Slimming World Before, During and After Pics

Hi guys ive been doing slimming world since the end of january and have lost 2 stone so far. So i thought i would share a couple of photo's with you. The first one is from last year when i was at my heaviest and the second is me 2 stone lighter.

Wow Minzi - you've done really well. What a difference! It's good to see as I'm a similar weight to you and have almost lost 2 stone and I can't really see much of a difference in myself. Wish I had some photos to compare as i'm sure it must have made a difference as it has with you!
Thanks Mel 2 :thankyou:

I struggled at first to see a difference apart from on my boobs lol
But from them photo's i can see the difference now, im so pleased that i am doing this i have struggled with my weight since having my daughter 5 years ago and i am now determined to shift the weight so i can enjoy chasing around after her a lot more.
Keep going hun im sure you will start seein a difference soon xxx
As requested...
A couple of the before photos

On honeymoon

During wedding

Another Honeymoon pic

These photos are two years old but don't have any others for before (but was a size 18 then)

I took two today (at size 14 jeans and a size 16 top due to boobs. :) )

Not sure I can see much, but hey, the chin is shrinking... :flirt2:

Still a quite a bit to go... but I'll keep chipping away at it til I shink. :) :)

(Unfortunately I can't find any other full length photos anywhere so will have to leave you guessing as to how much skinnier my leggies are from when they were at the beginning)
Aww yay thanks Shrimpy, those photos are great and may I say you look fabulous! Such a nice smile.
Thanks Emsie & Kikikisses, cheesy grins are my forte! ;) When I hit the two stone I'll post some more, 2.5lbs to go!!!! :)
Here is a picture of me. Been doing SW 9 weeks and lost 2.5 stone so far.

The first one is when I was on holiday with my nan, the second one is me last week when I was getting ready to go out x


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2.5stone in 9 weeks?! WOW! you're doing amazing! you look SO different! well done you!
WOW Pickle ~ What an amazing difference between those two photos! Congratulations on your brilliant weight loss results to date! Just imagine how you'll look in another 9 weeks! At 6ft 2ins, I'll bet your "full length" photos would be even more AMAZING!!!!! Well Done You! I bet your whole family, and all your have noticed the remarkable difference too!
How do you put a pic in a post? x
I have pics in my album here now but cannot work out how to post here lol x
All I can say to you all is :wow::D:0clapper:. And Thank you.

I can do this.
I must do this.
I shall do this.

You all look fab!:D
I have pics in my album here now but cannot work out how to post here lol x

Go advanced, and manage file attachments then attach pic file that way hun, or go to tinypic/photo bucket and add pics via there. xx
Lisa79 ~ Just took a look at your photo album ..... wow ..... what a difference there! Well done you!