Snowed In !!!!


Silver Member
Heee Heee we are well and truly snowed in here about 8 inches of snow and it hasn't stopped falling yet.

I am a regional sales manager and we are not allowed to travel or even attempt it when its like this looks like the rest of the week off for me Whoopda Dooda

Whats it like where you are?:dancing_snowman:
OMG where are you??? Poor things

Well you seem happy about it!!!!! LOLOL!!

We meant to get it tonight (London areas) and i aint looking forward to it, means i cant work...means i cant earn!!
Work in hertfordshire live in bedfordshire no snow in either yet but its on its way to bedford so i am told.
Milton Keynes here and no snow yet!! Sun was shining on the school run but freeeeeeeezing!!!

I am hoping for a snowday off school tomorrow!!! :)
Sky is very white!! Looking promising!!! :D
Only had a brief shower last night. Kinda glad though, there is still 6 inches or so still lying from before xmas! Anymore and id be snookered.
just outside Birmingham, we have 3 or so inches so far with more to come tonight. My kids school is closed tomorrow and since i work there too i get a day off !!! cant be bad
I don't want any really but don't tell my kids I said that, no work means no pay and I am broke after crimbo
I am in the same locality as Mrs. Essex - no snow yet but not sure what to expect tommorow.
This weather has coincided with time allocated to write up work from home so the snow won't affect me employment wise.
No snow in West London. I am hoping for a snow in as I have two uncompleted assignments to do by tomorrow. I am definitely dreaming of a white Wednesday.
I'm in Southampton and we've had it, and due for some more I believe. It's been snowing on and off since 6pm but the majority fell earlier in the evening!

Piccies attached :)



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LOL @ White Wednesday

I'm delighted we still have none wahoo but have a feeling it won't last as the sky looks ready to explode snow :(
Well i am in The Gambia ,West Africa and it is lovely and hot.
would love to be home for the snow though, i think !!!
Sending some sunshine to you all for tomorrow
Since building our snowmouse, we've had a fresh dumping of snow and it's replaced all the snow we used to build our creation! Lots of snow here now, I reckon about 5 inches :)

No work for me tomorrow! Will have a lie-in then do some assignments.
