Slimming Down

Thanks for the recipes. I find overnight oats don't fill me up. I have them sometimes still. There's this twice baked sweet potato thing that sounds luuuuusssshhh that I'm going to try out. Lunches I often cook extra for tea to have as leftovers for lunch the next day.
3 syns on the new watermelon ice lollies. They're super. 3.5 used so far today.

I'm so sick of the bully 2 doors down. As all bullies he's a little coward too. Was fine to get another boy to help stop my son so he could attack him but he ran home into his house as soon as he saw me. They'll be gone by June. They'll be gone by June.
Glad your neighbours are moving on.

You and I are the only people I know who find the overnight oats leave me hungry - I've been to so many SW classes over the years & everyone raves over them - so thought I mention them.
It was very sweet of you.

I've had a banana and apple after washing the car, checking all the levels and topping up the screen wash and fixing my son's bike chain. Winning all the man points today.

Going to start tea off soon. I'm famished
Dinner: gammon (fat removed and grilled) SW chips (real craving for them), pineapple, broccoli, carrots and green beans and 0.5 syn of ketchup.

I chopped up the rest of the pineapple and all the kiwis I have left, popped them in a bowl and into the fridge 😊 love preparing stuff for later.

4 syns used so far today. Might have a yogurt in a moment

Hope that extra half a lb sneaks off tomorrow morning, but no worries if it doesn't. As soon as I get into the teens my syns go down to 20 (boo boo) 😂 maybe I shouldn't be so keen for it to come off. Hahaha
Hee Hee about the man points!

Your food's looking great esp the chips!

Hee Hee about the syns - enjoy them while you can!
I made up a bit too much screen wash so I topped up dad's car when he came to drop the dog round. He didn't even know how to prop the hood up 🤣

Had 18.5 syns of chocolate and 0.5 for jelly. 23 in total for today.

I must remember to unlock work tomorrow, even if I'm not going to work. I'll take the dog with me I think. Then I think I'll finally have some me time and do some sewing as I seem to be too knackered at night
Hee Hee about your Dad! I'm the same as him but ny hubby deals with it all and I have AA cover in case he's not around!

You've done well with your syns again - enjoy 2moro
Mum and dad's dog decided to **** on my quilt in the night. Stupid bastarding dog. It's not as though he hadn't been out a million times. All cleaned up now 😣

I didn't lose that extra half lb overnight so it's 4.5lbs for this week making it 13.5 in two weeks! I've never lost weight this fast before (and I lost on SW before). Half a lb to go to hit my first mini goal of 1 stone gone before the ex comes. I decided to book a facial in after losing a stone so that'll be next week! I've never had a facial before but I've wanted one and apparently the new place in town is really good.
Sweet potato, sausage (2 syns) egg, cucumber and spinach. Very nice. Think I'd add spring onion tomorrow.


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Lovely meal there! I love spring onions - I put them in everything so I grow lots of them & don't take up much room either!

Oh no with the dog - hope your parents sorted it :eek:

A great loss - chuffed for you that you're losing faster - are you doing anything different this time I wonder? You deserve the facial ;)
Nope, they set off at 1am for their cruise, which is why he's with me.

I often regrow spring onions from the ends 😄 I grew a lovely pineapple plant from the top of a pineapple last year.... I'm a bit random.

I think I'm mixing up my meals more.
Lunch was so good
Mixed leaves, tomatoes, pineapple, leftover gammon, green beans, new potatoes dressing (1 syn of mayo, 0.5 syn wholegrain mustard, 0% fat yoghurt)
Franimal you are doing great! 13 1/2lbs in two weeks is amazing!
Oh no about the dog! Yes it's worth doing that with spring onions - halving your costs ;)

Always a good idea to ring the changes with our meals - keeps us on track I reckon!
Thanks jukie. I keep thinking, next week the weight won't come off. I think that's part of the reason I keep checking my weight all week.

Couple of dog walks and a walk to the park is all I've done today. A nice bath was needed though.

Tea was pasta and nanny sauce with broccoli. I had alpen lights as my HEB. Syns are still at 3.5 for the day. I'll pick something nice out later. I agree variation helps upndown. My son loves pasta and nanny sauce though, so that and a few others feature regularly. Need to check what's for tea tomorrow actually!
After refusing to poop when I took him out at various points yesterday the dog decided to crap in the lounge in the night. Not to be beaten my son got blue paint all over the lounge carpet, and the hall, and the kitchen, and up the stairs. This was after eating 6 cereal bars and a pack of haribo minion sweeties and I imagine chocolate too. So I made him watch as I threw them in the outside bin (what was left) honestly I was so fucking angry. 45 minutes later I still hadn't finished cleaning the paint, hadn't even thought of breakfast and had to take him to school and go to work.

I had 19 more syns last night, giving me 22.5 for yesterday.

I've brought fruit and a yogurt and a HEB cereal bar thing with me to work. I keep my stuff hidden in a box. It's so sad I have to hide food. The fruit, veg, yogurt, cheese, ham etc are all available whenever he wants them, they always have been, but although he likes them fine, and he isn't overweight, he'll refuse a satsuma and will refuse any snack if it's not rubbish. And what's more annoying is that neighbours give him crap. I've always talked about making good choices and I've been careful what I have in front of him (lead by example) but still have some "sometimes food" or other.

Today I lost my rag and told him if he does **** like this he'll end up fat like mummy. He's recently been going on about how I am fat, despite this language, insulting people based on their appearance, being negative about oneself, not being a feature in our home.

I dunno. I'm pissed off, fed up and at a bit of a loss. Someone pointed out he was behaving like a kid, so maybe I am reading too much into it. Either way the stuff isn't in the house and he's not getting any. He then had the audacity to ask if he was getting pocket money, which I put an end to months ago because he's behaviour and attitude towards me had been so disgusting he didn't deserve the privilege of pocket money.

I'd best do some work.... It's sad I don't even want to go home because I know what's waiting for me there.
No breakfast but I snarfed a banana, apple, satsuma AND grapes at work
Lunch was late to. Today is a big bag of fail!
Bacon and tomato sandwich HEB +0.5 syn, potato salad 1 syn, beetroot, gherkins followed by yogurt and jelly 0.5 syn.
Today is just that today, draw a line under it and start again.

I am sorry your son is acting up, I don't have children so I have no right to advise, and I won't but I will say I don't believe he means it, that we all say things in the heat of the moment when we are not getting what we want to hurt the people we love the most.

As for the dog, there I do know from experience, and the dog is missing his 'family' and home, and even though he probably knows you really well, he as a dog doesn't understand that your dad will be back for him after the cruise, and he is just confused. Try to not be angry at him, most dogs really do not want to soil their own 'dens' and if he has done it, it is out of fear, confusion etc not to wind you up (I know you know that).

Hugs all round to all of you.
Thanks jukie. I'm ok now... Although I am still finding blue paint everywhere and have run out of carpet cleaner. It was nice to have his dad talking to him about his behaviour.

The dog is definitely distressed. Mum and dad keep going away recently and he's having a dirty protest. I'll be talking to mum and dad about it when they get back. They're due to go away again in September.

At least my food is on plan, if not what I had planned for today 😄 got sweet potato, red onion, vine tomatoes, red pepper and butternut squash roasting with salmon on one side and chicken breast on the other so that there are lots leftover for lunches and snacks later