Oh wow, that sounds really good actually, maybe I could get away with a cruise some time hehe. I have always fancied trips to interesting places like the Antarctica and I definitely want to see Alaska at some point. Sounds like you have had a very interesting life so far Darcy, Canada is also still on my to do list. So is Greenland and Iceland.
I'm from nowhere interesting, I'm from Germany. So although you can't detect an accent in my writing, you might read the odd "alienisms" as I call them. Have been in Britain for nearly 10 years now, came to Wales on a family holiday when I was 19 and loved it. So when I got home, I finished my apprenticeship, did an intensive college course of English and Spanish and training in international administration etc, packed my car and booked a one-way ferry ticket to Britain. That's when I discovered I get really sea sick

Although I have sort of settled here, I am very much a free spirit and have worked in all sorts of odd jobs to keep myself going, and am not overly concerned about the distant future. Things have always worked out for me, I work hard and am content with a modest life style but I do like to save up and explore a bit. Even if it's just little trips here and there, I have done some mini trips to Denmark, Switzerland and Italy and I enjoy just taking the car and going some place.
I do like my own company, but am quite sociable at the same time and when it comes to travelling, I always go with my best friend. We tend to go off on very spontaneous trips, one time she accompanied me to the dentist and it was a Friday, nice sunny early summer weather. So we decided after the dentist to just keep driving and ended up in Devon where we camped in the car for two days and lived on chips and bags of salad. We probably smelled a bit funny when we got back but it was great. We both make friends easily and since our trip to Africa, we are still in touch with people we met out there and visit each other. You don't have to be materially rich to make life-enriching experiences. I have always done everything on a small budget but never wanted for anything. And that's how I intend to carry on in my life. Sorry it got so mega philosophical. Oh dear.