Sophie's Slimming World and Cinema critiques!

Hey Soph, your date sounds awesome, glad you had a good time, so thoughful of G to plan something like that for you! I've never tried Korean before, to be fair I don't think Sheffield even has a Korean restaurant, but it sounds good and is pretty SW friendly too.

You look amazing in those pics and like someone else said you've always been gorgeous! On the pic of you that was taken recently you look like a real life skinnie minnie, no-one would ever know you'd had issues with your weight if they saw you now! It's crazy how good 15 stone 3 looks on you, I swear I'd look at that pic and wouldn't say you were over 12 or 13 stone. I guess with being tall you carry your weight really well, being 'fairly' tall too if I look anything like you do at 15 stone I'll be over the bloody moon!

Hope you have a good day and the editing is going well xx
Hi Lexximon! Sorry I missed your post earlier- glad to have you here too :D where are you studying film? Do you know what department you want to go into?

Cheesy- Thanks for the kind words! :eek: *blush*!

I do feel like I'm starting to look normal now for the first time in my life- feels amazing! Still fairly chubby, but posted good pics ;) am really lucky that the height evens it out- 5'9 is tall too though! 12st will have you tiny!

When I got back from my Florida trip (I was 16st4 then, had just hit 4st award and had just left the 'obese' BMI range into 'overweight' which has been the most exciting thing so far lol!) I felt disheartened that I looked fat in the pics still as I'd been so excited to reach 4st award and 'overweight', but the next half stone seemed to make a real difference! Even my stepmother said I looked slimmer three weeks after the hol when I'd lost half a stone (that came off so fast after two weeks of eating american junk! Though I was actually really good and managed to lose a bloomin' pound on that hol LOL! All the walking around Disney parks!) so it's funny how a small amount more can make a difference.
Felt really disheartened for the first few stone I lost as I really didn't see any difference but now I can and it feels so surreal... I've been obese since I was 12 or so!

The korean place was actually Korean and Japanese- mainly Korean though but we both went for Japanese dishes actually haha, teriyaki is Japanese mainly I think... or maybe both! G had Katsu which is japanese too. Had never been to a Korean place before either :p they have just about every type of asian place in China Town! We usually go to a really cheap Japanese place around the corner but they don't have any grilled options, it's all deep fried there :/ so I always end up just having rice and sauce, thought we'd try somewhere else but it wasn't quite as nice and I would have preferred more rice and sauce LOL. I do love Japanese food though- especially as it doesn't feel too naughty! I mean, they're all skinny out there too, right?? ;) I reaaaally want to go back to that all you can eat sushi place again soon!! Dreaming about it haha.

Haha, I'm sure at 12 stone Kate Moss won't be quaking in her boots, but I'd be over the moon to be that weight! That's actually the top of my ideal BMI so ultimately I might aim for a little lower, but for now 12 stone it is!

Ooh and I read this article today and though you might be interested too, its related to exercise and weigh loss. If you've got time its an interesting read Its funny because the more I read about exercise, and from my own experiences too, the more I begin to think it doesn't do a great deal for weight loss. Of course if you do a crazy routine of 5-6hrs a day like the biggest loser contestants you're bound to see a difference, but for moderate exercisers I think the only thing it does really is make people feel more hungry! It's not going to stop me exercising, but I'm less than enthusiastic about seeing a boost on the scale!
Heading to bed in a sec so will read it tomorrow, but from the opening paragraph I can already find myself nodding! Damn, not the best motivation but oh well ;) exercise will help us get fit for our travels so we have stamina!
Cheeky Chinchilla should read that too! Since I remember her saying she had less than awesome weight loss results when exercising lots :p

Had 21 syns of Gin tonight- woops! Rekindled spontaneously with my bestie who I'd distanced from a bit recently, was so nice to hang out and catch up :) I videoed her poetry (as she is in the spoken word loop) for her and we watched silly videos and just generally caught up which was really nice. Supposably drinking with friends tomorrow night too- hmm! Will see! THough considering 21 syns is just a bit over my daily syns, I did get fairly drunk :O must be becoming a lightweight with the lack of drinking recently and my 25% less body weight! ;) hehehehehe!

