Snow's healthy living ramblings

Lost 2.5lbs and got my 4.5 stone. Also won the raffle!


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Woooooo! Well done :)
Thank everyone.

Zafira, I have the honey one but it's the same packaging and the original is a HEB too. On offer in Asda for 98p at the moment. I like how you can have the flavoured ones and it's still a HEB but haven't managed to see the fruit one in any asda. I won't pay the normal price for a sachets - I take a bag of oats to work and use a frylight cap to measure 35g but I thought I'd try these while they were on offer.
Thank everyone.

Zafira, I have the honey one but it's the same packaging and the original is a HEB too. On offer in Asda for 98p at the moment. I like how you can have the flavoured ones and it's still a HEB but haven't managed to see the fruit one in any asda. I won't pay the normal price for a sachets - I take a bag of oats to work and use a frylight cap to measure 35g but I thought I'd try these while they were on offer.

oh, that's good!
i used to like the oats so simple golden syrup ones, but i think they have lots of syns....typical :D
will look out for those :)
Thanks MC

Zafira I used to love those and add extra golden syrup to them so god knows how many calories I was having but someone I know at work doing slimming world uses them because she syns them and uses her HEB for hifi bars as snacks and she says the golden syrup is the same syns as normal sachets!
Doing EE today

B: Multigrain porridge,(HEB) pear, apple danone yoghurt 1.5 syn
L: salmon risotto 1 syn, apple, aldi greek yoghurt
D:pulled pork, cheese and brocolli pasta (mix hea between milk in this and cheese on top, mange too and brocolli Strawberries for afters.

jug of green mango tea (4 cups)

Milk/cheese for pasta?
Baked stars (4.5)

Steps (yest)
Also at group yesterday someone pointed out they have a sign up advertising a dancefit class which suitable for all abilities on a thursday so I am going to go with another group member and check out how all abilities it is.
Just read back on your diary a bit. Seems like you had a bit of a roller coaster week! Don't worry about the comment that you'll get biggest looser. I find blanking out comments like so always is best. I've noticed some people just can't help themselves, and normally it's the people that are jealous. It also shows people can tell you're losing so that's great! :D Make sure to smile and hold your head up high when you win!

In regards to the dress it's probably because you suddenly looked much smaller wearing proper fitting clothing.
I bet you look amazing. :)

Well done on the tights and burger king! Burger King must have taken a lot of will power! Really proud of you!

Hope that you're well :)
I am really pleased with the steps as I had got a bit wishy washy with it and only hit my goal (which is lower than the recommended one a couple of days a week) I am on a ten day streak I think of hitting it and before that and before Lexi died I'd hit it for 8 days so when I hit for a full month I might up it to 9000 and see if I can carry on.

I was extremely chuffed after walking out of Burger King but then I went and had fish and chips yesterday. Took the batter off and had less chips than I used to but still more than a SW portion. I used to have this every week which was obviously bad but I do like it and have so decided I am going tohave it only when I get an award so extra incentive to get to the next one and so on.

But then I had cake from the canteen today at work so not sure where the will power has gone but everything else planned for today is syn free so I will just draw a line and move on.
Also at group yesterday someone pointed out they have a sign up advertising a dancefit class which suitable for all abilities on a thursday so I am going to go with another group member and check out how all abilities it is.
that sounds good :)
Always fancied a 'dancey' class but don't seem to see any except 'zumba' ---years ago i went to a jazz dance class which was fun :)

I'm very naughty and have the golden syrup oats so simple as a tweaky hexb :/
I 'like' the idea of that tweak :D

I am really pleased with the steps as I had got a bit wishy washy with it and only hit my goal (which is lower than the recommended one a couple of days a week) I am on a ten day streak I think of hitting it and before that and before Lexi died I'd hit it for 8 days so when I hit for a full month I might up it to 9000 and see if I can carry on.

I was extremely chuffed after walking out of Burger King but then I went and had fish and chips yesterday. Took the batter off and had less chips than I used to but still more than a SW portion. I used to have this every week which was obviously bad but I do like it and have so decided I am going tohave it only when I get an award so extra incentive to get to the next one and so on.

