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Hey, difficult to reply to all as on my iPhone and can't see the messages! But Sandra... I just went back to try to find the diary that had shocked me a little. Sure you have to allow yourself the odd treat, but the real key to success is changing WHY you eat food... Eating it to survive not to indulge. And seeing someone say on maintenance that they had 5 packets of crisps, a chocolate mousse and a freddo all in one meal... And then a few days later having 4 crumpets and two pieces of toast with butter and more chocolate all in one sitting... That is not a permanent, life changing shift in the way she sees food. Which is her choice and that's fine. But it just made me clarify to myself that I am going to put my heart and soul into gaining a consistent healthy attitude surrounding food and it's purpose. A bag of crisps a week is fine. 5 in one day is what made us all obese in the first place and I'd rather eat cat sh!t than end up back to my old habits after 5 months of starvation and hard work! I'm in no way putting her down... It's her choice if she wants to do that. But i just mentioned it in my diary because it emphasised the change I want to make. Can't remember what else I was meant to reply to now lol