
I live between Leeds and York and it's far too cold for more snow (-14 according to my car as I was driving to work this morning!). The snow isn't shifting from gardens / roofs but the main roads are generally fine (not residential streets - not sure our bins will be getting emptied today!) now as the gritters and snow ploughs have been really good over the past 4 days. Lots of schools still shut, but most people making it to work as far as I can tell. I'm looking forward to playing in the snow in the garden this weekend so I hope it hasn't all turned into solid ice! :)
we are so lucky in the midlands!!!! its hardly settled!!! it all went this afternoon, and its just started again now!! its just a dusting so far thank goodness!

It's pretty deep in Notts and damned cold (maybe not -14 but cold enough), buses have been cancelled and stuff and my school was closed for 3 days! It started again earlier.... gah! No more snow, I wanna be able to drive again!