Spotty's Road to Slimdom

Morning Anna,

You must stop weighing yourself, I know it's hard, I've been there. Your body will vary in weight from day to day, sometimes up, sometimes down. That's why it's important to only weigh once a week and in the exact same conditions each week.
Evening Anna:)
Yeah, I'm definitly with Jim on this one! Stop it! If I weigh myself on a Sunday after I've had my "cheat day" I guarantee I weigh about 5lbs heavier (no joke) and if I weigh myself every day afterwards I feel really depressed because I'm always heavier than my last WI. The only day that I lose weight on is my actual WI day.

I always weigh myself first thing on a Saturday morning after I've been to the loo! lol!
Morning Anna:)
I always weigh myself first thing on a Saturday morning after I've been to the loo! lol!

That was me Claire. :)

Morning Anna
Yep - put the scales down! Now, slowly back away from the scales! Don't let them become your new god. Don't innocently give those (also innocent) scales the power to decide what kind of day you will have. Get someone to hide them, or to take the batteries out lol.
Hi all -

Thanks for your messages... I'm still here, just been crazy busy at work.

Today has been 'one of those' so far, started with getting lost on the way to work... twice! Then spilling mayo all over the office kitchen. Then missing a training session. Then finding out a big project I am managing is being pushed back because of a colleague missing a deadline... and so on and so on. Honestly - if I were a weaker human being I'd be reaching for a nice sweet cup of tea and a custard cream.


I know what you are all saying about regular weighing, but I can't help it! We all do it, even when we say we don't or shouldn't.

I don't want to continue with Atkins if it isn't working for me- hence why I am keeping a close eye on things. Also if I see my weight is creeping up AGAIN, I will know that I need to try and tweak things.

As it stands, IF I end up over 12st 11.25lbs tomorrow, I will KNOW that something isn't going right. That would mean I haven't shifted for yet another week, and I will have to seriously rethink my strategy for losing weight. Possibly even do shakes again for a while. I dunno.

It is starting to cause arguments at home... I am spending loads more money on special food and not getting any significant results. My partner has noticed I have slimmed down around my neck and chest, but not in my problem areas (butt, thighs etc). We even ended up in a heated talk the other night with him telling me he isn't sure he is going to fancy me if I keep doing this diet without doing it alongside significant exercise... he finds people lazy and unattractive that don't want to exercise very much, on top of the diet being inconvenient and expensive. I am sure if I had more losses going on, things would be different, but who knows.

So anyway - will see how weigh in goes tomorrow. If it is the 'same again' within a 1lb (for the FOURTH week in a row) then I am going to have to rethink. I am sure that even the slowest losers lose more than 1lb in a month when they have first started :(

If that is the case I am proposing a big carb-out... sweets, ice cream and junk food - followed by major clean induction again. See if the 'shock your system' idea really does work.


Hoping for 12st 10lbs or less...

Hugs to all.

SD xxx
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Good luck with whatever you decide! :)
Good luck hun. I think its unfair for your other half to put pressure on you. My hubby has been supportive for years with my yo yo dieting hes seen a size 12/14 to 20/22 and back and forth. Dont get me wrong he gets frustrated for me / with me. He agrees exercise is a big key. But loves me regardless. try not to argue im sure he loves you the same. Life can be crap sometimes and that doesnt help the diet situation. chin up love x
Morning Anna, not a good situation for you is it love. Good luck on your weigh in
Hi Jim, it's not ideal, but I'll get there. I'm doing this for me. I want to be slimmer and fitter. I want my back to feel better (already feeling a change) and I want to be more confident and active. But I need to do it in my own time and my own way.

The biggest concern for my OH isn't the fact I am dieting, as such - it's the fact I am not exercising vigorously at the same time. He worries that without exercise I will shrink to a really odd shape that he won't find attractive. I am trying to explain that I WILL do more exercise (I'm limited anyway because a lot of exercise aggravates my back) to tone up and shape myself, but AFTER I have lost some more weight and have a canvas to work with.

