Thurs march 8th pv
Poached egg
2 slices lean ham
Cup green tea
Butternut squash with chilli soup
Green tea
0 fat yoghurt with sweetner and vanilla extract
Chicken tikka breasts x 2 made with 0 fat yoghutr lemon juice and tandoori masala powder, garlic powder,
Tomatoes, onion, cucumber and 2 tbsp cottage cheese
2 glasses diet coke
1.5 ltre water
Started day ok..tho still struggling with toilet "issues" decided to drag out my trainers which would probably fetch a fortune on the antiques roadshow due to the pristine condition and the age of them!
Had a jog around the block.well a kind of try and make it to the next lampost,then the next and so on until I collapsed in a heap on my doorstep fighting for breath like a 40 a day smoker even tho I have never smoked in my life..
I timed myself so I now have a record to beat : )
I had worked up an appetite so tucked into my soup which was worse punishment than the run!!
Thought a nice soup with plenty of chilli would do the trick so help with "transition" issues...sadly not although I did manage to sweat out a few litres and burn off my taste buds with the over enthusiasm of was H H H HOT!!!!
Spent a delightful afternoon on the phone to my 11yr old sons school as they had put him into "seclusion" for his behaviour to a teacher...
He's normally a really good boy so I was shocked..when I found out he had muttered baaa (sheep noise) under his breath when his friends said the teacher was afraid of sheep, I didn't know what to say.....seclusion for baaing??? Oh well good to know the school has discipline I suppose, but a bit harsh from my point of view. A telling off would have sufficed..but hey ho!
The rest of the day consisted of school run, drop off girls to dancing lesson, visit MIL , pick up from dancing, try and force the kids to taste my delicious *cough* soup of which they were having none of it! (Don't blame them lol)
I really enjoyed my chicken tikka tea

I can never get sick of chicken , which is a blessing on this plan.
I haven't had much of an appetite the last few days so have felt like I was forcefeeding myself so enjoying tea was a bonus.
Anyway I am rambling now. Catch you all later x