Total Solution South Pacific

Hi Lynne

I am back on Exante from tomorrow - to try yet one more time :rolleyes:

I don't know what happens in my head - I do well for a long time, then something snaps and I'm back to stuffing my face :(

Work has been incredibly stressful - too complicated to fully explain, but basically the new company is doing a major reorganisation and making us all jump through hoops. I wanted to work for a few more years at least - to fund my holidays! Now though, I'm wondering if I should just retire in April ( I'll be 59 then ) and get out of the rat race. It's a huge step financially as I'm single and the pension is about a third of my current salary! So, no more cruises :cool:

I've got a lot of thinking to do in the next few months - as well as trying to do something drastic about my weight :confused:
Hope your work situation works out. Will you get a lump sum if you retire? I'm lucky that we have a flexible retirement scheme at work. Good luck with Exante. I know you'll do well!
Hello Darcy. How are you doing?
Hi Lynne

I'm fine, thanks. Bit the bullet and stood on the scales this morning, and have updated my ticker :(

I have to get this under control or I'm going to have all sorts of health problems sooner or later.

In answer to your earlier question, yes I will get a lump sum with my NHS pension. I'm going to do some serious thinking over the next few months :cool:
I'm converting as much as I can to my lump sum!
Hi Darcy, good luck with your restart xx
Hi Darcy, here to follow! Good luck :) x
So far, so good :)

Work is incredibly stressful - but I'm managing not to resort to my usual comfort eating :rolleyes:
Well done Darcy. I had a difficult day today and did resort to a little comfort eating but I'm just going to have to put it behind me
Awesome loss Darcy, well done xx