Snow's healthy living ramblings

B: Apple, fat free natural yoghurt and 2 big spoons of low syn rhubarb and raspberry jam (0.5 syns), peppermint tea
L: Melon

Snacks, apple orange, bbq popped chips (5 syns)

5 popped chips
0.5 jam
3 off tonight which I'm pleased about even if not quite what the study scales said - (3 pound heavier than the study scales which is reasonable because that's morning and official weigh in is evening (also just realised I should account for the fact I weigh in on the study scales in my nighty most mornings.)

I am pleased with the other scales though as they are going to drop into the next number down soon and that will spur me on even if it's a bit before it happens officially. :)

Stealing from MelonCollie and ordering a chicken kebab tonight for a treat. :)
Hope you enjoyed yours, I sure enjoyed mine. :D
Although I decided to go over my syns and have garlic sauce with it lol ;)
It was actually rubbish - I ordered it online and they put garlic sauce on without my asking for it and it was so greasy that I don't think it could have been lower fat that doner. I only ate half - haven't had a HEA today and now feel a bit sick so won't be having any. I did have some fat free natural yoghurt earlier so have had some calcium today. I will stick to fish without batter (free) and chips (17 syns) in future I think.
Forgot to say I won the raffle too haha so have new set of scales.

I am getting a bit worried for the venue/time change coming up at my group. I have friended the new consultant on facebook and i think some of her friends will be switching to her group and I'm worried she'll want them as the social team instead of us and I'm also worried that no-one will come as they all don't like the new time.
B: Oats (HEB) 1 tsp options 1 syn, Apple, fat free natural yoghurt and 2 big spoons of low syn rhubarb and raspberry jam (counting as 0.5 syns to be safe there are only 2 syns in the jar.)
L: Fish Pie (HEA)
D - no idea

Cotton candy grapes (the last of them)
BBQ popped chips (5 syns)
hifi light (3 syns)
Aww shame it was naff :( Maybe you just need to find a good kebab place lol :)

And aww, seems like you're worried about a lot. :( I'm sure she'll keep the social team as they are. It wouldn't be fair to get rid of everyone after all of their hard work!
Fingers crossed the group won't change too much :)

and yay new scales :D I could do with some new ones lol!
Pre Slimming World I'd tried most of the local kebab places and lots of them are naff - this was the best one so I may just have to do without chicken kebab.

Haha I am a worrier thought that wasn't well phrased was it. I hope the only change is we actually get more members now it is being advertised by the new consultant as it's pretty quiet right now.

Went well over syns today and ate two gregg's gingerbread men - haven't even looked up how many syns they are. Only went in to buy diet coke on the way to a hospital appointment .

Tomato pasta for tea followed by strawberries. I have to wear a sleep monitoring device over night to check for sleep apnea and take it back tomorrow. It looks like it will not be comfy.
Pre Slimming World I'd tried most of the local kebab places and lots of them are naff - this was the best one so I may just have to do without chicken kebab.

Haha I am a worrier thought that wasn't well phrased was it. I hope the only change is we actually get more members now it is being advertised by the new consultant as it's pretty quiet right now.

Went well over syns today and ate two gregg's gingerbread men - haven't even looked up how many syns they are. Only went in to buy diet coke on the way to a hospital appointment .

Tomato pasta for tea followed by strawberries. I have to wear a sleep monitoring device over night to check for sleep apnea and take it back tomorrow. It looks like it will not be comfy.

They are 9 syns each, so not that bad :)
Ohh! I love ginger bread men. Hmmm. And Kally's right, that isn't that bad! I may have to get one as a treat soon.. hmm..

How are you feeling today? :)
How was the monitoring device hon? Hope you slept ok!

Those gingerbread men sound SO worth it, might have to track one down...
I am better today - got a late start as had to go back to the hospital to drop off the sleep study equipment and fill in a survey, didn't have breakfast before I set out which was a mistake really.

Had yoghurt and low syn jam as soon as I got to work and then a salted caramel hifi and then immediately ate my lunch (hot smoked salmon and nectarine.)

The sleep study is playing on my mind a bit. If they confirm I have sleep apnea then they can do something about it but then it is something else wrong with me due to my weight. If I don't have that then I need something else to explain the chronic tiredness (besides being so big of course)

I am having a red day today (and tomorrow) because I think the ginger bread from yesterday is making me crave sugar and carbs and red days can help me cut back without dropping my syns which i usually fail at.

Have seafood sticks for snacks.

Syns B
BBQ popped chips (5)
Jam (0.5)
How was the monitoring device hon? Hope you slept ok!

Those gingerbread men sound SO worth it, might have to track one down...

I missed this earlier - the monitoring device wasn't bad at all - I certainly didn't sleep any worse with it on than I did without it. Though I did pull the finger monitor off in the night and woke up with the canula no longer on my nose so I am not sure how useful any data it was.

Thanks for the reassurence about the gingerbread men everyone - they were lovely. In future I will only buy one and enjoy the 9 syns instead of grabbing a pack - mind a pack only has two now and it used to have three so there is that.

I have used another 12.5 syns today 5 on fridge raiders, 4.5 on some gluten free cracker things and 3 on a hifi light. so 18/20 total. I have a syn free tea of chicken tikka wrap (using b free wrap as my second HEB) with lettuce and philli light (HEA)
This was lovely :) I have more chicken marinating but decided to cook it tomorrow as i would normally marinate it overnight and this only had a couple of hours.

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Another red day today

B: Fat free yoghurt and low syn jam (0.5 syns) apple
L: Hot smoked Salmon and a nectarine
D: Chicken tikka

Wotsits (5 syns)
Hifi (HEB)
The chicken tikka was nice yesterday but it was amazing today. Also yesterday I cooked it in a frying pan like the recipe said but today I decided to stick it in the halo as it would be cooked in a hot oven traditionally and it was much better plus all the spices had had much more chance to sink in. I had it with lettuce, philli light and some new potatoes that I roasted with frylight and paprika (second HEB).

I had another packet of wotsits, 2 hifi lights (11 syns) taking me to 16.5 so I meant to have have 7 maltesers to take me to 20 and I went a bit over and have no idea how many I ate. Whups.

I have to go to Birmingham for work on Monday and am busy thinking about what to take. I have a eight hour return car trip car journey with my boss's boss leaving at 6:15 in the morning - we have to get there for 11 and it's a 4 hour drive then we are doing a presentation and heading home. I think I am going to have to come off the no bread train and take a sandwich. I may do a green day so I can have porridge before we set off as I want something filling as I don't really feel like I can eat in the car as the other person is driving and can't eat. They take a load of fruit to have with my sandwich?