So here we go!


Full Member
I do pole fitness. I've done it for a while but only recently started putting effort into it. A little over a week ago I completed a routine course and was presented with a video of myself doing my first routine.

Though I was shocked at how far I'd come I realised I was sick and tired of looking like a fat blob on top of two rather attractive legs (thanks Mom!!). I've lost about two stone after coming out of a rather terrible relationship but am struggling to loose the rest.

A friend of mine suggested SW as he had done it and lost loads so I contacted the most convenient consultant and went along last week.

If I'm honest I didn't think it would work for me. Part of me is still stressed about the fact that my consultant encouraged me to eat (think part of my issue is I don't eat then binge on junk). However given the amount of times I've felt like I don't deserve my new (and amazing) boyfriend or had a panic attack over going shopping for clothes and sobbed into a packet of crisps I know I need some support.

During the first meeting I wasn't really convinced at all but thought I'd stick it out. After having a row with my mother at the weekend over her views on SW I was really down. I cant remember doing it but I text my consultant and she called me straight away and knocked some sense into me.

Tonight is my first proper weigh in. I'm not sure I've lost anything. I've eaten more than I normally do and even though it's healthy stuff I still feel like my body is telling me no. I also ate a lot of junk on Saturday because I didn't feel like I could turn anything my mother offered down else start another fight.

At most all I feel I've achieved this week is not eating crisps and having a fight with my mom over a can of cider.

I'm really freaking nervous about tonight in fact.
First weigh in and I lost 2lbs!!! I'm so shocked! I feel like I've ate loads. I can't wait for next week when I will be able to go back to the gym :D
Well done! Great start :)

I can't see why anyone would be against SW. I appreciate some people feel that it's unhealthy to promote 'unlimited eating' of any kind, and that the 'free food' element of the plan fits into that way of thinking, but all other diets I've followed have alternative methods that I find restrictive and faddy and in all honesty give people the impression that to lose weight they should be depriving themselves to extremes, which may be why you felt that you wouldn't lose weight by eating so well.

Stand by what you believe. If you feel good then go for it. I lost 9.5 stone with SW. Unfortunately my life took some strange twists and turns and I've regained 5 stone being off plan, but I've returned to plan and feel great for it.

Alison x
Life is full of twists and turns so you should be proud you had the guts to get back on it xx

I think my mothers issue is she has in her head what a diet is and is too stubborn to learn anything different. I was hoping I could maybe get her on side so that she'd think about loosing a bit of weight herself as she had terrible pains in her knees which her weight doesn't help.

It was payday yesterday so I treatment myself to a three bean burrito for tea. I hadn't had any syns all day to ensure I wouldn't go over yet i didn't feel at all hungry.

Makes me feel more positive every time i hear another success story like yours. I want to loose three stone in total and am feeling confident I can do it with the support of my consultant and other sw members :D
This bank holiday weekend is going to be tough. I can feel it already.

For a start my partner is away for 5 whole sleeps!! He's so supportive about sw so not only will I not have my best friend I wont have that rock when I get tempted.

I'm also pretty sure my mother is still ignoring after our argument on Saturday although she may just be busy.

Then there's the obvious worry of having a lot of time on my hands and not much to do. I was going to go out with the girls tonight but not sure I will now as it seems to have fallen apart. Shame as I have a dress I've not worn :( I need to put together my hamsters new home as he ate the last one. Other than that, nothing.

If it's dry I'll go for a bike ride. Theres also a pole jam on Sunday but I'm not sure if I'll be too sore still as I pushed hard last night.

Need to look up syn free snacks to keep in incase my boredom gets a bit crazy
I feel terrible today.
Theres a weigh in but I know i will have messed it up as I drank loads this weekend.

I miss my partner. He's been away since Friday and when he goes away it stirs up a tone of really horrible feelings. I try and talk to him and take interest in what he does but I just get sarcastic or patronising responses Yesterday I refereed to a train as a girl and go a 'its an inanimate object' reply. Today I mentioned a story I'd seen in the news and was told it was uninteresting but he liked my 'little story'. Yet when I'm upset by that I'm in the wrong? He knows when he goes away I struggle yet he's been going for longer each time. I know its only 5 nights but that seems like forever when you barely talk because he's messing around with steam trains!

I know its a bit corny but I slipped a letter into his bag before he left and he didn't find it!! I had to point out it was there. Everytime I try and do something a little romantic it goes wrong. I drew him a valentines day card and he didn't get me one for example. Is romance actually dead?

Nobody has ever bought me flowers and I've hinted enough blooming times yet no flowers. It's because I'm not pretty basically.

I know he's rubbish at texting and things but I still hurt. The guy next to me at work has crisps and I just want to steal them, hide in the bathroom and cry. I want my boyfriend to come home and be the nice guy he normally is.

This just sucks. I know I'm having a paddy but I dont care
So after feeling like poo all of yesterday I went to group and lost a massive 3 and a half pounds!!! AND got slimmer of the week!!! I totally freaked. I know it might be my weight leveling out (or whatever the scale lady said) but I'm taking this as a massive win :D :D :D

That's 5 and a half pounds lighter. If I loose two next week that's my half stone right? In three weeks. Old me would have thought that would be really unhealthy but I don't feel like I've been trying. I eat more than I've ever eaten before. I haven't touched crisps in three weeks and most importantly I'm really enjoying food right now. Before I felt so guilty about every meal and now I feel excited for each meal. Think I'm saving some dosh too.

