Im glad you have gotten over your bad few days... seems you are back in the zone

Hope i can follow suit after my naughty few days lol. Congrats on passing your course, enjoy your break until the next term

Thanks Karen! Hope you've got back on track?
Well today I had boring Mandatory training. Kinda seemed a waste of time as the morning was a repeat basically of what I have been taught at uni, but the trust won't accept uni certificates so I have to do their training! So it was resus, manual handling and conflict resolution today! I always find the manual handling a bit awkward as weight is obviously discussed with regards to patient weight when you need to move them and what different equipment may be needed. we were discussing the maximum load of the patient beds, trolleys, and then the lecturer said you must even consider the toilet. One girl said I'd never think of a toilet having a maximum weight and the lecturer said no people don't think they just sit down, for example those chairs your sat on have a limit of 16stone but did anyone think what they might take before sitting on them. No I didn't, but I suddenly feel really bad that I am technically too heavy to be sat on those chairs.
Anyway, today looks like -
Breakfast - strawberries, raspberries, banana
Snack - alpen light (3.5syns)
Lunch - tuna sandwich (HEB), cheese curls (3.5syns) satsuma
Dinner - SW burger, Morrisons sausages x 2 (1 syn), bacon, baked beans, SW Wedges.
So far 8syns. HEA used on milk in tea.
I also bought the womans own magazine with the free SW membership just in case I decide to go back to group!!