OK, so this was in answer to your post after Monday... Will continue at the end about Tuesday! That's fine! Life is all about having times when we can over-indulge! Eating for pleasure is fine provided we get back on track like you have done from Monday!
I had to google zumba and just watched a video - it looks great fun but tiring! Do you go to a class or use a DVD? If you use a DVD, any suggestions in case I decide to give it a go?!
Certainly with your exercise those calories are fine aren't they, although I understand about wanting to get them lower so that you can kickstart your new year. And your ratio is fantastic, most impressed, it's so difficult to get it to that!
You're almost at target now (hooray and well done!). But you seem so seriously on the exercise bandwagon, I think you're going to continue to lose weight! Is that the plan, or are you going to bump your calories up at that point?
Anyway, have a great day
OK... so Tuesday, yes the ratio is pretty good
And don't beat yourself up too much, 1800 calories is fine for a maintenance day isn't it. Even if you want to get back onto the losing weight, you're easing yourself in, and you're obviously motivated!
Agree about the reason why it probably happened. Now you need to find a way to stop it happening again! Listen to me, sounding all positive and motivated

Sorry! It's just because of my last few weeks, I've really seen how I can change it all round just by being busy!
Could you take those chocolates into work? I have the same thing with some Christmas cake in big portions in the freezer - I made a whole Christmas cake, but I mustn't eat much more now that Christmas is over. I'm going to have a couple of friends around for one of the portions and take the other into one of my schools. Fortunately I was sensible enough not to cut it into individual portions - that would have been fatal!
I don't think that Tuesday was so bad, your body is probably used to a higher level of calories anyway after all the festivities! Wednesday, go go go!