Thanks...reading my post I think it sounds more interesting that it actually is

My life seems rather routine to me now being in a steady office job. Having said that, my bosses are super flexible people and have given me months off at a time so I can go off and do what I like

One of my little obsessions is lighthouses. So wherever I am (if it's by the coast of course!) I find the nearest one and tick it off my list as it were. I just love them. Solitary and proud.
I see my family about once a year. It doesn't seem much I know. But time just flies. And I do talk to my mum a lot on the phone and email/skype the rest of my family regularly. I don't have a big family so that makes it easier in a way. How long has your sister been in the States?
Thanks Darcy. Spontaneity goes well with my impatient nature because I struggle to wait for anything

Having said that, big trips like my Africa trip were planned well in advance of course. It's the little trips within Britain/Europe that don't need much planning. I always have a little vanity bag in my handbag with some toiletries and underwear and always carry my passport so I can just go off if the opportunity were to present itself. Weird huh, I have never actually gone abroad without knowing at least two or three days in advance but it makes me feel like I can. And you can buy a toothbrush anywhere hehe.
Oooh Alaska. I really fancy that. How long was the cruise? I think it was something silly like watching a film that made me want to go there. A rom com with Sandra Bullock, can't remember now what it was called, but it was set mostly in Alaska and I thought, yep, I'll go there.