Of course I don't mind

- Happy to have you here...
Today I'm 'off plan' - It's a conscious decision and I'm perfectly fine with it. Having said that, I haven't gone mad. I've been out for lunch and decided to have a 'Stack Burger' - it was obscene in size with cheese and bacon in between each burger + fries. I didn't eat it all, found the strength to leave about a third of it, even though my mind is shrieking that leaving it is a waste of money but I ignored that voice. I didn't have pudding either and having not had breakfast (lunch was quite early) and not feeling like eating dinner, it shouldn't be too bad.
Despite the rigid nature (so to speak) of keeping to plan I also feel it's important to do this every now and again. What's important to bear in mind is that it's once every six weeks (or longer), it's important not to go 'mad' buying and eating everything in sight and most important of all, make sure it's just one day and straight back on plan tomorrow...I've kept to all three of these things so far. If you factor in that I was wondering around Tesco's earlier, knowing I was off plan, and didn't go and buy myself a cake etc just for the sake of buying and eating it. Kids are having a treat tonight (fish and chip shop) but I won't be having anything at all. Oh and I have to make a large portion of my 'famous' Brownies later (no, they haven't go anything in them they shouldn't have lol) and I won't be having any of those either, despite them being truly yumscious.
Oh, I did make some SW Ferrero Rocher earlier today...They aren't too bad in all honestly.
So that's it...A conscious day off plan today (next one won't be for nine weeks!) but I'm completely comfortable with that
Happy Valentines day to you all for tomorrow - hope you're spoilt rotten as you all deserve to be!