So, ahem, 15 syns yest and 21 today is quite a lot for me pre WI, so not sure how the scales will look tomorrow! However- all I ate today was: a banana and activia for breakfast, a nectarine and a double Hex's Wholmeal pizza with lots of SF and chicken on top. It was really nice! Will post a pic when I can but the app wont let me, grr. On Monday I had just 6 syns so balances out today, but not sure if the extra syns on WI night might screw with it :rolleyes: oh EXCUSES excuses!

So yeah- had one syn of food for some of yesterdays BBQ sauce on it but otherwise no other food syns and didn't have dinner- basically had HEX's and free food- the only food that wasn't free on both days was a bit of chicken on the pizza :) had a load of grilled veg before I ate the pizza too for extra SF, carrots mainly. Hopefully WI goes better than the bloody gain on Monday, but am a bit nervous after all the gin! We mixed it with Lilt Zero which was really yummy actually :D I had 7 small shots (25-30ml rather than 35, counted them as 30ml each as most were to the brim) worth of Gin, swear it used to take me double that to get drunk!

:fingerscrossed: for tomorrow's WI *gulp*

STS today :( lost random Monday gain but still a bit annoyed. Had almost all of my syns this week which is unlike me, but think it is down to the booze last night as I feel dehydrated and am probably retaining fluids because of that? Hmph, silly idea to get drunk the night before WI!

Man, am really craving japanese sticky rice or unlimited sushi/japanese food again :p gulp. Might go there for lunch but supposed to drink with friends tonight for my friend's send off. She is off to a sort of emotional rehab place for 6 months or so, no visits or internet/phone access... she has been there before but not since we've been as close... Will suck a bit as she is the only one I really spend time with at the moment. So send off tonight and more drinks planned. Might just make japanese rice at home, never quite as good though!
P.s. Logged yesterday's food/drink on MFP and hit the exact target for calories- 1300, as drank instead of dinner. Gave me false hope!
Hey hun, sorry about the STS, but at least you lost that pound from earlier in the week. Plus I don't think the vodka will have helped with water retention etc so hopefully you'll be in for a good loss next week! Remember too that you lost a whopping 4.5lbs the week before so a slow week was probably on the cards anyway.

Have fun at the party tonight! Xxx
Thanks Cheesy :)

I kinda had a silly high syn day today as we had a chinese and were drinking. Gutted as the food totally sobered me up but I was starving and had been for hours so really needed it.

I had a really grumpy morning and got hungry and extra grumpy at lunch time, ended up having a salad and grilled a load of veg so had an entirely superfree lunch bar a syn for some honey on the carrots. Veg doesnt keep me full for long though and come 7pm I was hungry as hell, then I was nice and tipsy and the party had ordered food and I was going to just pick at some but then I was too hungry :( had a fairly small amount but they hadnt ordered my usuals and no plain rice, only fried :/ but anyway, I probably had about 12 syns worth but then roughly 18 syns of Gin which were wasted when I sobered up from the food!
It was a nice evening though until he end when everyone got a bit fed up of G and Dan hogging the conversation and talking.about asian films and kinda excluding everyone. Tried to get a game of uno extreme going with the girls as they arent he easiest to talk to but it fell pretty flat and eventually the host kicked us out at around midnight.

No more drinking for me though, need to keep low syn for a couple of days to detox now from this week. X
Hey don't beat yourself up, sounds like you were good for the rest of the day and one Chinese won't spoil anything, especially as you've got another 6 days till your next WI. Hope ya enjoy your detox, I'm attempting my first red day today!
Had a 0 syn red day today :| not planned at all! And only one of each healthy extra?! Wtf :eek:
Woke up late and had a juicy nectarine then scrambled eggs with cheese and sugar snap peas (no ketchup :eek:) around 1pm for breakfast, then had a small portion of slow cooked bolognase for dinner at 8.30 which was packed with veg, and a chewy delight bar (might have a:second hehe!)

