Afternoon one and all! Sorry for being so quiet on here recently - been a manic week.
Going through a bit of a weird time with work - could be out of a job in around a month so I've been hecticly looking around, and flinging CVs out left right and centre. Eek!
Went to Tesco earlier and filled my basket with all manner of meaty treats, including low carb frankfurthers, sliced roast beef, chicken thighs, serrano ham etc... oh, and about 12 pots of SF jelly and some atkins bars.
OH is looking after dinner tonight, so hopefully he will do be something nice and Atkins friendly. I think he is still trying to get his head around it - only a few days ago he said he thought eggs and cheese were pure carb - so there is a bit of re-educating to do. It's strange to think that some people just don't "understand" food the way we fatties do, lol. When you've never had to bother, why would you? *jealous*
Other than that, I am meeting an old girlfriend at my pool after work for a swim. Not seen here properly for a while, and have heard that she is a bit miserable at the moment, so hopefully will be able to cheer her up. Then got 'another' girlfriend coming round to my place afterwards for a girlie catch up. Should be a nice evening.
Have just booked this Friday off work so loving the fact I've only got two more work days left this week. Yey! Going to a wedding on Saturday down in a village south of Gloucester, so figured I'd book a hotel for Friday night around Cheltenham... chose one with a nice pool so OH and I can go swimming and have some bubbles. Should be a nice weekend
Right then - I am nattering about very little of note, so I will jog on and shuffle papers around to get me through to 5pm, hehe.
Oh, weight wise - worth mentioning - I seem to have stuck on 12st 10.5lbs since last Friday, so please can you all cross you fingers for me to have a whoosh over the next few days, all very annoying!!
I haven't been bad this week Whooshy Fairy, honestly I haven't

So... please fairy, please... get your ass over here and get whooshin'.
SD xx