St. Valentines Chellenge. Please Read. :)

Ok here's my last one for this challenge. I lost 5 and 3/4 pounds this weel

My goal was to lose 14lbs

Wk1 -6.5lbs
(Wk2 - 3lbs
Wk3 - 4lbs
Wk4 - 5
Wk5 - 5.3/4lbs

Total = 241/4 pounds! Smashed right through that target then :D Yipppeeee!
I made it

17 stones exactly, i'm elated could probably have been 16 stones by now if i didn't faff around so much i'm happy though.:)
13St 3.5Ibs

11St 4Ibs
-27.0Ibs (wk1-9.5Ibs) (wk2-4.5lbs)
(wk3-3.5lbs) (wk4 - 3.5) (week 5 - 5) (week 6 - 4) 30lbs gone forever!!!!
Well I did it!!!! 3lbs over my target and am so pleased!! Well done to everyone else, what a great challenge xxxxx​
18St 12.1lbs
17St 6.1lbs
(-2.9lbs) (-2lbs)
(-4.6lbs) (-1.2lbs)
(-7.2) (-3.6) (-4.6)

My goal was to lose 18lbs.. I lost 26.1 lbs!
Weighed in on Monday 12th Feb at bang on 17stone :D Never thought I would be happy to say that, but I am! :D lol

Well done all! :)
Yes! Yes! Yes!

I lost 3lbs this week. I don't know what happened to loss last week I lost 1 lb. So I have lost a total of... 20lbs, which is 6lbs over my set target and I am now in the 11's. Hooray!!!!

Well done to everyone and here's looking forward to the next challenge.

Jazzy x
Well done Everyone some fantastic results!!!:D :D :D

Personally I have put on over the period of the challenge:( still working on that but have achieved the second part of the challenge I set myself to get fitter and have an regular exercise routine set up. This seemed even bigger a challenge to me in a way but has been fantastic and now feel fitter and much happier and confident.

Still need to work on keeping the weight off and making that pesky weight gain history.

Hats off to all those who got back on track after Christmas you must feel fab now! ;)

Good Luck all wth your next challenges.

Dizzy x
Well, time to own up - I was going to lose 21lbs but managed only 8lbs........................

No-one to blame but me!!

On a more positive note, I've been back on track all week so I will make 12st next month.:D

Congratulations to all of you:D :D :D
Well, time to own up - I was going to lose 21lbs but managed only 8lbs........................

No-one to blame but me!!

On a more positive note, I've been back on track all week so I will make 12st next month.:D

Congratulations to all of you:D :D :D

8lbs is still over half a stone :D Good result I'd say :):) must be dead cool to be so close to 12st as well!! :eek: :D
Hey Peeps, I have been very very very bold so am sure I am nowhere near my target....will weigh on sunday anyway and let yis know the damage!!

Well done to everyone who came close to, achieved and smashed their targets!!

Christmas DID happen,
so did NYE.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who took the time to participate in the

YYSt. Valentines ChallengeYY

as you are all aware the Challenge ends today. It did feel like forever!

So let me congratulate everyone who took part;

:) those who dropped out: I hope and pray you are still following your diets even if you've fallen off the wagon. We've all done it; feel no shame. Your strength lies in your ability to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and carry on regardless. Keep fighting.

:) those who fell short of their goal: for whatever reason, who knows, who cares, you are still winners - this isn't a competition amongst others, it's a competition with yourself, your will and your spirit.

:) those who acheived your goal: well done. Fat is a funny old thing and is lost in spits and spurts. Well done anyhow. Keep going!

:) those who surpassed their goal: well done and keep going. I'm sure you're pleased that there are a few less pounds to think about than originally estimated.


So in conclusion. Well done everyone, again, you are all winners, me included ;) It's not the weight loss that counts here, it was the will to join in, stand up and push yourself to acheive.
When I started the challenge the days were short and the weather miserable. Now the days are getting longer and there is the distinct whiff and evidence that Spring is waiting to take her baton. I hope the challenge served to focus your minds through what is for me the most horrid time of year. Additionally, I hope the challenge gave you a good jump start to summer 'slimness', happiness and health.
Cake’N’eat it
Chelle powell
Dieting Queen
Fuzzys Angel
Leaner Mina
Polish Rose

and thanks for taking part.

Much Love
WOW Kath, you are doing very well! over 94Ibs lost since September. I'm so chuffed for you. So many people on here are doing so well, it's a shame, some, like you kath, slip passed without me noticing. I guess you have a life to live and have better things to do than post every single pound lost, on here, 24/7 like me! :)
WOW Kath, you are doing very well! over 94Ibs lost since September. I'm so chuffed for you. So many people on here are doing so well, it's a shame, some, like you kath, slip passed without me noticing. I guess you have a life to live and have better things to do than post every single pound lost, on here, 24/7 like me! :)

Lol, well I post every week, it's the first thing I do when I get in from my weigh in - I'm obsessed with updating my ticker every week :D
well, I was just thinking, I suppose I'd better get in and own up, I have only lost 10 after all my messing about!

Then I read the lovely lovely post that you put up Cah ching, about us all being winners anyway and I feel so much more proud at having lost 10 whole pounds.... instead of ONLY 10 pounds if you know what I mean!

Thank you so much for the challenge and the support!

Lol, well I post every week, it's the first thing I do when I get in from my weigh in - I'm obsessed with updating my ticker every week :D

LOL! then you see what I mena about you quiet ones passing me by! You aren't shouting loud enough! :D
well, I was just thinking, I suppose I'd better get in and own up, I have only lost 10 after all my messing about!

Then I read the lovely lovely post that you put up Cah ching, about us all being winners anyway and I feel so much more proud at having lost 10 whole pounds.... instead of ONLY 10 pounds if you know what I mean!

Thank you so much for the challenge and the support!


Of Course you've done well!!!!!!! You're nearly a stone closer to your target. I don't think I'd be the only person chastising you for being disappointed with your loss! :)

I'd have said the same if you lost 1Ib or 100Ibs.