Barely ate anything :O drank lots of tea and two diet pepsis but just havent been hungry (though have had to fight unnecessary munchies despite lack of hunger!)
Feel pretty awesome about that :D yesterday didnt eat that much either and today did two big poops so am going to cheekily move my mid week WI to tomorrow morning instead of Mon :p
Tomorrow is open house London so lots of buildings that arent usually open to the public are accessible for free! The feature film guys want to shoot some ariel shots from the top of battersea power plant which is totally derelict- exciting!
Hey matey!
I'm sorry I've been away from your diary for so long. Just had a nice big catch-up :D

The pics you posted are fantastic. It's insane when we look back at old pics because it's hard to see how we've changed when we look at ourselves every day. I know you know I still struggle with how I look and in my mind I still look like I did over 4st ago. But it really is amazing to look back at old pics and compare along the way. I keep a track of my losses in pics in my profile on here. Really does help to look at them!

I've opened that article and will have a good read. Made me laugh that you remember my grumblings about not losing weight when I exercise lol!

Sounds like you've been really busy lately. But does sound like things have been better with G? That was a really cool surprise he did for you. I'd have been well made up with that :D And so cool that you saw Stephen Fry in Twelfth Night!!

I saw We're the Millers earlier this week and I was pleasantly surprised too. It got a bit slated by critics and review-type people didn't it? I found it really funny and thought the whole cast worked very well together. My only fault with it was that it was a bit too long, but only a slight annoyance.

Hope you're having a really good weekend. Don't worry too much about the drinking :) xx
-1lb for mid week WI today. Should be chuffed after all the drinking and chinese but after two low apetite/barely eating days and some big poos I expected a -4 to get into the 14st range LOL oh well ;) happy for a loss.

Nearly killed us getting up at 8am this morning, G barely slept yesterday and today we were tossing and turning and the cat kept waking us up. Have been waking up around 1pm so 8am felt more like 5am :p and then friend texted half way into gettig ready asking to meet an hour later- grr! Wanted to get there early yo acoid queues but the trains from Oxford to London run less on Sundays so he cant make it in time. Oh well, we'll have to queue for 2hrs I guess :/

Hey Cheeky :D surprised that we both liked another film! Didnt find the Millers too long, loved the cast.
Lol that article makes me feel less crappy for not exercising :p though I didnt used to treat myself with a pastry like it suggested.

Sooo tired. Am really sensitive to caffiene and wonder if the two diet pepsis stopped me sleeping (though had them around 4pm!) but even after a huge mug of builders tea I feel close to drifting off on the soda right now :rolleyes:

I released a bit of a creative block the other day and got doing paintigs amd drawings and feel really good about creativity right now; it really is THE most important thing in my life (after food, water, oxygen, cat and maybe G, but probably not ;)) and when work stuff puts creative tension on me it really drags me into depression. Last night I was excited to finally go through Sweden pictures and edit, to get a new showreel in the works for my film stuff, to get our company a flickr profile, *********, etc, to get sharing photos again... Really a nice change in attitude, feels like a valve has reopened. Sadly though I was so exhausted yesterday that it was all a bit overwhelming and I spent all day just lazing about on the sofa (had gone to bed at 5am then woke up at 2pm ish and went up to bed at 9.30pm but didnt sleep for hours!)

Anyway, feel good about things but sadly have another work editing project to get on with so might lose the mojo by the time that is finished. :/
Yay for the 1lb off! Maybe you'll have to do some extra pooping this week ;)

The day I went to see The Millers I'd been to the hospital, had the horrible blood tests, walked through town, etc so was absolutely exhausted by the time we got to the pictures. So that's probably why I thought it was a bit long. Just wanted to get home!

