I'd skip the salad, yes.
If you've decided to do SS then I'd give yourself a very firm timescale for this. And don't include treats or time off or bits of chicken etc. so .... In your situation ( remind me what you weigh ? ) , if I wanted to lose say, three stone, this is entirely achievable in 12 weeks. So I'd do SS for those 12 weeks. Personally speaking, 7 weeks was my limit. I started to feel unwell and had terrible bruising for some reason so I just instinctively knew it was time for me to stop.
It's such a lot of money that it just seems a waste to slow down losses for the sake of some chips or whatever. My advice would be to totally go for it for a specific time scale and then look at something else.
I didn't work up the steps because it seems like money for old rope to me. I stopped the diet at 10 st 5 and lost a further stone by calorie counting and low carbing. Well, moderate carbs ... I like to eat fruit etc.
It's a really brutal plan though and it's so easy to have a wobble and before you've even realised it, you're giving yourself permission to eat something. I sometimes do the odd 5 day detox using shakes/ very low carb food if I've over done it and this usually brings me back in line.
I admire you though for getting back to it. Honestly, be really mindful and just give it 100%. Nobody ever woke up in the morning and really regretted NOT eating that pizza : )