But then I had cake from the canteen today at work so not sure where the will power has gone but everything else planned for today is syn free so I will just draw a line and move on.
I have recently got myself a pedometer, managed just over 10,000 at work yesterday!....the day before was a poor effort though :)

Sometimes it is good to have a 'treat' as long as we don't feel bad about it and can 'draw the line' :)
I was going to do red today but think I will do EE today if I am doing exercise tonight as I will need the carbs. I am sort of worried about this dance class - I have seen lots of fit people hanging round the community centre when I've been at slimming world. But I at least should get lots of steps from it. I managed over 15000 yesterday as I hit 8000 before I got home and then decided to do the couple of thousand I normally do in the house reading to get me to 10000 and got really engrossed in my book! (I am sort of paranoid that if I do this class and more walking I will have retaining water/exercise gain next week though which is silly) If anyone else is using fitbit and wants to add me I'm

B: Multigrain porridge,(HEB) pear, apple, aldi greek yoghurt
L: I've brough in pulled pork and am going to buy a jacket potato and salad from the canteen to go with. Apple
D: Salmon and brocolli pasta or risotto I think as will want something quick and easy once I get in from the exercise class

jug of water (4 cups)
Dr Pepper Zero 500ml
Bottle of water for Dance fit class

cheese for pasta/risotto

Baked stars (4.5)

Steps (yest)
I'm very naughty and have the golden syrup oats so simple as a tweaky hexb :/
You're doing brilliantly with the steps ! X

Haha i do this! They used to be a hexB but you had to add a scan bran or something to up the fibre...

Just bought a box of 50 sachets for £3 in asda!! Was in the reduced to clear section (although they have a good date on them) so dont know if it'll be an offer in all Asdas.
When I do tweak for HEB/HEA's (which I do) I make sure I have something in my syns that has fibre/calcium in like a hifi light or a yoghurt but really considering on a red or green day you could use your heb's on meat or potato have no bread/cereal at all you clearly get enough fibre from super free and other things on ee in your diet anyway so the as long as it does have fibre and is around the same calories I don't feel too bad about tweaking healthy extras (the only reason I don't tweak the golden syrup stuff is that because i used to put so much golden syrup in porridge they barely taste of syrup to me so I feel hard done by)
Food is looking great Snow!!
Would you recommend the pulled pork for someone who generally doesnt like pork (although i like bacon and gammon...)

Just catching up and echoing a lot of support- f*** that girl who moaned about you probably getting biggest loser- YOU'VE lost the weight, YOU'VE stuck with the plan, YOU'VE avoided temptation so YOU deserve it! Yes, if you have more weight to lose you are going to lose more but you probably had the bigger lifestyle changes to make so it can be harder to stick to plan.

And show off your new figure with pride- it probably was a shock to your boss to see you in more fitted clothes. Probably a shock to you as well but im sure you look great!
Thanks Lisa.

It's hard to say with the pulled pork - it has a really barbequey taste to it so isn't like roast pork but is really meaty so you can taste the pork I have seen people on facebook do it with beef though so you could maybe try that?

You know what that person who said that wasn't even there this week and now I think about she hardly ever comes as she is a shift worker and she is probably just frustrated as she has been gaining and losing the same few pound for a while.

Since I posted that comment the amount of people at work who have commented in my weight loss in a none dubious way has really cheered me up and made me feel silly about that post. I think one of the reasons I worry over clothes and things is I can see the weight loss now but I worry because I used to be in serious denial about how big I was/am so I worry I am deluding myself again. I am still big and have a long way to go but I have dropped 3/4 dress sizes and made progress. I think I need to do a before and after picture again (the after in something fitted.) The team developer was at my group on Tuesday and asked if I had a before picture and I showed her the one from this post (I hate that picture so much but I think it is helpful to remind me of how far I have come!
Thanks Lisa.

It's hard to say with the pulled pork - it has a really barbequey taste to it so isn't like roast pork but is really meaty so you can taste the pork I have seen people on facebook do it with beef though so you could maybe try that?

You know what that person who said that wasn't even there this week and now I think about she hardly ever comes as she is a shift worker and she is probably just frustrated as she has been gaining and losing the same few pound for a while.

Since I posted that comment the amount of people at work who have commented in my weight loss in a none dubious way has really cheered me up and made me feel silly about that post. I think one of the reasons I worry over clothes and things is I can see the weight loss now but I worry because I used to be in serious denial about how big I was/am so I worry I am deluding myself again. I am still big and have a long way to go but I have dropped 3/4 dress sizes and made progress. I think I need to do a before and after picture again (the after in something fitted.) The team developer was at my group on Tuesday and asked if I had a before picture and I showed her the one from this post (I hate that picture so much but I think it is helpful to remind me of how far I have come!

Oh wow Snow you look like a different person! amazing. You're such an inspiration xx