After refusing to poop when I took him out at various points yesterday the dog decided to crap in the lounge in the night. Not to be beaten my son got blue paint all over the lounge carpet, and the hall, and the kitchen, and up the stairs. This was after eating 6 cereal bars and a pack of haribo minion sweeties and I imagine chocolate too. So I made him watch as I threw them in the outside bin (what was left) honestly I was so fucking angry. 45 minutes later I still hadn't finished cleaning the paint, hadn't even thought of breakfast and had to take him to school and go to work.
I had 19 more syns last night, giving me 22.5 for yesterday.
I've brought fruit and a yogurt and a HEB cereal bar thing with me to work. I keep my stuff hidden in a box. It's so sad I have to hide food. The fruit, veg, yogurt, cheese, ham etc are all available whenever he wants them, they always have been, but although he likes them fine, and he isn't overweight, he'll refuse a satsuma and will refuse any snack if it's not rubbish. And what's more annoying is that neighbours give him crap. I've always talked about making good choices and I've been careful what I have in front of him (lead by example) but still have some "sometimes food" or other.
Today I lost my rag and told him if he does **** like this he'll end up fat like mummy. He's recently been going on about how I am fat, despite this language, insulting people based on their appearance, being negative about oneself, not being a feature in our home.
I dunno. I'm pissed off, fed up and at a bit of a loss. Someone pointed out he was behaving like a kid, so maybe I am reading too much into it. Either way the stuff isn't in the house and he's not getting any. He then had the audacity to ask if he was getting pocket money, which I put an end to months ago because he's behaviour and attitude towards me had been so disgusting he didn't deserve the privilege of pocket money.
I'd best do some work.... It's sad I don't even want to go home because I know what's waiting for me there.