I'm surprised that these articles are still going around. I thought we KNEW that exercise doesn't make us thin? There's no way we could realistically burn off the amount of calories we'd need to lose weight - unless we were athletes! Exercise tones our muscles and is extremely important for our health. But doesn't help us lose weight. It just annoys me that I stop losing weight or gain when I exercising - even over long periods of time. The 'rewarding' with food after exercise makes me laugh! Some people really have no idea :rolleyes: It was an interesting article tho! More people should definitely read it so that they understand what they're doing.
It's the same with dieting though isn't it? I always thought I ate relatively healthily, esp as a veggie. I ate a lot of chocolate and stuff tho. But when I started looking in to Slimming World and Weight Watchers it really hit me that actually, no, I ate really badly :p Probably why I was a size 20-22....who'd have thunk it?! LOL!

What's the word that has been starred out in the bit about social networks?? I'd love to see some of your Sweden pics!! xx
Aw man, had some nice food today! Yummy EE day!

Had a Mr Whippy (no flake) - 8 syns (mmmm!) while queuing for the open house London (at Battersea Power Plant) then for lunch had a pasta, pesto, chicken and prawn dish (4 syns for pesto and oil maybe, plus half a HexB for it) and then sushi later on (from Wasabi as I got hungry again- maybe 8 syns worth as it had these sticky chicken skewers in too which were very sweet and glazed! As I had 0 syns yesterday I'm not too fussed about going over, was really nice to eat yummy stuff today ^^ had a bit of salad with lunch and a banana beforehand, and scrambled cheesy eggs with a red pepper and sugar snap peas for breakfast.
Unfortunately we didn't realise that we wouldn't be able to go up the tower- thought we'd get really great ariel shots but ended up only being allowed on ground floor :( grr. The director is going to pay for me to go up the shard though to video some shots of London from up there, that'll be cool :D

Started going through some shots from Sweden photoshoot :) feeling good about it. Need to get on with editing the event video though as deadline is in two weeks and I haven't done much :(
Did an 'official' mid week WI today so my Wii has it recorded for Monday- put yesterday's lost pound back on... Lol >:-\ i know it is silly to weigh two days in a row though, Thurs is the weight that counts.
Feeling sluggish today, lots of walking yesterday with a heavy bag. G is watching Formula1, am trying to not get p*ssed about that. Have just layed in bed sice waking up an hour and a half ago, via breakfast and WI.
Might try get some editing done or just chill and read a book...
Hey hun, try not to get too demoralised by that pound, if you weigh yourself every day you'll get some crazy fluctuations. I'm sure it'll be gone by your 'official' WI on Friday. Plus from looking at your food yesterday you had pesto which can be crazy salty, so I'm pretty sure its just a water weight thing.

Hope you have a good day. Are you reading anything good at the minute? Nothing beats a lazy afternoon with a good book! x
Nah, am not down about it :) kinda expected as much as had barely eaten on Sat and pooped twice so stomach was probably pretty empty for my cheeky Sunday WI, but would have been full of pasta and sushi this morn.

Have had a super lazy day and havent done much, didnt even read! Have been doodling and watching tv and just wasting time really. We are supposably getting the car back tomorrow (has been in the garage for a month!) so might do a sainsburys run and hit up our fave all you can eat sushi place too ;)

Had an awesome greek salad for lunch- am going to make another the same nowethinks for dinner! Had feta cheese (45g hexA), 7 black olives (1 syn), 3 boiled eggs with salad cream on and half a pack of bacon with iceburg lettuce and cherry tomatos... Was SO satisfying! Not sure I can get away with more hard boiled eggs but G had said he will tollerate the gas if I really want them LOL. Have some really really yummy bolognase left from Red day on Sat so might have that on the side rather than more bacon. I swear since joining SW I have eaten SO MUCH more bacon! I never really used to bother with it as I didnt like the fat, but I am enjoying it freely now :D removing the fat before cooking of course.
Just found this interesting test about your body shape and perception of self:

