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3.5l slow cookers £13.99 at Lidl from Monday. Just sayin'. 
wow, this thread as really made my mouth water. as a new slimmer and not a very adventurous cook it as been really helpful.
i do have a couple of questions though if anyone can help
1) cooking a chicken in the slow cooker, does that not count as syns with the skin?
and also i prefer my casseroles etc with mash but use my daily milk allowance for coffee, is there any syn free ways to make my mash creamy?
thank you xx
wow, this thread as really made my mouth water. as a new slimmer and not a very adventurous cook it as been really helpful.
i do have a couple of questions though if anyone can help
1) cooking a chicken in the slow cooker, does that not count as syns with the skin?
and also i prefer my casseroles etc with mash but use my daily milk allowance for coffee, is there any syn free ways to make my mash creamy?
thank you xx
You can make lovely mash without milk or butter. But if you like you could syn a small amount of milk or save some from the day by switching to skimmed milk as you get 350 mls. Not sure if that helps u or not. The skin cannot be eaten on the chicken but u can still cook it with skin on. Chicken pieces and fillets are nice in slow cooker too and it saves u any bother removing skin etc. Im sorry if ive not been any help at all there lol x
wow, this thread as really made my mouth water. as a new slimmer and not a very adventurous cook it as been really helpful.
i do have a couple of questions though if anyone can help
1) cooking a chicken in the slow cooker, does that not count as syns with the skin?
and also i prefer my casseroles etc with mash but use my daily milk allowance for coffee, is there any syn free ways to make my mash creamy?
thank you xx
Sorry to butt in on this conversation but I cooked a joint of brisket a few weeks ago in my slow cooker and was assured by the butcher I didn't need to add even a tablespoon of liquid to it. He said it would taste amazing because it'd just be cooking in its own juices. I was a bit dubious at first so made sure I stayed in on the day I attempted it. He was totally right! All I did was scrunch up two balls of foil, put them in the base of the slow cooker, season the joint and sit it on top of the foil to raise it off the bottom of the cooker (you might not even need to do this). It was the tastiest joint I have ever had and it just fell apart so, having said that, I would presume it would be the same for a whole chicken.
Good luck, whatever you decide.
Kathy x
i just found this -
Hi, I make a lot of curries and always use the following....
I frylight onions, garlic, chilli and ginger (if I have it) in 2tbsp garam masala, 1/2 tsp cumin, 1/2 tsp turmeric. Once softened add a tin of tomatoes and a tsp sweetner (if reqd) and simmer. This makes a great base for any meat or veg curry and if you like it smooth then you can whizz it up once cooked.
It's also lovely with some FF natural yoghurt stirred in at the end.
Also.... if you use a slow cooker, do the onions in the spices in the pan and then chuck everything in the slow cooker.
Love it!!!