Slimming World - Loving it!!

Im enjoying my menu's too! Just tucking into my lunch of a smoked trout salad and about a kilo of seedless red grapes. Yummy.
Im home alone, usually a licence to eat:eek: . Made over 100 oat cookies with my kids in school today to sell as part of our fundraising, ive had to leave them in the car to stop me eating them. They smell divine all warm and buttery and chocolatey. Got to stop torturing myself thinking about them all alone out there in the cold:eek: Need something warm and comforting to eat, wheres George Clooney when i need him.:D
Im home alone, usually a licence to eat:eek: . Made over 100 oat cookies with my kids in school today to sell as part of our fundraising, ive had to leave them in the car to stop me eating them. They smell divine all warm and buttery and chocolatey. Got to stop torturing myself thinking about them all alone out there in the cold:eek: Need something warm and comforting to eat, wheres George Clooney when i need him.:D

Hi Happe,

Now I think I would find that hard to resist...not George but the cookies!

I love home made and just reading your description I could smell them...

Your doing well and remember nothing tastes as good as slim.

Love Mini xxx
Still alone and still resisting, chicken kebab for dinner later so holding out for that. Biscuits who needs em!!
Men!!:mad: Hubby phoned from the pub to find out whether i wanted a chocolate eclair to have after my kebab, of course i said "No, you know im doing sw" so what does he do? yeah you know, he brings home 4 of them. B****rd!! did the usual "go on have one, its friday" as if that matters. I didnt give in, im better than that!:cool: Now he's snoring on the settee and im leaving him there, let him suffer with a crook neck tomorrow.:D
Still ratty with hubby, pmt is beginning to kick in and i always seem to dislike him intensely at this time of the month.
Had to work this morning then spent the rest of the day with my son and his mate. Took them bowling and to Frankie and Bennys for dinner. I behaved, i had a warm chicken and mushroom salad, I did have a slice of Garlic bread but thats ok, ive saved enough Syns over the week to allow myself that indulgence im sure:) .
Fancy something sweet now, lucky theres no chocolate in the house.:rolleyes:
The mood im in, he'd just go to waste!
I could do with going to a fairgroud where they have that machine where the frogs pop up and you have to whack them with a hammer. Not exactly Georges scene me thinks.:rolleyes:
Spent a big part of today at Lakeside with Lucy buying Jim's birthday presents. I think he'll be suitably impressed, we got him a mp3 and slipknot and korn cds:eek: . Not my taste but has to be better than Gareth Gates surely.:rolleyes:
Been good again today;
Oatibix, blueberries and semi skimmed milk
Slices of cold turkey and a massive bunch of grapes
Roast chicken, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and green beans
strawberries, melon, blueberries and figs.:)
Hubby again tried to tempt me with a Magnum:mad: , again after me saying no. Ever felt like someone is trying to sabotage your efforts?:rolleyes:
Hi Happe,

My husband was the same every time I went on a diet...he decided to buy me a box of chocolates!!!

I think his brain was wired to the moon as this is the only time it ever happened.

I do believe in Miracles and now he is my best supporter, even is learning to do house work and turn on a washing machine...

Gently does it and in time you will get your own miracle.:D

Love Mini xxx

Do you mind if I join this thread. I did start one, without realising this one was here - rather new to this site, having problems navigating. Was on the DH site before, but that's not the same any more. I did LT, got down to 22.8 BMI and now I have stopped - well stopped a few months ago really. Gained a few pounds (about 3) but that was mainly due to ill health during the summer, so thought about going to SW to shift about 8 - 11 lbs or so. Planning to go to first class on Thursday, so any help, tips or advice would be appreciated.

Hi Cheryl, it will be great to have another sw'er joining us. I and others are old hat at the sw way and between us should be able to answer most queries. I read your other posting and i think it is probably a better plan for you while you are going to have treatment. The best advice i can give to a newbie on sw is to go to group to have the whole thing explained, youll come away thinking that will never work, but it does, fill up on free food, it really is free. You have no reason to be hungry on sw. Dont be scared of it just enjoy the freedom of being told certain foods are unlimited.
Hi Eclipse

I agree that SW is a fantastic diet - and it will all seem too good to be true when you first hear all you can eat - but strangely it does work!!!!

Good luck, i look forward to hearing about your progress...
Thanks Happe and Karen for your replies. I am hoping that I finished SSing long enough ago for me not to put on weight whilst eating all that unlimited food! :)
X X X Cheryl