My result was that I was 10% smaller than the one I guessed, cool! Had to put in measurements so measured up, have lost two inches off waist and an inch off arms since last month! :D

Need to get back on with my arms rouine/press ups, totally forgot after day 12 LOL but clearly they were doing something! :D

Just looked at my overall inches lost and arms have lost 2.5 inches in total- 1 inch in the past month and 1.5 iches in the previous 9 months so clearly the 12 days of exercises did a lot :O that's motivation!!

So far have lost:

6" off waist (2" in past month/also from those exercises!),
4" off tum (feels like way more than that though :S ),
5" off each thigh :eek:,
7" off hips (2" from past month/exercises!)

Guess the press ups and plank really helped with waist and the chair dips could feel them in my thighs- wow! Also, looking at my inches chart I lost the most off of my thighs (2.4") in May which I think is when I was doing lots of wii fit on mainly the cycling game which is alllll in the legs, and exerbeat- so even if I had meh losses when exercising it is really motivation to get back on it!

Had another salad for dinner with ham instead of bacon and a bit of bolognase on the side, wasnt as good as the lunch one but still feel happy that I had a Red salad filled day :D 5 syns within the two salads for olives and salad cream light. Had two chewy D's for HexBs and feta for both As. Have loads of chewy Ds to eat up as didnt have them for a while and stocked uo when they were on offer, but best before dates are close now! :p
That test looks interesting, I need to get a tape measure first though! Will be worthwhile to do though as at least on weeks I don't see a great loss on the scale I can see if I've lost inches.

Salad looks scrummy, another one for my "must try" list!

3.5lbs off for me this week - thanks for your help with the red days, I think it's paid off! :)
Hey Cheesy! 3.5- wow! That's half a stone off in two weeks!? :O amazing!

I did a naughty today :p got our car back from the garage (had been a month to fix a tiny scratch after some bint colided with us, ugh) so went for a big food shop and a big unlimited sushi/japanese food again :D OMG! So good
Screen Shot 2013-09-24 at 19.07.32.png
On top of this we had Ramen and these thick udon noodles in a soup too which were amazing! Ate until I was stuffed which is bad, but didn't have lunch so at least that should balance out the calories a bit :rolleyes: have been a bit Japanese food mental this week... 3rd time in 7 days!? Dang... Bet WI won't be so great after all the carbs *sigh* but I did ask for no mayo to be used on the sushi and apart from some naughty tempura and a couple of those amazing dumplings it was mainly rice and fish...! My annoying aunt who likes to make everyone feel **** about there flaws happened to call me as we were finishing up, she was like "Did you know that sushi is full of calories?" I just wanted to yell "STFU! I lost 4lbs last time I came here!" but not sure if that's accurate LOL.

G's feeling really drained today, like possibly ill drained (as I said on Cheese Theif's diary, he sometimes gets symptomless illnesses where he's just heavily fatigued for a week or so, we were discussing if maybe it's because of the Glandular fever he had last year as apparently it can cause bouts of tiredness years later, but I think he's been getting this sort of thing for a long time...) it didn't make the whole shopping trip much fun as driving was really stressing him out and we're about to head off out again to pick something up off a friend.

Felt good about my salad day yest until I logged it on MFP and realised I consumed 1650 cal between the two salads and yoghurt+ fruit breakfast- what!? Feta cheese (hexA1+2) and 6(!) eggs really add up in calories :( dang. Anyway, as far as SW is concerned it was a low syn, superfree filled day, hopefully will cancel out today a bit :rolleyes: have a good girl Red day planned for tomorrow- am going to make wholemeal extra lean beef burgers and bolognase with all of the beef I got today from sainsbury's.