sounds toasty! We only really have heating olin one room too. The bedroom has a heater, but we don't heat it so we just use the one in the living/dining room. Lots of oven cooking in winter to keep the kitchen cosy! I've decided the next place I live in will have double glazing & gas central heating!!

So my week was ok but the at weekend it went a bit wrong.

Friday I was good to a point...went to pub for a couple if drinks (all ok) then decided to go out for dinner with the friend we were having a drink with, thai!!! So I estimate 2500 calories.

Saturday, a little hungover, met a friend late morning & we just thought sod it Maccy D's for lunch, followed by a lovely but not so healthy roast dinner (buttery roast potatoes, yum!) & cake....probably about 2500 again!

Then Sunday, I was on a late shift so thought I'd be ok, BUT, I got a bit of a sugar craving & had several biscuits & chocolate, so I'm estimating 2000.

All in all not good.....this is why if I manage to maintain till Christmas I'll be delighted! I'm away with the girls this weekend. Next weekend is an afternoon tea baby shower & a raucous party, the following weekend the in laws are coming, the next week is a big night out but working the weekend & the following 2 weeks are Christmas and the New'll be a miracle if I don't gain a stone!

Must start running again....tomorrow! :)
So tried to have a cleanish day today but didn't quite manage!

B: apple, cucumber, lemon, kiwi & mint juice
Sn: a few slices of wafer thin ham
L: couscous & bean salad, blend frozen berries & yoghurt with sugar free jelly
Sn: hummus & crudités
D: cannelini bean, veg & meatfree meatballs stew with plain yoghurt, juice/blend: strawberries, pear apple & yoghurt & milk
Sn: 3 chunks of G&B and a WW snack bar

Calories = 1431
P:C:F = 18:57:25

Sneaky peak this morning & 134.25 so back on track, phew! Don't think I'll be seeing a loss this week though....not with what I've got planned anyway :)
Oh come on, that's a very clean day. Just over 1400 calories and with a treat too! Looks like weigh-in will be ok tomorrow too. I'm back!
Managed 3 days on track & then straight back to naughtiness for 4, not good odds! Also doing a night shift very last minute so Sunday's calorie intake must be huge (I will count Monday as starting from after my nap in the morning about 12pm)!!!! Ah well 5 days of goodness, 1 day of naughtiness & 1 borderline day....that's the plan for next week in that order! :)
Sounds like a good plan - pretty much like mine in fact! Good luck this week! The late notice night shift doesn't sound like much fun though. Hope this week is a good one for weight loss!
Hey, how are you doing with it all this week? Don't forget that posting your food diary probably helps keep you on track - it certainly does for me, it gives me more sense of motivation. I think that even when I'm at the true maintenance stage, if I want to keep the weight off I'm certainly going to have to work at it and keep calorie counting...
Only not tracking because I don't really want to think about it! Although in determined that today will be a good day! I totted up yesterday's & it was about 2000 not fabulous but it's going to be a good few days! Promise :) WI at 135.5lb so 1.5lb up can't say I'm surprised after my eating & non exercising the last few weeks...could be worse!
Well today was a good day, sneaky slice of bread & spread but otherwise ok!

B: banana & some nuts (too busy & not inclined to eat!)
L: (a big one!) large jacket with spread, beans & tomatoes & 2 quorn sausages with dollop of low fat soft cheese. Followed by 2 WW biscuits
Sn: 2 satsumas, slice bread & spread
D: chicken arrabiata soup with a sprinkle of cheddar
Sn: apple, G&B (when I used to stay at my grandparents as a kid we had 'supper' after dinner not long before bed which was always an apple chopped up & some sweet treats, eg smarties/yorkie bar - just felt a pang & wanted it....good combo!)

Calories = 1414
P:C:F = 17:58:28 not a good protein day :(
OK, so your calories look good today, and I think if you average out well over the week on the P:C:F ratio it MUST be fine! 1.5lb up isn't so bad now you're around your target, when I get to mine I think I'm going to allow myself 2lb because that's a good motivator to be a little careful if it goes up like that. I actually weigh myself in kg and then convert, which shows the weight change even more and gives me more motivation ;)
That's it it's not awful & I'm not upset as I was expecting worse, so I'm pleased that I'm keeping it under control still & I realise the only way to maintain at times like this is to be good when I can& binge otherwise! Probably not the healthiest option but hey ho!! Was 0.5lb lighter today :) Cant believe you weigh in kg but post in lb! More maths....!!

So today was ok

B: banana & yoghurt, oats so simple, sultanas
Sn: nuts & raisins, WW fruities, yoghurt (12pm snack as late lunch)
L(3.30pm): tuna & bean salad, 2 plums
D: cod, bean & veg stew with some plain yoghurt
Sn: apple, shapers bar, red wine (in the bath - lovely!)

Calories = 1464
P:C:F = 24:56:20

Happy days :)
Yes, that's exactly what I do - 4 or 5 days of fairly good, and 2 and a bit of good, alcohol and junk combined! I don' think either of us are exactly binging - we're just enjoying other food on our days off. Don't know about you, but before I was eating/drinking the good, alcohol and junk combined on more days a week than now - this has to be a healthier option ;)

Centrally heated bathrooms, I'm jealous! No heating in mine, although my bath is electronic... At the touch of a button, it fills up and gives me a shout in Japanese when it's ready! And then by pressing another button, I can keep it at the temperature I choose. Electrics and bath water - sounds dodgy, but they're quite common here! My toilet has a heated seat too... :)