Think I've worked quite hard this week. Last night was difficult. Hard day in work so came home wanting wine and crisps. The need for crisps went away after a couple of grapes but I had a proper craving for wine. Poured some black current juice in a wine glass which helped surprisingly Maybe its the habit I was missing. There is something quite comforting about holding a wine glass.... Maybe I should be concerned about that.

I had come back from pole and had an edamardi bean salad. Should plan something more substantial after next lesson as clearly that didn't fill me up. Once again I was able to invert and amd now pushing my hips up. All I need to do is be less of a wimp and get those hands off! I also did a no handed drop back from the top of the pole. Something I've not done since I tore the cartilage in my knee doing that exact move.

ANYWAY, it is super lovely today and I think the Boyf will be doing a BBQ as I said I fancied corn on the cob. If thats the case I'm going to do veg kebabs with some hallumi, a quorn burger and as much salad as I can manage :D A nice cold bottle of wine will be required too as I've earned it after working stupidly hard and getting slimmer of the week :D

Nice long walk on Sunday and spending Saturday shopping with Boyf as he needs a suit for a job interview. I have no objections of watching him try on many many suits as quite frankly they are hot.
Another crazy weekend.
I've eaten relatively well and only had a couple of drinkies. No doubt this will be the time I put weight on lol. I experimented in the kitchen early in the week so that might effect me. Had a bit of a cottage cheese mix up!

Am going to an earlier group tomorrow so wonder if it will effect my weight.

In other news, me and the boyf booked an adventure in Egypt yesterday. I'm so excited! It's not until september 21st so I've got ages to loose some weight. Would like to have lost a stone and a half by then, maybe more. It would be nice to wear a swimming costume. Guess if I've lost 5 and a half in two weeks, say I loose the same every month thats what, 20lbs ish? Hopefully that will be a dress size :p
Hey sasbot, sounds like you are doing really well and great losses so far. Where are you going to in Egypt, I moved to Cairo a couple of months ago!
Thanks Lanarkwitch! Feels like I'm not really trying too which is nice :p

We're going Cairo, Aswan, Luxur and a few places in between.

How's life over there treating you?
Its another world!! There is so much poverty here it would make you cry but the history is just amazing and well worth seeing. i haven't been to luxor yet but hear its mind blowing. Egypt is not a place i would chose to live though but great for sight seeing :)

Firstly, I've been away a lot recently so I've only just hot caught up on your diary! High 5 for the 3.5 loss!!! That's amazing and proof that you CAN eat yourself slim. Your mum will be eating her words wen you get that 3 stone award, which you will!

It just takes a strong mind set with a firm belief that you CAN do it, and you can enjoy doing it too.

I'm sorry you are feeling so distant in your relationship, that kind of isolated feelings are always difficult. I can't really comment more other than to say, focus on you a little more. Be secure in the knowledge that you are achieving and making positive changes. Rust me it feels amazing when you get there!

Great news on the holiday! You can use that as a goal point :) xx
Got my half stone today! Thanks for all the support :)

Me and mom are talking now. It would be great to share the loss with her but it would just cause trouble so never mind. My boyfriend though is super happy for me and making my fave (syn free) tea.

Would have prefered 2lbs instead of the 1 1/2lbs but I was a little naughty this week. Made a mistake with cottage cheese as well which wasn't smart :p

Promised myself that after half a stone I'd have a bag of crisps but just dont fancy it. Got a little bag of popcorn but would rather have some strawberries cos of the heat lol x
Awesome :D good steady losses.

It's surprising how quickly SW alters our taste! Save the crisps for when you really really want them :) xx
I had some last night because, well, I'm not sure why. This morning i feel bloated, sick and have heart burn. No wonder I was so miserable before sw. Got a lovely despair sand (cous cous) salad and fruit to try and perk my body up. It's only been a few weeks and already my body is screaming that the sw way of eating is the right way. Absolutely mental :D

I'm seeing my mother on the 21st and am hoping to have lost about 4lbs so hopefully it will be noticeable I wont say anything about it to her but I want to look healthier :p Already my skin is brightening up. I'm naturally quite tanned but in recent years I've become very grey. Ok, the sun may have something to do with it but I've got no spots or anything..

Life is good :D
Thanks :)

Am feeling a little rubbish today but not enough to make me want to eat all the crisps in the world. Think i've learnt my lesson with that one.

Bought a Mug Shot pasta thing on my way into work as I wouldn't have time to sort anything else out and it was the only store I could get to. Was proper worried about the syns but apparently its free! Thats a nice win for the day

Theres a woman I know who weighs more than me. She announced to my fitness class a few weeks ago (the day before i decided t join SW!!) that she had got into size 14 jeans. I always saw her as bigger than me so the news really upset me. I'm still kind of hurt about it tbh as in my head I'm now a big blob of a person next to her. Doesn't help that I'm a good couple of inches taller than her too!

I found this article trying to find out what the average weight of a size 14 and 12 are. I had a paddy at the weekend because all my size 16 jeans keep falling down, but the 14s in store where just too tight. I was so upset I ended up crying at my very confused boyfriend.

We've recently booked a holiday to Egypt in September so I've been trying to sort a weight loss goal for it. I've seen an amazing swim suit I want to wear but the biggest they do it is a 14. It would be really flattering to my shape (think 50's pin up whos let herself go and you've got me lol) and I think Tim would drool which is always nice :) I came across this article which has made me realise I'm being hard on myself. Thought I'd share;

The average weight of a British woman, but as these five show it comes in many shapes | Mail Online