Snow's healthy living ramblings

B: 2 fruit yo yos. Either 3 syns or half s HEB will see how today goes!
L: nandos 5 syn meal. Butterfly chicken breast. Spicy rice and corn on the cob.
D:fish cakes (still reliant on me remembering potatoes!)
Cotton candy grapes

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Remember potatoes ;)
I remembered potatoes! But I also bought steak so fishcakes have been bumped another day haha. Laziness. I have a big bag of maltesers to ration out into reasonably synned portions but won't be opening them tonight as I had a muffin while out after my five syn meal so I am counting that as all my syns and am probably over as they are about 15-20 syns each. :break_diet:(It was lovely though so I won't angst too much over it - it was a treat and I will be back on plan tomorrow)
Steak, slimming world chips and cream cheese spinach (HEA)

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Brunch today - no fat bacon, some 0.5 syn sausages, and beans, plus 1tsp ketchup 1syn - then melon after.
Dinner - Fishcakes and broccoli cheese (HEA)

Planning to make a big fish pie today which will be tomorrows dinner and have enough left to freeze portions for lunch.

Snacks - Chewy D (HEB) Apple, cotton candy grapes.
20 maltesers (10 syns)

Also planning to go through my wardrobe and bag up anything too big so it isn't taking up space. I may have no pants left that aren't too big - I live in dresses and leggings and decided to wear trousers to the theatre yesterday and anything with a non elasticated waist band was much bigger than i was expecting!
Fish pie for tomorrow and freezer the saucenhas two HEA in it (350ml skim milk plus 75g philli light.) I plan to top it with 60g cheese so the whole thing is 4 hea and then I can get 4 portions all of which are syb free if counted as your hea :) will do a pic of fishcakes when cooked as the mix does not.look appetising on its own.

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Slightly crumbly fishcakes with roasted yellow corgette. Syn free. :)

Having sime strawberries now and going to have my maltesers when watching Downton Abbey.

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B: Oats (HEB) 1 tsp options 1 syn, Apple, fat free natural yoghurt and 2 big spoons of low syn rhubarb and raspberry jam (counting as 0.5 syns to be safe there are only 2 syns in the jar.)

L: veg stirfry (1 syn)
D: Fishpie HEA and veg, strawberries

Cotton candy grapes
aldi skips
1 options
0.5 jam
1 sirfry
3 hifi bar
4 aldi skips
14.5 syns so far today - planned tea is syn free. There is a new aldi near me and it is open until 10 - doesn't have cotton candy grapes though so I think the phase has passed round here too. Will be going there fro strawberries and steak as those are both bargainous.

On the peppermint tea now. I have eaten my lunch and all my snacks bar one apple. Feeling a bit bottomless pit like today which is not ideal the day before weigh day. Planning on melon tomorrow for breakfast and lunch.
I've now eaten the apple. I have drank 2 litres of water as well as the tea so it isn't thirst - going to go for a walk I think see if burning some energy can convince my body it has some.
I am over thinking the scales again as yesterday's and today's uni study scales weigh in are showing such a good loss I am thinking about my next award. (The uni scales are linked to a website so I can look over the past few weeks and I've done a comparison of them to official weigh in scales and sometimes there has been NO difference despite the uni being a morning weigh and official weigh in being an evening and sometimes up to 3.5 pounds difference. The average is 1.6 pounds different and if I weigh tomorrow morning what I weighed to day and the difference is the average or less I'll get my next award - weigh in seems a lifetime away now haha. I will probably end up being half a pound off.
Haha thank you but really any loss is great - I need 4.5 for my 3.5 cert (as my total here includes 3 pounds I lost before slimming world that I can't let go of - I lost that 3 pound) so even if I was half a pound off that would be 4 pound loss which is immense - this will probably be one of the weeks when the scales are way different haha.

The fish pie was lovely but I only got to save one portion for lunches because my OH wanted seconds because he hadn't eaten all day which really annoyed me as we have tons of stuff he could have had for lunch but he didn't bother because he had to take the car for it's mot and then go to the doctors (not sure how any of this stopped him making himself a sandwich) so then he was starving and then had to eat double my slimming world HEA portioned planned stuff. Bah.
Pie looks lovely! :)
Shame that the OH did that. :( Mine did that today with the curry haha.. But I don't mind as it's WI day and I wanna eat light.. Would have been nice if he didn't take all too work as it could have been dinner lol.
Haha I know part of me is being unreasonable as it makes my life easier that he just eats slimming world meals and I don't have to make two different dinners but it is like he is juat oblivious ti how much planning goes into this and it is work. I would have probably have minded less if he'd just been hungry rather than the whole I didn't eat all day. (But only slightly less hahs.) It was a decent size portion. I am thinking of starting to tell him to go make toast next time he does this. The saved portion has gone in the freezer anyway as today is melon for lunch today but it makes it so much easier for me to have healthy lunchs at work if I have my own sort of ready meals made from extra portions of dinner I can just grab.

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