As it stands I am swimming about 4 times a week, and doing pilates every Tuesday. Going to look at something else as well, probably something cycling based.

ANYWAY - rant over. Since the 'big convo' with OH he hasn't said anything else, and things between us are great - so I am hoping it was said in the heat of the moment and he can continue to be supportive.

The big news of the morning is WEIGH IN... not amazing, but equally not another rubbish one. I am now back to my 'low' of the diet so far, before I put some back on again... so that's 1lb down on last Friday. 12st 10.25lbs :)

Therefore decided not to throw my low-carby toys out of the pram. Going to give it one more week and see if I can break into the single figures of the twelve stone bracket.

Hugs to all, and thanks for putting up with me. I know I am hard work with my constant weighings and my moans.

I cannot quite believe I am still hanging in there with this diet... my willpower is astonishing!

Ooh, and good news wise - we have a date to move house and have found a tenant for the flat! WOOO! :)

SD xxx
Good luck hun. I think its unfair for your other half to put pressure on you. My hubby has been supportive for years with my yo yo dieting hes seen a size 12/14 to 20/22 and back and forth. Dont get me wrong he gets frustrated for me / with me. He agrees exercise is a big key. But loves me regardless. try not to argue im sure he loves you the same. Life can be crap sometimes and that doesnt help the diet situation. chin up love x

Sounds like bliss! Hehe.

I dunno - I am never happy. I was with a guy that loved me regardless, and it was probably partly because of him that I allowed myself get to a size 24 in the first place... in hindsight I would have liked a little less 'love' and a little more help being healthy.

I've got the flipside now though, so serves me right for being ungrateful the first time around. Lol. Just kidding. I know my OH loves me, and I suppose if he can't be honest with me, who will be?

Anyway- time will tell if he can cope with me being this way... I am never going to be a super super fit, slim girl that runs marathons and has a six pack - but that's not who I ever claimed to be, so at least I know I am being true to myself if he does decide I'm not for him. I just hope it never comes to that!

SD xx
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Well done with the loss spotty. Onwards and downwards. sounds like you are doing alot of exercise with the swimming and pilates. Something I need to think about. Good luck for the coming week. hun x
Sounds like you've got a lot of pressure on the home front to please your OH... only you can tell if he's worth it... relationships are weird things... I was in an abusive one for decades and had a completely distorted outlook about myself and world as a result... sometimes we need a reason to look after ourselves... my reason at the moment is my knees ha ha... but, if it wasn't for them I might not have started on the weight loss journey. Good luck with it as you seem very bright, articulate and you certainly write well - your photos show you to be a very pretty girl so I would say your OH is very lucky to have you xx:).
Sounds like you've got a lot of pressure on the home front to please your OH... only you can tell if he's worth it... relationships are weird things... I was in an abusive one for decades and had a completely distorted outlook about myself and world as a result... sometimes we need a reason to look after ourselves... my reason at the moment is my knees ha ha... but, if it wasn't for them I might not have started on the weight loss journey. Good luck with it as you seem very bright, articulate and you certainly write well - your photos show you to be a very pretty girl so I would say your OH is very lucky to have you xx:).

((Hugs)). I have had friends in abusive relationships and it is so heartbreaking to see someone close to you going through that. Sorry you had to go through that for such a long time.

My OH is definitely worth it - he makes me really happy and we are the best of friends, he just needs to keep his strong opinions to himself sometimes - as we all do (it is very rare that he says hurtful things)... particularly when it is about how I conduct myself and choose to live my life.

I know my weight, diet and body affect him too, but what he thinks has always and will always be secondary to what I think and how it affect me. After all, it is true that unless you are true to yourself, it's all cr*p anyway.

I am doing things for me first, and us second (a close second, but second nonetheless)... if he and I weren't together I would still want to lose weight and get in shape, I would probably just feel under a bit less pressure to do it 'for the sake of my relationship'; even if that was an exaggeration on his part, these things stick with us gals. Lol!