Thanks Meli, yes I will remember that . I did do it for brekkie and tea , but just had the pear for lunch as I was eating leftovers forgot to add I had grilled toms with breakfast.
It wasn't really supposed to be EE day but some how it turned into one so I wasnt really prepared
Not sure what today will bring as i'm going for deep tissue massage for my sore shoulder and then going for coffee at the beach, its a bit cold down there , but never mind.
Have a great day.
Just a not to self: sorry if this is to much info but this is just a reminder to myself on my food diary so I can keep track.
I drank lots of sugary type drinks last week, hot ribena diet pop etc and was had a rough week with constipation so I stopped this week and i'm never off the loo. I wonder if there is a connection.
I did so well with the plan last week and if i'm honest was dissapointed with weightloss as looking at my pattern of loss over a month that should have been a big loss week.
Since I dropped the pop and stuff according to the scales I have already lost what I did in a few days what I lost last week

I know I shouldn't look but I am trailing something so it was experimental research
Will see what monday WI brings.
catch up later.