Gold Member
Thats really interesting, but I'd need to be 7ft 2 to be a size 12 I reckon!!
Theres a woman I know who weighs more than me. She announced to my fitness class a few weeks ago (the day before i decided t join SW!!) that she had got into size 14 jeans. I always saw her as bigger than me so the news really upset me. I'm still kind of hurt about it tbh as in my head I'm now a big blob of a person next to her. Doesn't help that I'm a good couple of inches taller than her too!
I found this article trying to find out what the average weight of a size 14 and 12 are. I had a paddy at the weekend because all my size 16 jeans keep falling down, but the 14s in store where just too tight. I was so upset I ended up crying at my very confused boyfriend.
We've recently booked a holiday to Egypt in September so I've been trying to sort a weight loss goal for it. I've seen an amazing swim suit I want to wear but the biggest they do it is a 14. It would be really flattering to my shape (think 50's pin up whos let herself go and you've got me lol) and I think Tim would drool which is always niceI came across this article which has made me realise I'm being hard on myself. Thought I'd share;
The average weight of a British woman, but as these five show it comes in many shapes | Mail Online