Im ok, shattered but ok DQ, thanks for asking. Im finding work quite stressful this term, one of my groups are very difficult kids and im struggling to keep them interested. On top of that we are supposed to be fundraising for this sailing
expedition we are going on in october, the money my boss was sure he could get from big businesses in the area hasnt materialised so we are thousands short and im desperately trying to think of other ways to get some £s in. Im good at the little things that the kids can do, cake sales, guess the sweets in a jar, car washes and such but the big money is alluding me. I feel like ive lost some of the confidence id built up in my job and im not enjoying it really, maybe its time to think about moving on, i dont know. Weekends are hard too, i miss being able to visit mum
God i sound miserable again, im not really some days just get on top of me.
Food wise im doing fine, trusting in the plan and staying away from the scales until next friday when i know ill have lost any that id put on and more on top. In my heart i want to ss again but not sure how id react if i failed again.
Its great to see you doing so well, weve certainly taken the scenic route in our long journey havent we, but we are still here fighting the fight and we will win eventually. Yay us