Something happened today that hasn't happened for a long time if ever!
I turned down a piece of cake today!!! :angel09:
I went round to my mum and dads as they've been in Wales for a couple of weeks and were back today, I had a cup of tea but said no to the cake!! Must admit I felt a bit panicky when I heard they had cake! I'd been good all day and was wanting to get back on track this week and I just knew if I said yes I'd ruin the whole week (again!). I did argue with myself for a bit about if I only have a small piece it'd probably be in my syn allowance if I didn't have anymore syns. But then I thought to myself am I actually hungry - no, so I'd only be having the cake just beacuse. So I said no!!

So I am back on track this week!
Today's menu: Monday - Extra easy
Drinks - tea, no added sugar squash
Breakfast - banana, melon, pineapple.
Lunch - 6 ryvita wholegrain crackerbreads (HEXB) spread (2syns), 2 slices ham, carrot and an apple. Minimilk (2/3/4 syns?! I can't remember!!)
Dinner - Fish pie (salmon, cod, quark laughing cow cheese and normal cheese (HEXA), broccoli, mash potato) cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and SW wedges. Meringue, vanilla muller mixed with quark, and blueberries, strawberries and raspberries for pud.
I don't think I will be having anything before bed as feeling nice and full, though may have a hot chocolate which will be within my syn allowance.